18 days ago
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function createLeafObject(rack) local distance = 0.7 local initialOffset = -1.0 local rackPositions = { {x = initialOffset, y = 0, z = rack.coords.z + 1.7}, {x = initialOffset + distance, y = 0, z = rack.coords.z + 1.7}, {x = initialOffset + 2 * distance, y = 0, z = rack.coords.z + 1.7}, {x = initialOffset + 3 * distance, y = 0, z = rack.coords.z + 1.7}, } rack.leafObjects = {} for _, leafData in ipairs(rack.dryingData) do if not leafData.netId then local weedTypeData = getWeedTypeByLeaf(leafData.leafType) if not weedTypeData then print("Error: Could not find weed type for leafType: " .. tostring(leafData.leafType)) return end local leafObject = weedTypeData.leafRackObject if not leafObject then print("Error: leafRackObject not found for leafType: " .. tostring(leafData.leafType)) return end local baseCoords = rackPositions[leafData.positionIndex] local rotatedX, rotatedY = rotateAroundPoint(baseCoords.x, baseCoords.y, 0, 0, rack.currentHeading) local finalCoords = { x = rack.coords.x + rotatedX, y = rack.coords.y + rotatedY, z = baseCoords.z } local obj = CreateObjectNoOffset(leafObject, finalCoords.x, finalCoords.y, finalCoords.z, true, false, false) if DoesEntityExist(obj) then FreezeEntityPosition(obj, true) SetEntityRotation(obj, 0.0, 0.0, rack.currentHeading + 90.0, 2, true) local netId = NetworkGetNetworkIdFromEntity(obj) leafData.netId = netId leafData.object = leafObject else print("Error: Failed to create leaf object for leafType: " .. tostring(leafData.leafType)) end end table.insert(rack.leafObjects, leafData.netId) end if #rack.dryingData ~= #rack.leafObjects then print("Warning: dryingData and leafObjects length mismatch for rack with netId " .. rack.netId) end saveRackData() end
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