a year ago
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import { Then, When } from "@cucumber/cucumber" import { page } from "../setup" const { expect } = require("@playwright/test") When("I enter required data in the form", async function (dataTable) { await page.goto(`/management`) await page.getByRole("link", { name: "Management" }).click() await page.getByRole("button", { name: "Add New User" }).click() const rows = dataTable.rows() for (const row of rows) { const [firstname, lastname, email, dateofbirth, language] = row await page.getByPlaceholder("First Name").click() await page.getByPlaceholder("First Name").fill(firstname) await page.getByPlaceholder("Last Name").fill(lastname) await page.getByPlaceholder("Email", { exact: true }).click() await page.getByPlaceholder("Email", { exact: true }).fill(email) await page.locator("#date_of_birth").fill(dateofbirth) await page.getByRole("combobox", { name: "Language *" }).selectOption(language) } await page.getByRole("button", { name: "Confirm" }).click() }) Then("I should see a success message", async function (dataTable) { const row = dataTable.rows() const message = row[0][0] const msg_success = await page.getByRole("status", { name: "Status message" }).first().textContent() console.log(msg_success) await expect(msg_success).toMatch(message) }) Then("I should see unsuccessful message", async function (dataTable) { const row = dataTable.rows() const message = row[0][0] const msg_unsuccess = await page.getByRole("alert", { name: "Error message" }).first().textContent() console.log(msg_unsuccess) await expect(msg_unsuccess).toMatch(message) })