2 months ago
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import json import csv import AdminModule as admin GREEN = "\033[92m" RED = "\033[91m" BLUE = "\033[94m" RESET = "\033[0m" finance = {} try: file = open("finance.json", "r") finance = json.load(file) except FileNotFoundError: finance = { "income": 0, "expenses": { "food": 0, "transport": 0, "entertainment": 0 }, "remainingBalance": 0, "budget": 0 } def addExpenses(expType): found = False for key in finance["expenses"]: if expType == key: found = True try: expamount = int(input("Enter Your Expense Amount: ")) finance["expenses"][key] += expamount income = finance["income"] finance["remainingBalance"] = income - sum(finance["expenses"].values()) if sum(finance["expenses"].values()) > finance["budget"]: print(f"{RED}Warning: You've exceeded your monthly budget!{RESET}") else: print(f"{GREEN}Expense Successfully Added!{RESET}") except ValueError: print(f"{RED}Invalid amount entered! Please enter a number.{RESET}") if not found: print("Key is invalid") def editExpenses(): expType = input("Enter the Expense Type to Edit: ") if expType in finance["expenses"]: try: new_amount = int(input("Enter the New Expense Amount: ")) finance["expenses"][expType] = new_amount finance["remainingBalance"] = finance["income"] - sum(finance["expenses"].values()) # Check if the expenses exceed the budget after editing if sum(finance["expenses"].values()) > finance["budget"]: print(f"{RED}Warning: You've exceeded your monthly budget!{RESET}") else: print(f"{GREEN}Expense Successfully Updated!{RESET}") except ValueError: print(f"{RED}Invalid amount entered! Please enter a number.{RESET}") else: print(f"{RED}Expense type not found!{RESET}") def setBudget(): try: budget = int(input("Enter your monthly budget: ")) finance["budget"] = budget print(f"{GREEN}Budget set to {budget}!{RESET}") except ValueError: print(f"{RED}Invalid amount entered! Please enter a number.{RESET}") def loadFile(): global finance try: with open("finance.json", "r") as file: finance = json.load(file) print(f"{GREEN}File successfully loaded!{RESET}") except FileNotFoundError: print(f"{RED}No file exists to load.{RESET}") def saveFile(): with open("finance.json", "w") as file: json.dump(finance, file, indent=4) print(f"{GREEN}Data saved successfully into finance.json!{RESET}") def searchExpenses(): expType = input("Enter keyword or amount to search for: ") if expType in finance["expenses"]: print(f"{GREEN}Category: {expType}, Amount: {finance['expenses'][expType]}{RESET}") else: print(f"{RED}No expense category {expType} found!{RESET}") def DisplayReport(): print(f"\n{GREEN}-- Financial Report --{RESET}") print(f"{BLUE}{'--------------------------------'}{RESET}") print(f"{GREEN}Income: {finance['income']}{RESET}") total_expenses = sum(finance["expenses"].values()) print(f"{RED}Total Expenses: {total_expenses}{RESET}") print(f"{GREEN}Remaining Balance: {finance['remainingBalance']}{RESET}") if finance["budget"] > 0: if total_expenses > finance["budget"]: print(f"{RED}You have exceeded your budget!{RESET}") else: print(f"{GREEN}You are within your budget!{RESET}") else: print(f"{RED}No budget set!{RESET}") print(f"{BLUE}{'--------------------------------'}{RESET}") def MonthlyReport(): try: total_expenses = sum(finance["expenses"].values()) with open("summary.csv", "w") as csvfile: writer = csv.writer(csvfile) writer.writerow(["Category", "Amount"]) writer.writerow(["Income", finance["income"]]) for category, amount in finance["expenses"].items(): writer.writerow([category, amount]) writer.writerow(["Total Expenses", total_expenses]) writer.writerow(["Remaining Balance", finance["remainingBalance"]]) writer.writerow(["Monthly Budget", finance["budget"]]) print(f"{GREEN}Monthly report generated successfully in summary.csv!{RESET}") except Exception: print(f"{RED}Error generating summary{RESET}") while True: print(f"\n{RED} -- Welcome -- {RESET}") print(f"{BLUE} 1. Add Income {RESET}") print(f"{BLUE} 2. Add Expenses {RESET}") print(f"{BLUE} 3. Edit Expenses {RESET}") print(f"{BLUE} 4. Display Report {RESET}") print(f"{BLUE} 5. Generate Monthly Summary {RESET}") print(f"{BLUE} 6. Search Expenses {RESET}") print(f"{BLUE} 7. Load File {RESET}") print(f"{BLUE} 8. Save File {RESET}") print(f"{BLUE} 9. Set Monthly Budget {RESET}") print(f"{BLUE} 10. Admin Module {RESET}") choice = input(f"{GREEN} - Enter Your Choice or type 'exit': {RESET}") if choice == '1': try: income = int(input("Enter Your Income: ")) finance["income"] = income finance["remainingBalance"] = income - sum(finance["expenses"].values()) print(f"{GREEN}Income Successfully Added!{RESET}") except ValueError: print(f"{RED}Invalid amount entered! Please enter a number.{RESET}") elif choice == '2': expType = input("Enter Your Expense Type: ") addExpenses(expType) elif choice == '3': editExpenses() elif choice == '4': DisplayReport() elif choice == '5': MonthlyReport() elif choice == '6': searchExpenses() elif choice == '7': loadFile() elif choice == '8': saveFile() elif choice == '9': setBudget() elif choice == '10': admin.AdminMenu() elif choice == 'exit': print("Exiting..") break else: print(f"{RED}Invalid input. Try again.{RESET}")
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