11 days ago
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*--------------------------------------------------------------* * Copyright © 2024, 2BM Software A/S * All Rights Reserved. * For more information, please contact info@2bmsoftware.com. *--------------------------------------------------------------* METHOD get_confirmations. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_usraddr, bname TYPE xubname, name_textc TYPE ad_namtext, END OF ty_usraddr. DATA: lt_confirmations TYPE TABLE OF bapi_conf_key, ls_confdetails TYPE bapi_alm_confirmation, lt_orderrange TYPE TABLE OF bapi_pp_orderrange, lt_useraddr TYPE TABLE OF ty_usraddr, ls_useraddr TYPE ty_usraddr, lv_oper TYPE bapi_alm_confirmation-operation, lv_sub_oper TYPE bapi_alm_confirmation-sub_oper, lv_un_work_iso TYPE isocd_unit, lv_timestamp TYPE timestamp, lv_startdatetime TYPE string. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <order> LIKE LINE OF it_orders, <entity> LIKE LINE OF ct_confirmations, <confirmation> LIKE LINE OF lt_confirmations, <orderrange> LIKE LINE OF lt_orderrange. " Append the orders into the bapi range table LOOP AT it_orders ASSIGNING <order>. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_orderrange ASSIGNING <orderrange>. <orderrange>-sign = 'I'. <orderrange>-option = 'EQ'. <orderrange>-low = <order>-orderid. ENDLOOP. " Get all order confirmations for given order range IF lt_orderrange IS NOT INITIAL. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_ALM_CONF_GETLIST' EXPORTING operation = lv_oper suboperation = lv_sub_oper TABLES order_range = lt_orderrange confirmations = lt_confirmations. " Get the isocode for unit of work SELECT SINGLE isocode INTO lv_un_work_iso FROM t006 WHERE msehi = 'H'. IF NOT lt_confirmations IS INITIAL. " Get the user address data SELECT bname name_textc FROM user_addr INTO TABLE lt_useraddr FOR ALL ENTRIES IN lt_confirmations WHERE bname = lt_confirmations-created_by. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. SORT lt_useraddr BY bname. ENDIF. ENDIF. " Process order confirmations LOOP AT lt_confirmations ASSIGNING <confirmation>. " Get each Confirmation details CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_ALM_CONF_GETDETAIL' EXPORTING confirmation = <confirmation>-conf_no confirmationcounter = <confirmation>-conf_cnt IMPORTING conf_detail = ls_confdetails. IF <confirmation>-reversed <> 'X' AND <confirmation>-rev_conf_cnt EQ '0'. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO ct_confirmations ASSIGNING <entity>. MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_confdetails TO <entity>. <entity>-confcounter = <confirmation>-conf_cnt. " Convert the UOM IF <entity>-un_work EQ 'MIN'. CALL FUNCTION 'UNIT_CONVERSION_SIMPLE' EXPORTING input = <entity>-act_work no_type_check = 'X' round_sign = '' unit_in = <entity>-un_work unit_out = 'H' IMPORTING output = <entity>-act_work EXCEPTIONS conversion_not_found = 1 division_by_zero = 2 input_invalid = 3 output_invalid = 4 overflow = 5 type_invalid = 6 units_missing = 7 unit_in_not_found = 8 unit_out_not_found = 9 OTHERS = 10. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. <entity>-un_work = 'H'. IF NOT lv_un_work_iso IS INITIAL. <entity>-un_work_iso = lv_un_work_iso. ELSE. <entity>-un_work_iso = 'H'. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDIF. IF ls_confdetails-pers_no IS NOT INITIAL. <entity>-pers_no = ls_confdetails-pers_no. <entity>-fullname = ls_confdetails-name. ELSE. READ TABLE lt_useraddr INTO ls_useraddr WITH KEY bname = ls_confdetails-created_by BINARY SEARCH. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. <entity>-fullname = ls_useraddr-name_textc. ENDIF. gcl_wo_cust_ext->get_employeeno( EXPORTING uname = ls_confdetails-created_by IMPORTING persno = <entity>-pers_no ). ENDIF. CONVERT DATE ls_confdetails-exec_start_date TIME ls_confdetails-exec_start_time INTO TIME STAMP lv_timestamp TIME ZONE gcl_wo_cust_ext->get_timezone( ). lv_Startdatetime = lv_timestamp. <entity>-startdatetime = lv_startdatetime. ELSE. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. DELETE ct_confirmations WHERE act_work EQ 0. ENDMETHOD.
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