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2 years ago
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public class GlobalConstants {
    public static final String redKPIValue = 'Red';
    public static final String yellowKPIValue = 'Yellow';
    public static final String warningNeeded = 'WARNING_NEEDED';
    public static final String warningNotNeeded = 'WARNING_NOT_NEEDED';
    // WI 1441 - Srilekha - 3/2/2020 - Start
    public static final String agreementExecutionStatus = 'Fully Executed';
    public static final String opptyType_Subscription = 'Subscription';
    public static final String opptyType_License ='Managed Cloud Services - License Attached';
    public static final String opptyType_Renewal = 'Managed Cloud Services - Renewal';
    public static final String opptyType_BackSell = 'Managed Cloud Services - Back Sell';
    public static final String cloudSME ='Cloud SME';
    public static final String cloudPM ='Cloud PM';
    public static final String afterInsert = 'afterInsert';
    public static final String afterUpdate ='afterUpdate';
    // WI 1441 End
    //Harika - 7/23/2021 - 4581/4590 - Store the product codes related to Quantity subscription metrics.
    //2 variables covering by QuoteLineManagerTest.QuoteLine_SubscriptionMetricsTest()
    public static final List<String> productCode_QuantityList = Label.Products_with_Quantity.split(',');
    //Harika - 7/23/2021 - 4581/4590
    //Store the product attribute mapping records.
    public static Map<String,Product_Attribute_Mapping__c> attributeMappingMap = 
        new Map<String,Product_Attribute_Mapping__c>();
    // US 4630 - These Maps are populated in UtilityClass
    public static Map<Id, Opportunity> opportunitiesMap = new Map<Id, Opportunity>();// US 4630 - Srilekha - 7/16/2021
    public static List<Asset> assetList = new List<Asset>(); // US 4630 - Srilekha - 7/16/2021
    public static Map<Id, Product2> product2Map = new Map<Id, Product2>(); // US 4630 - Srilekha - 7/16/2021
    // US 4630 - Srilekha - 7/23/2021
    public static final String TransactionType_New = 'New';
    public static final String TransactionType_CrossSell = 'Cross Sell';
    public static final String TransactionType_UpSell = 'Up Sell';
    // Us 4630 - End    
    public static final String Product_Version_Name = 'PRODUCTION';// Added as part of 4616 - Sandeep, Jul30,2021
    public static final String EssentialCloud = 'ESSENTIALCLOUD';// Added as part of 2515 - Sandeep, Aug10,2021
    public static final String PremierCloud = 'PREMIERCLOUD';// Added as part of 2515 - Sandeep, Aug10,2021
    Public static final String CASE_CONTACT_EMAIL = 'jda.com'; //Added as part of 4453 - Srikanth,Sep7th,2021
    Public static final String CASE_ORIGIN_WEB = 'Web';//Added as part of 4453 - Srikanth,Sep7th,2021
    Public static final String CASE_ORIGIN_PHONE = 'Phone';//Added as part of 4453 - Srikanth,Sep7th,2021
    public static final String NONE_OF_THE_ABOVE = 'N/A';//Added as part of 2507 - Srikanth,Aug8th,2021
    public static final String GPS_LABEL_NAME = 'GPS';//Added as part of 2507 - Srikanth,Aug8th,2021
    //@Nikhitha Erram -Added as part of US-5742-Used to store Cloud_Based_Entitlement__c map from CustomMetadataSettingsSelector.queryCloudBasedEntitlement()
    public static Map<string, Cloud_Based_Entitlement__c> cloudBasedEntitlementMap = new map<string, Cloud_Based_Entitlement__c>();
    public static final String CASE_STATUS_CLOSED = 'closed'; //ADDED AS part of 5195

    public static final String OPPORTUNITY_LABEL_NAME = 'Opportunity';//Added as part of 5558 - Srikanth,Aug8th,2021
    //Used in RevRecChecklistManager class, but can be used commonly - US 7276 - Srilekha
    public static final Map<Id, Opportunity> opportunities2Map = new Map<Id, Opportunity>();
    public static final String SAAS_SSP_BAND_BELOW = 'Below $2,000,000';
    public static final String SAAS_SSP_BAND_ABOVE = 'Above $2,000,000';
    public static final Integer ACTLP_VALUE = 2000000;
     //R.Manalo - US 7618
    public static final Id NDA_RECORDTYPE = System.Label.NDARecordType;
    // US 7695 - R.Manalo
    public static final String ACTIVE = 'Active';
    public static final String STANDALONE_SAAS_SCHEDULE_ORDER = 'Standalone_SaaS_Schedule_Order';
    public static final String SAASPS_AGREEMENT_W_SAA_SCHEDULE_ORDER = 'SaaSPS Agreement w Saa Schedule Order';
    public static final String AMENDMENT_TO_SAAS_SCHEDULE = 'Amendment to SaaS Schedule';
    public static final String STANDALONE_SAASPS_AGREEMENT = 'Standalone_SaaSPS_Agreement';

    //US 8714 - Sai Prudhvi Jakka
    public static final String CASE_TYPE_PROBLEM = 'Problem';
    public static final String CASE_SUB_TYPE_DEFECT = 'Defect';
    public static final String CASE_TYPE_INCIDENT = 'Incident';
    //Added as part of 7620 - Srikanth Manne
    public static final Set<String> GPS_PHASES = new set<String>{'Closed - Phase complete','Closed - GPS Housekeeping',
                                                                'Closed - Project Cancelled','On Hold'};
    public static final String YES_VALUE = 'Yes';//Added as part of 7620 - Srikanth,Mar 24th,2022
    public static final String NO_VALUE = 'No';//Added as part of 7620 - Srikanth,Mar 24th,2022
    public static final String MILESTONE_CANCELLED = 'Cancelled';//Added as part of 7620 - Srikanth,Mar 24th,2022

    public static final String Case_COMMENT_POST_TEMPLATE_ID = '00X8J000000Hqo3'; //ADDED AS part of6849
    public static final String STATUS_LABEL = 'Status';//6847 Srikanth 
    public static final String NEXTSTEPS_LABEL = 'Next Steps';//6847 Srikanth
    public static final String SNS_UPDATE_LABEL = 'SNS Update';//6847 Srikanth

    public static final String CASE_RESOLUTION_LABEL = 'Resolution';//6853 Srikanth
    public static final String CASE_NEXTSTEP_LABEL = 'Status/Next Steps';//6853 Srikanth
    public static final String CASE_CATEGORY_LABEL = 'Category';//6853 Srikanth
    public static final String CASE_OWNER_LABEL = 'Owner ID';//6853 Srikanth
    public GlobalConstants()