2 months ago
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Calculated Metrics in Adobe Analytics are custom metrics that you can create by combining existing metrics using mathematical or logical operations. They allow you to derive insights specific to your business needs that are not available directly from the default metrics provided by Adobe Analytics. Key Features: Customization: You can tailor metrics to fit specific business goals or analysis requirements. Flexibility: Use operators (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) and advanced functions (such as conditional logic or date ranges). Segmentation Integration: Apply segments to calculated metrics to analyze specific subsets of data. Visualization: Use these metrics in reports, dashboards, and visualizations. Common Use Cases: Conversion Rate: (Orders / Visits) * 100 to measure the percentage of visits that resulted in orders. Revenue Per Visit: Revenue / Visits to determine how much revenue each visit generates. Average Time Spent per Visit: Total Time Spent / Visits to measure engagement. Profit Calculation: (Revenue - Cost) to analyze profitability directly.
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