import discord
from discord.utils import get
from discord.ext import commands
import sqlite3
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import random, string
from User import User
import pymongo
from pymongo import MongoClient
from api import *
from datetime import datetime
from image_scraper import *
from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta
from predictive_model import predict_match_outcome, predict_goal_difference
TOKEN = os.getenv("TOKEN")
# Set up intents
intents = discord.Intents.default()
intents.typing = False
intents.presences = False
intents.messages = True # Enable message-related intents
# Initializing the database
cluster = MongoClient(MONGO_CONNECT)
db = cluster['discord']
collection_userInfo = db['userInfo']
collection_userBets = db['userBets']
collection_custom_events = db['custom_events']
conn = sqlite3.connect('your_database.db')
cursor = conn.cursor()
# Initializing the prefix for the commands that the bot will use
client = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!", intents=intents, help_command=None)
# Sad words and greetings
sad_words = ['sad', 'depressed', 'unhappy', 'angry', 'mad', 'miserable', 'depressed', 'depressing']
greetings_rexy = ["Greetings!", "Hello!", "Hey,", "Rexy here,", "Whats poppin!", "Hey everyone,","Hi everyone,", "Hey guys!", "Hi people,","Sup y'all,"]
greetings_ben = ["Greetings!", "Hello!", "Hey,", "Benjamin here,", "Whats poppin!", "Hey everyone,","Hi everyone,", "Hey guys!", "Hi people,","Sup y'all,"]
starter_encouragements = ['Cheer up!', 'Hang in there.', 'You are a great person!']
# Establish a connection to your SQLite3 database
conn = sqlite3.connect('database.sqlite') # Replace 'your_database.db' with your database file
cursor = conn.cursor()
def connect_to_database():
connection = sqlite3.connect('database.sqlite') # Replace with your database name
return connection
def close_connection(connection):
# Prints "bot is ready" when running the python file
async def on_ready():
print('Bot is ready')
# On message events for all the incoming messages in the discord server
async def on_message(message):
if == client.user:
if any(word in message.content for word in sad_words):
embed = discord.Embed(description=random.choice(starter_encouragements),
if "reaching" in message.content or "hopping on" in message.content or "coming" in message.content:
await client.process_commands(message)
# Command to list all available commands
async def all_commands(ctx):
commands_list = []
for command in client.walk_commands():
if != "all_commands":
commands_text = "\n".join(commands_list)
await ctx.send(f"Here are all the available commands:\n```\n{commands_text}\n```")
# Register command
async def register(ctx):
default_bal = 1000.00
user = User(, default_bal)
user_name =
existing_user = collection_userInfo.find_one({"_id": user.getId()})
if existing_user:
print(f"User with ID {user.getId()} is already registered.")
embed = discord.Embed(title="Account Error", description=f"{user_name}, your account is already registered.", color=0xc70014)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
print(f"Registering user with ID {user.getId()}")
collection_userInfo.insert_one({"_id": user.getId(), "balance": user.getBalance(), "record": []})
embed = discord.Embed(title="Account Created", description=f"{user_name}, your account was successfully created", color=0x11ff00)
embed.add_field(name=";account", value="Please use the above command to view your account information", inline=False)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
except Exception as e:
print("An error occurred during account registration:", e)
embed = discord.Embed(title="Account Error", description=f"{user_name}, an error occurred during account registration.", color=0xc70014)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def beg(ctx):
await ctx.send("This command has been turned off for this season.")
# author =
# beg_amount = 500.00
# if collection_userInfo.find({"_id": author}):
# #if the users balance is <500 and they have no current bets
# user = collection_userInfo.find_one({"_id": author})
# if user['balance'] < beg_amount and not collection_userBets.find_one({"user_id":author}):
# collection_userInfo.update_one({"_id":author}, {"$set": {"balance": beg_amount}})
# await ctx.send("Someone gave you a few bucks! You now have $"+str(beg_amount))
# else:
# await ctx.send("You must have less than $500 (with no active bets) to beg. ")
# # balance = user['balance']
# # balance = balance+5
# # collection_userInfo.update_one({"_id":author}, {"$set": {"balance": balance}})
# #fook da meyweddas
# else:
# await ctx.send("You must register before begging. Please type the -register command")
async def superbeg(ctx):
author =
if collection_userInfo.find({"_id": author}):
user = collection_userInfo.find_one({"_id": author})
balance = user['balance']
balance = balance+ 10000
collection_userInfo.update_one({"_id":author}, {"$set": {"balance": balance}})
await ctx.send("Someone gave you a few bucks! You now have $"+str(balance))
await ctx.send("You must register before begging. Please type the -register command")
def predict_match_outcome(team1, team2):
# You can implement your prediction logic here
# For simplicity, let's assume the team with higher strength wins
if team1["strength"] > team2["strength"]:
return f"{team1['name']} is predicted to win!"
elif team1["strength"] < team2["strength"]:
return f"{team2['name']} is predicted to win!"
return "It's a draw!"
def get_team_data_from_database(team_name):
conn = sqlite3.connect('database.sqlite') # Replace with your database name
cursor = conn.cursor()
query = "SELECT * FROM Team WHERE team_long_name = ?"
cursor.execute(query, (team_name,))
team_data = cursor.fetchone()
return team_data
def get_match_data_from_database(match_id):
conn = sqlite3.connect('database.sqlite') # Replace with your database name
cursor = conn.cursor()
query = "SELECT * FROM Match WHERE match_id = ?" # Adjust this query based on your table structure
cursor.execute(query, (match_id,))
match_data = cursor.fetchone()
return match_data
def get_list_of_teams_from_database():
conn = sqlite3.connect('database.sqlite') # Replace with your database name
cursor = conn.cursor()
# Execute a SELECT query to fetch the list of available teams
query = "SELECT DISTINCT team_long_name FROM Team" # Replace with your table name
teams = cursor.fetchall()
return [team[0] for team in teams]
def get_table_columns(table_name):
conn = sqlite3.connect('database.sqlite') # Replace with your database name
cursor = conn.cursor()
# Query to get table columns
query = f"PRAGMA table_info({table_name})"
columns = [row[1] for row in cursor.fetchall()]
return columns
def get_all_tables_in_database():
conn = sqlite3.connect('database.sqlite') # Replace with your database name
cursor = conn.cursor()
# Query to get all table names
query = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'"
table_names = [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()]
tables_with_columns = {}
for table_name in table_names:
columns = get_table_columns(table_name)
tables_with_columns[table_name] = columns
return tables_with_columns
async def list_tables(ctx):
tables_with_columns = get_all_tables_in_database()
response = "List of tables and their columns:\n"
for table_name, columns in tables_with_columns.items():
columns_str = ", ".join(columns)
table_info = f"Table: {table_name}\nColumns: {columns_str}\n\n"
# Check if adding the current table info would exceed the message limit
if len(response) + len(table_info) > 2000:
# If yes, send the current response and start a new response
await ctx.send(response)
response = ""
response += table_info
# Send any remaining response
if response:
await ctx.send(response)
async def list_available_teams(ctx):
# Retrieve the list of available teams from your database
available_teams = get_list_of_teams_from_database() # Implement this function
if available_teams:
# Define the maximum number of teams to include in each message
max_teams_per_message = 20 # You can adjust this number as needed
# Split the list of teams into chunks
team_chunks = [available_teams[i:i + max_teams_per_message] for i in range(0, len(available_teams), max_teams_per_message)]
# Send each chunk as a separate message
for chunk in team_chunks:
team_list = "\n".join(chunk)
await ctx.send(f"Available teams for predictions:\n{team_list}")
await ctx.send("No teams are available for predictions at the moment.")
except Exception as e:
print("An error occurred while listing teams:", e)
await ctx.send("An error occurred while listing teams.")
# Replace get_list_of_teams_from_database() with your actual function to fetch the teams from your database.
async def predict_match(ctx, team1, team2):
# Retrieve the list of available teams from your database
available_teams = get_list_of_teams_from_database() # Implement this function
# Convert the provided team names to lowercase and remove extra spaces
team1 = team1.lower().strip()
team2 = team2.lower().strip()
# Print the cleaned team names and the list of available teams for debugging
print("Cleaned Team Names:", team1, team2)
print("Available Teams:", available_teams)
# Check if both teams are available in a case-insensitive manner
if team1 in available_teams or team2 in available_teams:
# Fetch data for the selected teams from the database
team1_data = get_team_data_from_database(team1)
team2_data = get_team_data_from_database(team2)
if team1_data and team2_data:
# Call the predictive model function for match outcome
prediction = predict_match_outcome(team1_data, team2_data)
# Send the prediction result back to the Discord channel
await ctx.send(f"The predicted match outcome between {team1} and {team2} is: {prediction}")
await ctx.send("Error retrieving team data from the database.")
await ctx.send("One or both of the specified teams are not available.")
except Exception as e:
print("An error occurred during prediction:", e)
await ctx.send("An error occurred during prediction.")
async def events(ctx, key):
events = getEvents(key)
# Rest of your events code...
except Exception as e:
await ctx.send("The key you input was incorrect or missing. Please type ;help for more information. " + str(e))
async def bet(ctx,bet,team,eventID,key):
author =
present =
if collection_userInfo.find_one({"_id": author}):
user = collection_userInfo.find_one({'_id': author})
userBalance = user['balance']
#for bet all
if (str(bet).lower() == "all"):
bet = round(userBalance,2)
#getting event info
if key.lower() == "custom":
event_info = collection_custom_events.find_one({"_id": eventID})
teams = event_info['teams']
teamsvs_string = f"{teams[0]} vs {teams[1]}"
odds = event_info['odds']['h2h']
start = event_info['commence_time']
event_info = getEventInformation(key, eventID)
teams = event_info['teams']
teamsvs_string = f"{teams[0]} vs {teams[1]}"
odds = event_info['odds']['h2h']
start = event_info['commence_time']
if (int(userBalance) < int(bet) or int(userBalance) == 0):
await ctx.send(f"Insufficient Funds. You have ${userBalance} to spend.")
elif (int(team) != 1 and int(team) != 2):
await ctx.send("Please enter a valid team (1 or 2) and check the betting format.")
elif (present > start):
await ctx.send("Sorry, you cannot bet for a custom event once it has started. This is because the odds don't change as the match goes on :(")
# #checks if the user has enough money and chose the right team numbers
# if ( (key.lower() != "custom") and ((int(userBalance) < int(bet)) or (int(team) != 1 and int(team) != 2)) ):
# await ctx.send("Unable to process your bet. Please check your balance and betting format")
# elif ((key.lower() == "custom") and ((int(userBalance) < int(bet)) or (present > start) or (int(team) != 1 and int(team) != 2))):
# await ctx.send("Unable to process your bet. Please check your balance and betting format")
collection_userInfo.update_one({"_id":author}, {"$set": {"balance": int(userBalance) - int(bet)}})
post = {"user_id": author, "team": [teams[int(team)-1] , int(team)], "amount": int(bet), "event_id": eventID, "odds": odds, "key": key, "event_teams": teams, "commence_time": start}
embed=discord.Embed(title="Your bet was successfully placed!", description=f"{}, you placed ${bet} on {teams[int(team)-1]}. Good luck!", color=0x44ff00)
embed.set_footer(text="Enter the command ;mybets to view your active bets")
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
# await ctx.send(f"Your bet has been placed on {teams[int(team)-1]} for ${bet}")
await ctx.send("You need to register your account before betting. Please type ;help for more information.")
async def on_command_error(ctx, error):
await ctx.send("Please make sure you've entered your bet correctly (;bet <bet amount> <team #> <event id> <sport id>). Type ;help for more information.")
#view your account balance
async def balance(ctx):
author =
if collection_userInfo.find_one({"_id": author}):
user = collection_userInfo.find_one({'_id': author})
userBalance = user['balance']
roundedBalance = round(userBalance,2)
await ctx.send(f"Your balance is ${roundedBalance}")
await ctx.send(f"You need to register your account before betting. Please type ;help for more information.")
#view all your account info
async def account(ctx):
author =
if collection_userInfo.find_one({"_id": author}):
user = collection_userInfo.find_one({'_id': author})
userBalance = user['balance']
roundedBalance = round(userBalance, 2)
record = user['record']
bets = collection_userBets.find({"user_id": author})
amount_in_bets = 0
if bets:
for bet in bets:
amount_in_bets += bet['amount']
# Calculate available balance (balance - amount_in_bets)
available_balance = userBalance - amount_in_bets
# Create an embedded message to display user's account information
embed = discord.Embed(title=f"{}'s Account", color=0x001df5)
embed.add_field(name="Balance", value=f"${roundedBalance:.2f}", inline=False)
embed.add_field(name="Amount in Bets", value=f"${amount_in_bets:.2f}", inline=False)
embed.add_field(name="Available Balance", value=f"${available_balance:.2f}", inline=False)
# Send the embedded message
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
await ctx.send("You need to register first using the `!register` command.")
async def payout(ctx,eventID,winner):
#eventInfo = getEventInformation(key, eventID)
#teams = {A,B}
conquisatadors = []
key = ""
if int(winner) == 1 or int(winner) == 2:
bets = collection_userBets.find({"event_id": eventID})
for bet in bets:
user_id = bet['user_id']
user = collection_userInfo.find_one({'_id': user_id})
key = bet['key']
if int(winner) == int(bet['team'][1]):
odds = bet['odds'][int(winner)-1]
#payout logic
payoutMultiplier = getDecimalOdds(odds)
newBalance = (float(bet['amount']) * payoutMultiplier) + user['balance']
earnings = newBalance - (float(user['balance']) + float(bet['amount']))
collection_userInfo.update_one({"_id": user_id}, {"$set": {"balance": newBalance}})
#post = {"result": "Win","event_id": eventID,"key": bet['key'], "earnings": earnings}
user_record_temp = user['record']
new_record = ["Win",eventID,earnings,bet['key'], bet['event_teams']]
collection_userInfo.update_one({"_id":user_id},{"$set": {"record":user_record_temp}})
earnings = -1 * float(bet['amount'])
user_record_temp = user['record']
new_record = ["Loss",eventID,earnings,bet['key'], bet['event_teams']]
collection_userInfo.update_one({"_id":user_id},{"$set": {"record":user_record_temp}})
if key.lower() == "custom":
collection_custom_events.delete_one({"_id": eventID})
collection_userBets.delete_many({"event_id": eventID})
output = ""
for conquisatade in conquisatadors:
output = output+"<@"+str(conquisatade)+"> "
if conquisatadors:
await ctx.send(f"Congrats to {output}")
await ctx.send(f"There were no winners. Major L to all.")
await ctx.send("Please select 1 or 2 for the winner.")
async def on_command_error(ctx, error):
await ctx.send("NOTE: THIS IS AN ADMIN COMMAND. Please use ;payout <event id> <winner> to use this command")
async def mybets(ctx):
author =
bets = collection_userBets.find({"user_id": author})
output = []
for bet in bets:
output.append({"teams": bet['event_teams'], "amount": bet['amount'], "event_id":bet['event_id'], "user_team": bet['team'][0]})
if not output:
await ctx.send("You currently have no active bets.")
#a random comment
#a random commment 2
bet_indices = ""
bet_amount = ""
bet_event = ""
for i in range(len(output)):
bet_indices = bet_indices+f"{i+1} \n"
bet_amount = bet_amount+f"{output[i]['user_team']} (${output[i]['amount']}) \n"
bet_event = bet_event+f"{output[i]['teams'][0]} vs. {output[i]['teams'][1]} \n "
embed=discord.Embed(title="Current bets", description=f"{}, these are all your current bets", color=0x2309ec)
embed.add_field(name="#", value=bet_indices, inline=True)
embed.add_field(name="Bet/Amount", value=bet_amount, inline=True)
embed.add_field(name="Event", value=bet_event, inline=True)
embed.set_footer(text="Enter ;deletebet <bet #> if you would wish to delete a bet. Type ;help for more information.")
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def payoutlist(ctx):
author =
bets = collection_userBets.find({})
#event_id, teams
output = []
output2 = []
if bets.count() == 0:
await ctx.send("There are no current events to be paid out.")
#get the list of all the events from all the bets, and remove duplicates from the array
for bet in bets:
if not output:
if bet['event_id'] not in output2:
#print(f"{bet['event_id']} == {output[i]['event_id']}")
#print(f"{bet['event_id']} == {output[i]['event_id']}")
eventNumber = ""
eventID = ""
for i in range(len(output)):
eventNumber = eventNumber+f"{i+1} \n"
eventID = eventID+f"{output[i]['event_id']} \n"
eventTeams = eventTeams+ f"{output[i]['event_teams'][0]} vs. {output[i]['event_teams'][1]} \n"
#formatting time for the payout list
#logic for 24hr formatting
conv_date = output[i]['commence_time'].ctime()
shortened_date = conv_date[:len(conv_date)-8 ]
#logic for 12hr formattig
# conv_date_for_date = shorten_date(conv_date, " ", 3)
# conv_date_for_time = shorten_date(conv_date, ":", 2)
# time_index = shorten_date_index(conv_date_for_time, ":", 1)
# time = conv_date_for_time[time_index-2:time_index+3]
# time_conversion = datetime.strptime(time, "%H:%M")
# time_conversion = time_conversion.strftime("%I:%M %p")
#commenceTimes = commenceTimes + f"{conv_date_for_date}, {time_conversion} \n"
commenceTimes = commenceTimes + f"{shortened_date} \n"
# print(f"eventNumber: {eventNumber}")
# print(f"eventID: {eventID}")
# print(f"eventTeams: {eventTeams}")
#print(f"commence times: {commenceTimes}")
# if eventNumber == "":
# eventID = "x"
# eventNumber ="x"
# eventTeams = "x"
embed=discord.Embed(title="All Current Events", description=f" These are all the events which have not been paid out.", color=0xf5cb42)
#embed.add_field(name="#", value=eventNumber, inline=True)
embed.add_field(name="Event ID", value=eventID, inline=True)
embed.add_field(name="Teams", value=eventTeams, inline=True)
embed.add_field(name="Commence Time", value=commenceTimes, inline=True)
embed.set_footer(text="To payout use: ;payout <eventID> <Winning Team> ")
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def deletebet(ctx, index):
delete = {}
author =
bets = collection_userBets.find({"user_id": author})
counter = 0
for bet in bets:
if counter == int(index)-1:
delete = bet
if not delete:
await ctx.send("Could not find the bet in your record. Please try again.")
event_info = getEventInformation(delete['key'], delete['event_id'])
start = event_info['commence_time']
present =
# diff = start - present
# days, seconds = diff.days, diff.seconds
# hours = days * 24 + seconds // 3600
# minutes = (seconds % 3600) // 60
# seconds = seconds % 60
if present > start :
embed=discord.Embed(title="Denied", description=f"{}, This bet could not be deleted.", color=0xf50000)
embed.add_field(name="Reason", value=f"A bet cannot be deleted after the event has started.", inline=True)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
user = collection_userInfo.find_one({'_id': author})
userBalance = user['balance']
paybackAmount = delete["amount"]
collection_userInfo.update_one({"_id":author}, {"$set": {"balance": userBalance + paybackAmount}})
embed=discord.Embed(title="Bet Deleted", description=f"{}, the specified bet has been removed.", color=0x2309ec)
embed.set_footer(text="NOTE: You can NOT delete a bet after the event has started.")
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def on_command_error(ctx, error):
await ctx.send("Please input a valid bet index to delete.")
async def help(ctx):
embed=discord.Embed(title="Help Guide for Me!", description="This guide provides with all the commands users and admins can perform and what they do.", color=0x001df5)
embed.add_field(name=";register", value="You must be registered first to make any bets. Once you register, you automatically get $1000 for betting. ", inline=False)
embed.add_field(name=";account", value="Shows your account information", inline=False)
embed.add_field(name=";balance", value="Shows your current balance", inline=False)
embed.add_field(name=";beg", value="If user has less than $500 and no active bets, then the user can use this command to gain $500.", inline=False)
embed.add_field(name=";sports", value="This command will give the user a list of sports that they can bet on and their sport ID. Users will use the sport ID to find events for that specific sport, as well as making bets.", inline=False)
embed.add_field(name=";events <sport id>", value="This command takes in one argument: <sport id>. This id can be found by using the ;sports command. Users can use this command to find out all the upcoming events for a specific sport for betting purposes. Users will be given an event id for all the events. They will use this id to place their bets for those events.", inline=False)
embed.add_field(name=";bet <bet amount> <team #> <event id> <sport id>", value="This command takes in four arguments. The first argument <bet> is the amount of money users want to bet or 'all'. The second argument <team #> is the team they would like to bet on. Valid entries for team are either 1 or 2. Third argument is the event ID which users can find using the ;events <sport id> command. And finally, the last argument is the <sport id>, which users can find using the ;sports command. All of these together will allow users to bet on their team of their liking.", inline=False)
embed.add_field(name=";mybets", value="Shows your current ongoing bets", inline=False)
embed.add_field(name=";deletebet <bet #> ", value="Delete any of your ongoing bets using your bet # obtained from ;mybets. NOTE: You are unable to delete bets for events that have already started", inline=False)
embed.add_field(name=";help", value="self explanatory ", inline=False)
embed.set_footer(text="Developed by Wowsixk & Fry")
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def admin(ctx):
embed=discord.Embed(title="Admin Commands", description="If you are not an admin, close your eyes", color=0x8c6ef0)
embed.add_field(name=";payout <eventID> <winner>", value="The winner must be values '1' or '2'. This command payouts everyone with a bet for a given ID and then deletes their bet. ", inline=False)
embed.add_field(name=";addEvent <team1> <team2> <odds1> <odds2> <commence_time> ", value="Adds a custom event. time format (24hr) example: '2021-06-05 04:51:34' *use quotes", inline=False)
embed.add_field(name=";payoutlist ", value="This command will display all the active events", inline=False)
embed.add_field(name=";admin", value="This command displays this embed xd", inline=False)
embed.set_footer(text="Developed by Wowsixk & Fry")
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def addEvent(ctx, team1,team2, odds1, odds2, commence_time):
#generate random 3 char id
x = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, k=3))
#date1 = '22-May-2050 19:54:36'
teams = [team1,team2]
odds = {"h2h":[int(odds1),int(odds2)]}
commence_time_object = datetime.strptime(commence_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
collection_custom_events.insert_one({"_id": x.lower(),"teams": teams, "odds": odds, "commence_time": commence_time_object, "sport_nice": "custom"})
#collection_userBets.insert_one({"_id": eventID})
await ctx.send("New Event Created")
#making the Season 1 end announcement
async def announce2(ctx):
channel = client.get_channel(694110022895927347)
embed=discord.Embed(title=f"Hello Everyone!", description=f" :moneybag: {ctx.message.guild.default_role}, we will be removing the ;beg command at 9 PM tonight and all betting will stop on June 30th to wrap up season 1 of Sports Betting. You can still make bets and redeem prizes until June 31st but you are unable to ;beg if you lose it all.:moneybag: \n\n Thanks to everyone who participated in the betting and I will see you all in season 2!", color=0x7cff6b)
embed.set_footer(text=f"All the winners will be announced at the end of the season. - Ben")
await channel.send(embed=embed)
#making the initial announcement with Ben
async def announce(ctx):
channel = client.get_channel(694110022895927347)
embed=discord.Embed(title=f"Hello Everyone!", description=f" :moneybag: {ctx.message.guild.default_role}, I'm Benjamin (aka ben) and I'm the server's betting bot. You can use me to bet on sports and other events in <#842884441361743903> . You can spend your winnings to redeem prizes! <:PogU:764011454256119809> Type ;help in betting for instructions. <:HYPERS:765321182202691664> :moneybag: ", color=0x7cff6b)
embed.add_field(name="$$ SALE $$ Current ben role: $1000 :robot: ", value="• Get full control of benjamin for 3 days", inline=True )
embed.add_field(name="Shot-Caller (Tier 1: $10 000) :fire: ", value="• Discord Nitro Classic \n• $5 Gift Card (Tim Hortons, Amazon, Uber Eats) \n", inline=False)
embed.add_field(name="Oracle (Tier 2: $20 000) :crystal_ball:", value="• Discord Nitro (1 month) \n• $15 Gift Card (Tim Hortons, Amazon, Uber Eats) \n", inline=False)
embed.add_field(name="Highroller (Tier 3: $30 000) <:gachiGASM:765786036391247882>", value="• XL RGB Gaming Mousepad \n• $30 Gift Card (Tim Hortons, Amazon, Uber Eats) \n", inline=False)
embed.add_field(name="Top Doggo (Tier 4: $100 000) <:emoji_80:656309281120976896>", value="• Nintendo Switch (qty: 1) \n• Razer Deathadder V2 Gaming Mouse \n• Logitech G413 Gaming Keyboard", inline=False)
embed.set_footer(text=f"Thanks to everyone who tested the Beta, all the accounts have been reset xD. Good Luck Everyone!")
await channel.send(embed=embed)
@commands.has_any_role("current ben","Papa")
async def talk(ctx, msg):
channel = client.get_channel(842884441361743903)
#user = client.get_user(user_id)
#embed=discord.Embed(title=random.choice(greetings_rexy), description=f"{msg}", color=0x7cff6b)
embed=discord.Embed(title=random.choice(greetings_ben), description=f"{msg}", color=0x7cff6b)
#ben pic
#ben footer
embed.set_footer(text=f"-Benjamin (aka ben)")
#rexy stuff
#zawars dinosaur
#rexy footer
await channel.send(embed=embed)