import imageio.v2 as imageio # List of image file paths to include in the GIF image_paths = [ 'image1.png', # Replace with your image file paths 'image2.png', 'image3.png' ] # Output path for the GIF output_path = 'output.gif' # Create the GIF def create_gif(image_paths, output_path, duration=0.5): """ Create a GIF from a list of images. :param image_paths: List of file paths to images. :param output_path: Path to save the output GIF. :param duration: Duration of each frame in seconds. """ images = [imageio.imread(image_path) for image_path in image_paths] imageio.mimsave(output_path, images, duration=duration) print(f"GIF saved at {output_path}") # Call the function create_gif(image_paths, output_path)
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