3 years ago
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fun main () { var cars = arrayListOf<String>() var yearofcar = arrayListOf<Int>() var typeofcar = arrayListOf<String>() var price = arrayListOf<Int>() var killo = arrayListOf<Int>() var pincars = hashMapOf<Int, String>() var whilecontrol =1 // println("How many cars? : ") // var countcar = readLine()!!.toInt() while (whilecontrol != 0) { print("Enter the name of car: ") var carname = readLine()!!.toString() cars.add(carname) print("Enter the year of car: ") yearofcar.add(readLine()!!.toInt()) print("Enter the type of car: ") typeofcar.add(readLine()!!.toString()) print("Enter the price of car: ") price.add(readLine()!!.toInt()) print("Enter the killos of car: ") killo.add(readLine()!!.toInt()) print("Enter the pincar: ") var valu = readLine()!!.toInt() pincars.put(valu,carname) print("enter 0 to exit or enter any number to add another cars !!") whilecontrol = readLine()!!.toInt() } print("Press 1 to show all cars information\n") var info = readLine()!!.toInt() when (info) { 1 -> { for (i in 0 until cars.size) { println("Car name: " + cars[i] + "\n" + "Car year: " + yearofcar[i] + "\n" + "Car price: " + price[i] + "\n" + "The car killos: " + killo[i] + "\n" + "Car name: " + cars[i] + "\n" + "The Pin car: " + pincars[i] + "\n") } } } }