a year ago
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import psycopg2 import pandas as pd DATABASE = "tariff_digitization" USER='postgres' PASSWORD="7Yn4mFeLNDXz&tH" HOST="hospital-tariff-application.ctg23hvzex2r.ap-south-1.rds.amazonaws.com" PORT = '5432' def check_connection(): conn = psycopg2.connect( database=DATABASE, user=USER, password=PASSWORD, host=HOST, port=PORT ) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("select version()") data = cursor.fetchone() print("Connection established to: ", data) conn.close() def check_table(): conn = psycopg2.connect( database=DATABASE, user=USER, password=PASSWORD, host=HOST, port=PORT ) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public' """) # Fetch all the table names table_names = cursor.fetchall() table_n = [] # Print the table names for table_name in table_names: table_n.append(table_name[0]) print("Table with table name '",table_name[0],"' exists") # check for table schedule_of_charges # check for table schedule_of_charges if not "schedule_of_charges" in table_n: cursor.execute(""" CREATE TABLE schedule_of_charges( serial_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, hospital_id text not null, document text not null, page text not null, table_number text not null, s3url text not null, service_code text, category text, subcategory text, service_description text not null, bounding_box text not null default '[]', type_of_room text not null default 'tariff', price_per_unit text not null, remarks text, los text, inclusions text, exclusions text, start_date text not null, end_date text not null default '2099-12-31', tariff_type text not null, room_mapping text, confidence_score text, standard_term text )""") conn.commit() print("Tables created schedule_of_charges") elif not "schedule_of_charges_audit_logs" in table_n: cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE schedule_of_charges_audit_logs( id serial PRIMARY KEY,diff jsonb,updated_by character varying(255) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",updated_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(),hospital_id text COLLATE pg_catalog."default",serial_id integer )""") conn.commit() print("Tables created schedule_of_charges_audit_logs") else: print("Table Exists") conn.close() def drop_table(): conn = psycopg2.connect( database=DATABASE, user=USER, password=PASSWORD, host=HOST, port=PORT ) cursor = conn.cursor() sql = '''DROP TABLE schedule_of_charges ''' cursor.execute(sql) print("Table dropped !") conn.commit() conn.close() def delete_hid(hid): conn = psycopg2.connect( database=DATABASE, user=USER, password=PASSWORD, host=HOST, port=PORT ) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(f'''DELETE FROM schedule_of_charges WHERE hospital_id='{hid}';''') conn.commit() print(f"Deleted HID {hid}") conn.close() import psycopg2.extras as extras def execute_values(df): table = 'schedule_of_charges' conn = psycopg2.connect( database=DATABASE, user=USER, password=PASSWORD, host=HOST, port=PORT ) tuples = [tuple(x) for x in df.to_numpy()] cols = ','.join(list(df.columns)) # SQL query to execute query = "INSERT INTO %s(%s) VALUES %%s" % (table, cols) cursor = conn.cursor() try: extras.execute_values(cursor, query, tuples) conn.commit() except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print("Error: %s" % error) conn.rollback() cursor.close() return 1 print("the dataframe is inserted") cursor.close() def insert_df(df): conn = psycopg2.connect( database=DATABASE, user=USER, password=PASSWORD, host=HOST, port=PORT ) df.to_sql('schedule_of_charges',con = conn, if_exists='append', index=False, method="postgres_upsert") conn.commit() conn.close() def postgresmain(df): check_connection() # check connection with postgres check_table() # check if table exist or not ; if not create table #df = pd.read_csv(path,index_col=0) df.rename(columns={'table': 'table_number'}, inplace=True) df.fillna("", inplace=True) hid = df['hospital_id'].iloc[0] delete_hid(hid) # if data exist with same hid delete data df = df.astype(str) execute_values(df) # insert dataframe to postgres #main("/home/vaibhav/Downloads/docker_50144634_output/temp_interim/50144634/long_format.csv") #drop_table() import os import csv for i in os.listdir("/usr/src/app/code/data/long"): try: path = os.path.join("/usr/src/app/code/data/long",i) try: long_ = pd.read_csv(path, delimiter = "|",quoting = csv.QUOTE_ALL,on_bad_lines = "skip") print(long_.shape) except: long_ = pd.read_csv(path) postgresmain(long_) except Exception as e: print(path,e)