graf.cpp better
a month ago
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// no diacritics, code is simplified and corrected where necessary. // the overall structure remains the same, but we replaced any problematic bfs usage // (like "erase(q.begin())") with a standard queue-based approach to avoid inefficiency. // also we made minor style fixes and naming clarifications. // // you can select from this large cheatsheet just the methods you need for your problem. #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; class Graf { public: // nested class for weighted edges class muchieCost { public: int x, y; int cost; muchieCost(): x(0), y(0), cost(0) {} muchieCost(int xx, int yy, int cc): x(xx), y(yy), cost(cc) {} muchieCost(const muchieCost& m): x(m.x), y(m.y), cost(m.cost) {} ~muchieCost() {} friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const muchieCost& m) { os << "(" << m.x << ", " << m.y << ", cost " << m.cost << ")"; return os; } }; int n, m; // number of nodes and edges bool orientat; // false => undirected, true => directed // three ways to store a graph: vector<vector<int>> matrice; // adjacency matrix vector<vector<int>> listaAdiacenta; // adjacency list vector<pair<int,int>> listaMuchii; // edge list // utility vectors vector<int> grad; // for degrees vector<int> vizitat; // visited array vector<int> tati; // parents vector<int> distanta; // distances vector<int> descoperit; // discovery time vector<int> finalizat; // finishing time Graf(): n(0), m(0), orientat(false) {} Graf(int nn, int mm): n(nn), m(mm), orientat(false) {} Graf(int nn, int mm, bool orint): n(nn), m(mm), orientat(orint) {} Graf(const Graf& g): n(g.n), m(g.m), orientat(g.orientat) {} // big destructor clearing everything ~Graf() { matrice.clear(); listaAdiacenta.clear(); listaMuchii.clear(); grad.clear(); vizitat.clear(); tati.clear(); distanta.clear(); descoperit.clear(); finalizat.clear(); matriceCost.clear(); listaMuchiiCost.clear(); solutieBFS.clear(); solutieDFS.clear(); muchiiIntoarcere.clear(); muchiiTraversare.clear(); muchiiAvansare.clear(); componentaBipartitie.clear(); gradIntern.clear(); sortTopologica.clear(); compTareConexe.clear(); muchiileCritice.clear(); nivel.clear(); nivelMinim.clear(); arborePartialCostMinim.clear(); reprezentant.clear(); distantaPrim.clear(); tataPrim.clear(); solutieDijkstra.clear(); solutieBellmanFord.clear(); matriceCostMinim.clear(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // reading the graph from input in different ways // adjacency matrix void citireMatriceAdiacenta() { cin >> n >> m; matrice = vector<vector<int>>(n, vector<int>(n, 0)); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { int x, y; cin >> x >> y; x--; y--; matrice[x][y] = 1; if (!orientat) matrice[y][x] = 1; } } // adjacency list void citireListaAdiacenta() { cin >> n >> m; listaAdiacenta = vector<vector<int>>(n); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { int x, y; cin >> x >> y; x--; y--; listaAdiacenta[x].push_back(y); if (!orientat) listaAdiacenta[y].push_back(x); } } // edge list void citireListaMuchii() { cin >> n >> m; for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { int x, y; cin >> x >> y; x--; y--; listaMuchii.push_back({x, y}); } } // reading with weights (costs) vector<vector<int>> matriceCost; // adjacency matrix with costs vector<muchieCost> listaMuchiiCost; // edges with costs vector<list<pair<int,int>>> listaAdiacentaCost; // adjacency list with (cost, node) void citireMatriceAdiacentaCost() { cin >> n >> m; matriceCost = vector<vector<int>>(n, vector<int>(n, 0)); for(int i=0; i<m; i++) { int x, y, cost; cin >> x >> y >> cost; x--; y--; matriceCost[x][y] = cost; if(!orientat) matriceCost[y][x] = cost; } } void citireListaMuchiiCost() { cin >> n >> m; for(int i=0; i<m; i++) { int x, y, cost; cin >> x >> y >> cost; x--; y--; listaMuchiiCost.push_back(muchieCost(x,y,cost)); } } void citireListaAdiacentaCost() { cin >> n >> m; listaAdiacentaCost = vector<list<pair<int,int>>>(n); for(int i=0; i<m; i++) { int x,y,cost; cin >> x >> y >> cost; x--; y--; listaAdiacentaCost[x].push_back({cost, y}); if(!orientat) listaAdiacentaCost[y].push_back({cost, x}); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // printing methods void afisareMatriceAdiacenta() { for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { for(int j=0; j<n; j++) cout << matrice[i][j] << " "; cout << "\n"; } } void afisareListaAdiacenta() { for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { cout << i+1 << ": "; for(int j : listaAdiacenta[i]) cout << j+1 << " "; cout << "\n"; } } void afisareListaMuchii() { for(int i=0; i<m; i++) cout << listaMuchii[i].first+1 << " " << listaMuchii[i].second+1 << "\n"; } void afisareMatriceAdiacentaCost() { for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { for(int j=0; j<n; j++) cout << matriceCost[i][j] << " "; cout << "\n"; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // conversions between representations (examples) void convertesteMatriceLaListaAdiacenta() { listaAdiacenta = vector<vector<int>>(n); for(int i=0; i<n; i++) for(int j=0; j<n; j++) if(matrice[i][j] == 1) listaAdiacenta[i].push_back(j); } void convertesteListaAdiacentaLaMatrice() { matrice = vector<vector<int>>(n, vector<int>(n, 0)); for(int i=0; i<n; i++) for(int j : listaAdiacenta[i]) matrice[i][j] = 1; } // etc. for other conversions as needed ... //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BFS-related vector<int> solutieBFS; // order of BFS // standard BFS from adjacency matrix void matriceBFS(int start) { queue<int> Q; Q.push(start); vizitat[start] = 1; while(!Q.empty()) { int nod = Q.front(); Q.pop(); solutieBFS.push_back(nod); for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { if(matrice[nod][i] == 1 && !vizitat[i]) { vizitat[i] = 1; tati[i] = nod; Q.push(i); } } } } // BFS for shortest path from s to x (assuming adjacency matrix) // we store parents in tati[], distances in distanta[] void drumMinimBFS(int s, int x) { // we assume: distanta resized, vizitat resized, tati resized, etc. from outside queue<int> Q; Q.push(s); vizitat[s] = 1; distanta[s] = 0; tati[s] = -1; while(!Q.empty()) { int nod = Q.front(); Q.pop(); for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { if(matrice[nod][i] == 1 && !vizitat[i]) { vizitat[i] = 1; tati[i] = nod; distanta[i] = distanta[nod] + 1; Q.push(i); } } } // if x not visited => no path if(!vizitat[x]) { cout << "No path from " << s+1 << " to " << x+1 << "\n"; return; } // reconstruct the path vector<int> drum; for(int cur = x; cur != -1; cur = tati[cur]) drum.push_back(cur); reverse(drum.begin(), drum.end()); cout << "Shortest path from " << s+1 << " to " << x+1 << ": "; for(int d : drum) cout << d+1 << " "; cout << "\nDistance: " << distanta[x] << "\n"; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DFS-related int timpDfs = 0; // time counter for discovery/finishing vector<int> solutieDFS; // order of DFS void matriceDFS(int start) { vizitat[start] = 1; solutieDFS.push_back(start); for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { if(matrice[start][i] == 1 && !vizitat[i]) { tati[i] = start; matriceDFS(i); } } } // detect cycles with DFS vector<vector<int>> cicliDfs; // store all cycles if any void cicluDFSRecursiv(int nod, int parinte, vector<int>& cicluCurent) { vizitat[nod] = 1; cicluCurent.push_back(nod); for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { if(matrice[nod][i] == 1 && !vizitat[i]) { tati[i] = nod; cicluDFSRecursiv(i, nod, cicluCurent); } else if(matrice[nod][i] == 1 && i != parinte) { // found cycle vector<int> cycle; int nodCiclu = nod; cycle.push_back(nodCiclu); while(nodCiclu != i && nodCiclu != -1) { nodCiclu = tati[nodCiclu]; cycle.push_back(nodCiclu); } if(nodCiclu == i) { cicliDfs.push_back(cycle); cout << "Ciclu: "; for(auto c : cycle) cout << c+1 << " "; cout << "\n"; } } } cicluCurent.pop_back(); } // edges classification in DFS (tree edges, back edges, etc.) vector<pair<int,int>> muchiiIntoarcere; vector<pair<int,int>> muchiiTraversare; vector<pair<int,int>> muchiiAvansare; void tipuriMuchiiDFS(int nod) { vizitat[nod] = 1; descoperit[nod] = timpDfs++; for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { if(matrice[nod][i] == 1) { if(!vizitat[i]) { tati[i] = nod; tipuriMuchiiDFS(i); } else if(i != tati[nod]) { // check discovered/finished times if(descoperit[i] < descoperit[nod] && finalizat[i] == -1) { // back edge muchiiIntoarcere.push_back({nod, i}); cout<<"intoarcere: "<<nod+1<<" "<<i+1<<"\n"; } else if(descoperit[nod] < descoperit[i] && finalizat[i] != -1) { // forward edge muchiiAvansare.push_back({nod, i}); cout<<"avansare: "<<nod+1<<" "<<i+1<<"\n"; } else if(!orientat) { // possible cross edge muchiiTraversare.push_back({nod, i}); cout<<"traversare: "<<nod+1<<" "<<i+1<<"\n"; } } } } finalizat[nod] = timpDfs++; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // bipartite check from adjacency list vector<int> componentaBipartitie; // 0 => uncolored, 1 => color1, 2 => color2 bool bipartit() { componentaBipartitie.assign(n,0); queue<int> Q; for(int nod=0; nod<n; nod++) { if(componentaBipartitie[nod] == 0) { componentaBipartitie[nod] = 1; Q.push(nod); while(!Q.empty()) { int cur = Q.front(); Q.pop(); for(int vecin : listaAdiacenta[cur]) { if(componentaBipartitie[vecin] == 0) { componentaBipartitie[vecin] = (componentaBipartitie[cur] == 1 ? 2 : 1); Q.push(vecin); } else if(componentaBipartitie[vecin] == componentaBipartitie[cur]) { return false; } } } } } return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // topological sort using Kahn's algorithm (for directed acyclic graphs) vector<int> gradIntern; // in-degree vector<int> sortTopologica; // the result bool sortareTopologica() { // compute in-degree gradIntern.assign(n,0); for(int i=0; i<n; i++) for(int v: listaAdiacenta[i]) gradIntern[v]++; queue<int> Q; for(int i=0; i<n; i++) if(gradIntern[i] == 0) Q.push(i); while(!Q.empty()) { int nod = Q.front(); Q.pop(); sortTopologica.push_back(nod); for(int vecin : listaAdiacenta[nod]) { gradIntern[vecin]--; if(gradIntern[vecin] == 0) Q.push(vecin); } } return (sortTopologica.size() == (size_t)n); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // strongly connected components with Kosaraju (directed) // compTareConexe[i] = the index of the scc for node i int indexComponentaTareConexa=0; vector<int> compTareConexe; void componenteTareConexeComponenta(const vector<vector<int>>& transpus, int start) { vizitat[start] = true; compTareConexe[start] = indexComponentaTareConexa; for(int vecin : transpus[start]) if(!vizitat[vecin]) componenteTareConexeComponenta(transpus, vecin); } void componenteTareConexeOrdine(int start, stack<int>& stiva) { vizitat[start] = true; for(int vecin : listaAdiacenta[start]) if(!vizitat[vecin]) componenteTareConexeOrdine(vecin, stiva); stiva.push(start); } void componenteTareConexe(int /*start or whatever you want*/) { // build transposed graph vector<vector<int>> listaTranspusa(n); for(int i=0; i<n; i++) for(int vecin : listaAdiacenta[i]) listaTranspusa[vecin].push_back(i); stack<int> stiva; vizitat.assign(n,0); compTareConexe.assign(n, -1); // fill stack in finishing order for(int i=0; i<n; i++) if(!vizitat[i]) componenteTareConexeOrdine(i, stiva); // pop from stack to get scc vizitat.assign(n,0); indexComponentaTareConexa=0; while(!stiva.empty()) { int; stiva.pop(); if(!vizitat[x]) { componenteTareConexeComponenta(listaTranspusa, x); indexComponentaTareConexa++; } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // bridges (critical edges) in an undirected graph (using adjacency list) vector<pair<int,int>> muchiileCritice; vector<int> nivel, nivelMinim; void muchiiCriticeDFS(int nod, int parinte) { vizitat[nod] = 1; nivel[nod] = (parinte == -1 ? 0 : nivel[parinte] + 1); nivelMinim[nod] = nivel[nod]; for(int vecin : listaAdiacenta[nod]) { if(!vizitat[vecin]) { muchiiCriticeDFS(vecin, nod); nivelMinim[nod] = min(nivelMinim[nod], nivelMinim[vecin]); if(nivelMinim[vecin] > nivel[nod]) { muchiileCritice.push_back({nod, vecin}); } } else if(vecin != parinte) { nivelMinim[nod] = min(nivelMinim[nod], nivel[vecin]); } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // minimum spanning tree - Kruskal (using edge list with costs) vector<muchieCost> arborePartialCostMinim; vector<int> reprezentant, h; void sortareCost() { sort(listaMuchiiCost.begin(), listaMuchiiCost.end(), [](muchieCost a, muchieCost b){ return a.cost < b.cost; }); } void initializareKruskal(int nod) { reprezentant[nod] = 0; h[nod] = 0; } int reprezentantKruskal(int nod) { if(reprezentant[nod] == 0) return nod; reprezentant[nod] = reprezentantKruskal(reprezentant[nod]); return reprezentant[nod]; } void reunesteKruskal(int u, int v) { int repU = reprezentantKruskal(u); int repV = reprezentantKruskal(v); if(h[repU] > h[repV]) reprezentant[repV] = repU; else { reprezentant[repU] = repV; if(h[repU] == h[repV]) h[repV]++; } } void kruskal() { int nrmsel = 0; sortareCost(); reprezentant.resize(n+1, 0); h.resize(n+1, 0); for(int i=1; i<=n; i++) initializareKruskal(i); for(auto & muchie : listaMuchiiCost) { int u=muchie.x, v=muchie.y, cc=muchie.cost; if(reprezentantKruskal(u) != reprezentantKruskal(v)) { arborePartialCostMinim.push_back(muchie); reunesteKruskal(u,v); nrmsel++; if(nrmsel == n-1) break; } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MST - Prim (using adjacency matrix with costs) // store the result in arborePartialCostMinim vector<int> distantaPrim; vector<int> tataPrim; void prim() { distanta.assign(n, INT_MAX); tati.assign(n, -1); vizitat.assign(n, 0); priority_queue< pair<int,int>, vector<pair<int,int>>, greater<pair<int,int>> > pq; distanta[0] = 0; pq.push({0,0}); while(!pq.empty()) { int nod =; pq.pop(); if(vizitat[nod]) continue; vizitat[nod] = 1; if(tati[nod] != -1) arborePartialCostMinim.push_back(muchieCost(tati[nod], nod, distanta[nod])); for(int j=0; j<n; j++) { // if there's a cost edge and not visited if(!vizitat[j] && matriceCost[nod][j] > 0 && matriceCost[nod][j] < distanta[j]) { distanta[j] = matriceCost[nod][j]; tati[j] = nod; pq.push({distanta[j], j}); } } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Dijkstra for cost >= 0, using adjacency list of (cost, node) vector<int> solutieDijkstra; void Dijkstra(int start) { solutieDijkstra.assign(n, 0); distanta.assign(n, INT_MAX); tati.assign(n, 0); set<pair<int,int>> Q; distanta[start] = 0; Q.insert({0,start}); while(!Q.empty()) { auto topVal = *Q.begin(); Q.erase(Q.begin()); int nod=topVal.second; for(auto & p : listaAdiacentaCost[nod]) { int cost = p.first; int x = p.second; if(distanta[x] > distanta[nod] + cost) { if(distanta[x] != INT_MAX) Q.erase({ distanta[x], x }); distanta[x] = distanta[nod] + cost; tati[x] = nod; Q.insert({ distanta[x], x }); } } } for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { if(distanta[i] < INT_MAX) solutieDijkstra[i] = distanta[i]; else solutieDijkstra[i] = 0; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bellman-Ford for edges with possible negative costs, but no negative cycles // adjacency matrix with costs used vector<int> solutieBellmanFord; bool BellmanFord(int start) { solutieBellmanFord.assign(n, INT_MAX); solutieBellmanFord[start] = 0; tati.assign(n, -1); vizitat.assign(n, false); vector<bool> inQueue(n,false); vector<int> proceseaza(n,0); queue<int> Q; Q.push(start); inQueue[start] = true; while(!Q.empty()) { int u=Q.front(); Q.pop(); inQueue[u]=false; proceseaza[u]++; if(proceseaza[u]>n-1) return true; // negative cycle for(int v=0; v<n; v++) { if(matriceCost[u][v] != 0 && matriceCost[u][v] != INT_MAX) { long long attempt = (long long)solutieBellmanFord[u] + matriceCost[u][v]; if(attempt < solutieBellmanFord[v]) { solutieBellmanFord[v]= (int)attempt; tati[v]=u; if(!inQueue[v]) { inQueue[v]=true; Q.push(v); } } } } } return false; // no negative cycle } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Floyd-Warshall (matrixCost). for negative or positive costs, no negative cycles vector<vector<int>> matriceCostMinim; vector<vector<int>> parinteFloydWarshall; bool FloydWarshall() { matriceCostMinim = matriceCost; // init for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { for(int j=0; j<n; j++) { if(i==j) matriceCostMinim[i][j] = 0; else if(matriceCostMinim[i][j]==0) matriceCostMinim[i][j] = INT_MAX; } } parinteFloydWarshall = vector<vector<int>>(n, vector<int>(n,-1)); for(int i=0; i<n; i++) for(int j=0; j<n; j++) if(matriceCostMinim[i][j]!=INT_MAX && i!=j) parinteFloydWarshall[i][j]= i; // run FW for(int k=0; k<n; k++) { for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { if(matriceCostMinim[i][k]==INT_MAX) continue; for(int j=0; j<n; j++) { if(matriceCostMinim[k][j]==INT_MAX) continue; long long potential = (long long)matriceCostMinim[i][k]+matriceCostMinim[k][j]; if(potential < matriceCostMinim[i][j]) { matriceCostMinim[i][j] = (int)potential; parinteFloydWarshall[i][j]= parinteFloydWarshall[k][j]; } } } } // check negative cycles for(int i=0; i<n; i++) if(matriceCostMinim[i][i] < 0) return true; return false; } void drumFloydWarshall(int x, int y) { if(x!=y) drumFloydWarshall(x, parinteFloydWarshall[x][y]); cout<< y <<" "; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // example usage of edmond-karp is omitted, but you can add if needed... // ... // all done //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // for demonstration, some placeholders: void apelareDFS() { orientat = false; citireMatriceAdiacenta(); // read from "cin" vizitat.resize(n,0); tati.resize(n,-1); timpDfs=0; matriceDFS(0); // start from node 0 // show dfs order cout<<"dfs order: "; for(int v: solutieDFS) cout<<v+1<<" "; cout<<"\nparents: "; for(int p: tati) cout<<p+1<<" "; // +1 if p!=-1 cout<<"\n"; } }; int main() { // example: we call the DFS usage Graf g; g.apelareDFS(); return 0; }
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