
mail@pastecode.io avatar
a year ago
145 kB
[Message:   BepInEx] BepInEx - EscapeFromTarkov (15.10.2023 15:35:38)
[Info   :   BepInEx] Running under Unity v0.13.5.2653
[Info   :   BepInEx] CLR runtime version: 4.0.30319.42000
[Info   :   BepInEx] Supports SRE: True
[Info   :   BepInEx] System platform: Bits64, Windows
[Message:   BepInEx] Preloader started
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.Preloader]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [aki_PrePatch]
[Info   :   BepInEx] 2 patcher plugins loaded
[Info   :   BepInEx] Patching [UnityEngine.CoreModule] with [BepInEx.Chainloader]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Patching [Assembly-CSharp] with [Aki.PrePatch.AkiBotsPrePatcher]
[Message:   BepInEx] Preloader finished
[Message:   BepInEx] Chainloader ready
[Message:   BepInEx] Chainloader started
[Info   :   BepInEx] 20 plugins to load
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [AKI.Core 3.7.1]
[Info   :  AKI.Core] Loading: Aki.Core
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ConsistencySinglePatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ConsistencyMultiPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch BattlEyePatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SslCertificatePatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch UnityWebRequestPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch WebSocketPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch TransportPrefixPatch
[Info   :  AKI.Core] Completed: Aki.Core
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [That's Lit 1.2.3]
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SeenCoefPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch EncounteringPatch
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [Graphics 1.5.3]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [Configuration Manager 16.4.1]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [cwx-debuggingtool-dxyz 2.2.1]
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch MatchStartPatch
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [DrakiaXYZ-Waypoints 1.3.1]
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch DebugPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch WaypointPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch BotOwnerRunPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch EditorPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch DoorBlockerPatch
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [DrakiaXYZ-BigBrain]
[Info   :DrakiaXYZ-BigBrain] Loading: DrakiaXYZ-BigBrain
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch BotBaseBrainActivatePatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch BotBrainCreateLogicNodePatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch BotBaseBrainUpdatePatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch BotAgentUpdatePatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch BotBaseBrainActivateLayerPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch BotBaseBrainAddLayerPatch
[Info   :DrakiaXYZ-BigBrain] Completed: DrakiaXYZ-BigBrain
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [DanW-QuestingBots 0.2.8]
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Loading QuestingBots...
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Loading QuestingBots...getting configuration data...
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Loading QuestingBots...enabling patches...
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch MainMenuShowScreenPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch GameWorldOnDestroyPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch OnGameStartedPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch BotOwnerBrainActivatePatch
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Loading QuestingBots...enabling controllers...
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Loading QuestingBots...changing bot brains: Assault, CursAssault, PMC, ExUsec, SectantWarrior, BossBully, BossSanitar, Tagilla, BossGluhar, BossKojaniy, SectantPriest, BossBoar, Tagilla, Killa, Knight, FollowerBully, FollowerSanitar, TagillaFollower, FollowerGluharAssault, FollowerGluharProtect, FollowerGluharScout, BoarSniper, FlBoar, BigPipe, BirdEye
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch OnBeenKilledByAggressorPatch
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Loading QuestingBots...done.
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [SAIN 2.1.4]
[Error  :      SAIN] ERROR: This version of SAIN v2.1.4 was built for Tarkov 26282, but you are running 26535. Please download the correct plugin version.
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [dvize.Donuts 1.3.0]
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch NewGameDonutsPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch BotGroupAddEnemyPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch BotMemoryAddEnemyPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch MatchEndPlayerDisposePatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch PatchStandbyTeleport
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch BotProfilePreparationHook
[Warning:dvize.Donuts] Found file at: D:\NiceStuff\BepInEx\plugins\dvize.Donuts\ScenarioConfig.json
[Debug  :dvize.Donuts] Loaded 17 Donuts Scenario Folders
[Warning:dvize.Donuts] Adding scenario: live-like
[Warning:dvize.Donuts] Adding scenario: live-like-alt
[Warning:dvize.Donuts] Adding scenario: live-like-alt-2
[Warning:dvize.Donuts] Adding scenario: live-like-alt-3
[Warning:dvize.Donuts] Adding scenario: quietraids
[Warning:dvize.Donuts] Adding scenario: boss-mania
[Warning:dvize.Donuts] Adding scenario: crazyraids
[Warning:dvize.Donuts] Adding scenario: impossibleraids
[Warning:dvize.Donuts] Adding scenario: morescavs
[Warning:dvize.Donuts] Adding scenario: morepmcs
[Warning:dvize.Donuts] Adding scenario: all-pmcs
[Warning:dvize.Donuts] Adding scenario: all-scavs
[Warning:dvize.Donuts] Adding scenario: no-starting-pmcs
[Warning:dvize.Donuts] Adding scenario: starting-pmcs-only-live-like
[Warning:dvize.Donuts] Adding scenario: starting-pmcs-only-live-like-alt
[Warning:dvize.Donuts] Adding scenario: starting-pmcs-only-morescavs
[Warning:dvize.Donuts] Adding scenario: starting-pmcs-only-quietraids
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [PAUSE 1.0.3]
[Info   :     PAUSE] PAUSE: Loading
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch WorldTickPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch OtherWorldTickPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch GameTimerClassPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch TimerPanelPatch
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [CamUnsnap 1.2.1]
[Info   : CamUnsnap] Camera Unsnap Loaded
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [SamSWAT.TimeWeatherChanger 2.3.0]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [AKI.Custom 3.7.1]
[Info   :AKI.Custom] Loading: Aki.Custom
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch EasyAssetsPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch EasyBundlePatch
[Debug  :ModulePatch] BossSpawnChancePatch Type: LocalGame
[Debug  :ModulePatch] BossSpawnChancePatch Method: smethod_8
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch BossSpawnChancePatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch BotDifficultyPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch CoreDifficultyPatch
[Debug  :ModulePatch] OfflineRaidMenuPatch Type: MatchmakerOfflineRaidScreen
[Debug  :ModulePatch] OfflineRaidMenuPatch Method: Show
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch OfflineRaidMenuPatch
[Debug  :ModulePatch] OfflineRaidSettingsMenuPatch Type: RaidSettingsWindow
[Debug  :ModulePatch] OfflineRaidSettingsMenuPatch Method: Show
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch OfflineRaidSettingsMenuPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SessionIdPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch VersionLabelPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch IsEnemyPatch
[Debug  :ModulePatch] LocationLootCacheBustingPatch Type: BaseLocalGame`1
[Debug  :ModulePatch] LocationLootCacheBustingPatch Method: method_6
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch LocationLootCacheBustingPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch CheckAndAddEnemyPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch BotSelfEnemyPatch
[Debug  :ModulePatch] AddEnemyToAllGroupsInBotZonePatch Type: BotsController
[Debug  :ModulePatch] AddEnemyToAllGroupsInBotZonePatch Method: AddEnemyToAllGroupsInBotZone
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AddEnemyToAllGroupsInBotZonePatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AirdropPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AirdropFlarePatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AddSptBotSettingsPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch CustomAiPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ExitWhileLootingPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch QTEPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch PmcFirstAidPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SettingsLocationPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch RagfairFeePatch
[Info   :AKI.Custom] Completed: Aki.Custom
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [AKI.Debugging 3.7.1]
[Info   :AKI.Debugging] Loading: Aki.Debugging
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch EndRaidDebug
[Info   :AKI.Debugging] Completed: Aki.Debugging
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [AKI.Singleplayer 3.7.1]
[Info   :AKI.Singleplayer] Loading: Aki.SinglePlayer
[Debug  :ModulePatch] OfflineSaveProfilePatch Type: TarkovApplication
[Debug  :ModulePatch] OfflineSaveProfilePatch Method: method_46
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch OfflineSaveProfilePatch
[Debug  :ModulePatch] OfflineSpawnPointPatch Type: SpawnSystemClass
[Debug  :ModulePatch] OfflineSpawnPointPatch Method: GInterface297.SelectSpawnPoint
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch OfflineSpawnPointPatch
[Debug  :ModulePatch] ExperienceGainPatch Type: SessionResultExperienceCount
[Debug  :ModulePatch] ExperienceGainPatch Method: Show
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ExperienceGainPatch
[Debug  :ModulePatch] ScavExperienceGainPatch Type: SessionResultExitStatus
[Debug  :ModulePatch] ScavExperienceGainPatch Method: Show
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ScavExperienceGainPatch
[Debug  :ModulePatch] MainMenuControllerPatch Type: MainMenuController
[Debug  :ModulePatch] MainMenuControllerPatch Method: method_1
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch MainMenuControllerPatch
[Debug  :ModulePatch] PlayerPatch Type: Player
[Debug  :ModulePatch] PlayerPatch Method: Init
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch PlayerPatch
[Debug  :ModulePatch] SelectLocationScreenPatch Type: MatchMakerSelectionLocationScreen
[Debug  :ModulePatch] SelectLocationScreenPatch Method: Awake
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SelectLocationScreenPatch
[Debug  :ModulePatch] InsuranceScreenPatch Type: MainMenuController
[Debug  :ModulePatch] InsuranceScreenPatch Method: method_69
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch InsuranceScreenPatch
[Debug  :ModulePatch] BotTemplateLimitPatch Type: BotsPresets
[Debug  :ModulePatch] BotTemplateLimitPatch Method: method_1
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch BotTemplateLimitPatch
[Debug  :ModulePatch] GetNewBotTemplatesPatch Type: BotsPresets
[Debug  :ModulePatch] GetNewBotTemplatesPatch Method: GetNewProfile
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch GetNewBotTemplatesPatch
[Warning:  HarmonyX] RemoveUsedBotProfilePatch: You should only patch implemented methods/constructors to avoid issues. Patch the declared method virtual EFT.Profile GClass511::GetNewProfile(GClass513 data, bool withDelete) instead of virtual EFT.Profile GClass511::GetNewProfile(GClass513 data, bool withDelete).
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch RemoveUsedBotProfilePatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch DogtagPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch LoadOfflineRaidScreenPatch
[Debug  :ModulePatch] ScavPrefabLoadPatch Type: Struct275
[Debug  :ModulePatch] ScavPrefabLoadPatch Method: MoveNext
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ScavPrefabLoadPatch
[Debug  :ModulePatch] ScavProfileLoadPatch Type: Struct282
[Debug  :ModulePatch] ScavProfileLoadPatch Method: MoveNext
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ScavProfileLoadPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ScavExfilPatch
[Debug  :ModulePatch] ExfilPointManagerPatch Type: GameWorld
[Debug  :ModulePatch] ExfilPointManagerPatch Method: OnGameStarted
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ExfilPointManagerPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch TinnitusFixPatch
[Debug  :ModulePatch] MaxBotPatch Type: BotsController
[Debug  :ModulePatch] MaxBotPatch Method: SetSettings
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch MaxBotPatch
[Debug  :ModulePatch] SpawnPmcPatch Type: GClass514
[Debug  :ModulePatch] SpawnPmcPatch Method: method_1
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SpawnPmcPatch
[Debug  :ModulePatch] PostRaidHealingPricePatch Type: GClass1625
[Debug  :ModulePatch] PostRaidHealingPricePatch Method: UpdateLevel
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch PostRaidHealingPricePatch
[Debug  :ModulePatch] EndByTimerPatch Type: BaseLocalGame`1
[Debug  :ModulePatch] EndByTimerPatch Method: Stop
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch EndByTimerPatch
[Debug  :ModulePatch] PostRaidHealScreenPatch Type: PostRaidHealthScreenClass
[Debug  :ModulePatch] PostRaidHealScreenPatch Method: smethod_0
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch PostRaidHealScreenPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch VoIPTogglerPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch MidRaidQuestChangePatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch HealthControllerPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch LighthouseBridgePatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch LighthouseTransmitterPatch
[Debug  :ModulePatch] EmptyInfilFixPatch Type: BaseLocalGame`1
[Debug  :ModulePatch] EmptyInfilFixPatch Method: vmethod_5
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch EmptyInfilFixPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SmokeGrenadeFuseSoundFixPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch PlayerToggleSoundFixPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch PluginErrorNotifierPatch
[Debug  :ModulePatch] SpawnProcessNegativeValuePatch Type: BotSpawner
[Debug  :ModulePatch] SpawnProcessNegativeValuePatch Method: CheckOnMax
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch SpawnProcessNegativeValuePatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch InsuredItemManagerStartPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch MapReadyButtonPatch
[Info   :AKI.Singleplayer] Completed: Aki.SinglePlayer
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [MoreCheckmarks 1.5.9]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [DrakiaXYZ-SearchOpenContainers 1.0.2]
[Info   :DrakiaXYZ-SearchOpenContainers] [SearchOpenContainers] Loading...
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch ContainerMenuPatch
[Info   :DrakiaXYZ-SearchOpenContainers] [SearchOpenContainers] Loaded!
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [DrakiaXYZ-TaskListFixes 1.2.1]
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch TasksScreenShowQuestsPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch TasksScreenShowPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch QuestProgressViewPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch QuestsFilterPanelSortPatch
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [ZeroingQOL 1.0.0]
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch DefAmmoPatch
[Info   :ZeroingQOL] Plugin ZeroingQOL is loaded!
[Message:   BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmandsLocalPlayerPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmandsGraphicsNVGPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmandsGraphicsApplyNVGPatch
[Warning:  HarmonyX] AmandsGraphicsHBAOPatch: You should only patch implemented methods/constructors to avoid issues. Patch the declared method void HBAO_Core::ApplyPreset(HBAO_Core+Preset preset) instead of void HBAO_Core::ApplyPreset(HBAO_Core+Preset preset).
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmandsGraphicsHBAOPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmandsGraphicsPrismEffectsPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmandsGraphicsOpticPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmandsGraphicsOpticSightPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmandsGraphicsCameraClassPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmandsGraphicsmethod_22Patch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmandsGraphicsTacticalComboVisualControllerPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmandsGraphicsFastBlurPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmandsGraphicsMethod_7Patch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmandsGraphicsFastBlurHitPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmandsBattleUIScreenPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmandsEffectsControllerPatch
[Info   :MoreCheckmarks] MoreCheckmarks Started
[Info   :MoreCheckmarks] Configs loaded
[Info   :MoreCheckmarks] Assets loaded
[Info   :MoreCheckmarks] Loading data
[Info   :MoreCheckmarks] 	Quests
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :MoreCheckmarks] 	Items
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :MoreCheckmarks] 	Assorts
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :MoreCheckmarks] 	Productions
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Debug  :   BepInEx] [UnityInput] Using LegacyInputSystem
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :ModulePatch] Server version: SPT-AKI 3.7.1
[Info   :MoreCheckmarks] Loading data
[Info   :MoreCheckmarks] 	Quests
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :MoreCheckmarks] 	Items
[Info   :MoreCheckmarks] 	Assorts
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :MoreCheckmarks] 	Productions
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Caching escape times...
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Caching escape times...bigmap: 40
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Caching escape times...factory4_day: 20
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Caching escape times...factory4_night: 25
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Caching escape times...hideout: 99999
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Caching escape times...Interchange: 40
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Caching escape times...laboratory: 35
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Caching escape times...Lighthouse: 40
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Caching escape times...RezervBase: 40
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Caching escape times...Shoreline: 45
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Caching escape times...TarkovStreets: 50
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Caching escape times...Woods: 40
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Caching escape times...done.
[Debug  :HealthListener] SetCurrentHealth() - Found Regeneration on Head with time Infinity
[Debug  :HealthListener] SetCurrentHealth() - Found Regeneration on Head with time Infinity
[Debug  :HealthListener] SetCurrentHealth() - Found Regeneration on Head with time Infinity
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Debug  :HealthListener] SetCurrentHealth() - Found Regeneration on Head with time Infinity
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request POST json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :ModulePatch] Desired spawnpoint: [category:Player] [side:Usec] [infil:] [140 total spawn points]
[Info   :ModulePatch] Selected SpawnPoint: [id:928f1dd2-4769-47c0-9803-77d7911e98e7] [name:PMC Spawn (63)] [category:Player] [side:Pmc] [infil:House]
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Hooking up health listener to profile: pmc57f661d3048a8536b35cd926
[Debug  :HealthListener] SetCurrentHealth() - Found Existence on Head with time Infinity
[Debug  :ModulePatch] HealthController instance: -1546918400
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmandsPainkillerAddEffectPatch
[Info   :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AmandsPainkillerDeleteEffectPatch
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Found custom patrols for woods / ZoneWoodCutter
[Info   :   Console] PatrolWay Extra_1 doesn't exist, creating
[Info   :   Console] PatrolWay Extra_2 doesn't exist, creating
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Found custom patrols for woods / ZoneHouse
[Info   :   Console] PatrolWay Roaming doesn't exist, creating
[Info   :   Console] PatrolWay Construction doesn't exist, creating
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Found custom patrols for woods / ZoneBigRocks
[Info   :   Console] PatrolWay Roaming doesn't exist, creating
[Info   :   Console] PatrolWay PlaneCrash doesn't exist, creating
[Info   :   Console] PatrolWay MountainStash doesn't exist, creating
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Found custom patrols for woods / ZoneRoad
[Info   :   Console] PatrolWay Roaming doesn't exist, creating
[Info   :   Console] PatrolWay PMCRocks doesn't exist, creating
[Info   :   Console] PatrolWay EmercomRoad doesn't exist, creating
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Found custom patrols for woods / ZoneMiniHouse
[Info   :   Console] PatrolWay Roaming doesn't exist, creating
[Info   :   Console] PatrolWay Construction doesn't exist, creating
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Found custom patrols for woods / ZoneRedHouse
[Info   :   Console] PatrolWay Roaming doesn't exist, creating
[Info   :   Console] PatrolWay PMCRocks doesn't exist, creating
[Info   :   Console] PatrolWay PlaneCrash doesn't exist, creating
[Info   :   Console] PatrolWay MountainStash doesn't exist, creating
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Found custom patrols for woods / ZoneScavBase2
[Info   :   Console] PatrolWay Extra_1 doesn't exist, creating
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Found custom patrols for woods / ZoneClearVill
[Info   :   Console] PatrolWay Extra_1 doesn't exist, creating
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Found custom patrols for woods / ZoneBrokenVill
[Info   :   Console] PatrolWay Extra_1 doesn't exist, creating
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Loaded 461 custom waypoints in 113ms!
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Injected custom navmesh: D:\NiceStuff\BepInEx\plugins\DrakiaXYZ-Waypoints\navmesh\woods-navmesh.bundle
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Warning:ModulePatch] Set max bot cap to: 32
[Debug  :DonutsBotPrep] DonutBotPrep Enabled
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Profile Generation is Creating for Donuts Difficulties
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Waiting for LoadQuest until next frame... (Cycle times: 8, Total time: 9)
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:52:04 Loading bot: Goewert profile from server. Role: sptBear Side: Bear
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:52:04 Loading bot: Snofielf profile from server. Role: sptBear Side: Bear
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:52:04 Loading bot: Aethas profile from server. Role: sptBear Side: Bear
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:52:04 Loading bot: Nikita profile from server. Role: sptBear Side: Bear
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:52:05 Loading bot: pitAlex profile from server. Role: sptBear Side: Bear
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:52:05 Loading bot: cinna.toastie profile from server. Role: sptUsec Side: Usec
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:52:05 Loading bot: K4_a profile from server. Role: sptUsec Side: Usec
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:52:05 Loading bot: CreamCheese profile from server. Role: sptUsec Side: Usec
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:52:05 Loading bot: OXIdiezd profile from server. Role: sptUsec Side: Usec
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:52:05 Loading bot: Revingly profile from server. Role: sptUsec Side: Usec
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:52:05 Loading bot: Ярик Бстр profile from server. Role: assault Side: Savage
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:52:05 Loading bot: Афанасий Человек profile from server. Role: assault Side: Savage
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:52:05 Loading bot: Лёва Бутовский profile from server. Role: assault Side: Savage
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:52:05 Loading bot: Шурик Два-восемь profile from server. Role: assault Side: Savage
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:52:05 Loading bot: Пафнутий Сизый profile from server. Role: assault Side: Savage
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Waiting for LoadQuest until next frame...done. (Cycle times: 8, 6, 6, 6, 4, Total time: 496)
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Found trigger place_THX_15 for quest: Gratitude
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Found trigger place_keeper5_1 for quest: Return the Favor
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Found trigger meh_45_radio_area_mark_1 for quest: Assessment - Part 2
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Found trigger huntsman_001 for quest: Introduction
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Waiting for ProcessTrigger until next frame... (Cycle times: 6, Total time: 6)
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Adjusting position for zone meh_45_radio_area_mark_2 to (-156.1, 51.4, -273.3)
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Found trigger meh_45_radio_area_mark_2 for quest: Assessment - Part 2
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Found trigger bar_fuel3_2 for quest: The Blood of War - Part 3
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Found trigger place_peacemaker_007_2_N2_1 for quest: The Cult - Part 2
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Found trigger place_keeper5_2 for quest: Return the Favor
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Adjusting position for zone place_skier_11_1 to (31.1, -14.9, 83.0)
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Found trigger place_skier_11_1 for quest: Informed Means Armed
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Adjusting position for zone meh_45_radio_area_mark_4 to (446.3, -14.0, 69.2)
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Found trigger meh_45_radio_area_mark_4 for quest: Assessment - Part 2
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Found trigger bar_fuel3_1 for quest: The Blood of War - Part 3
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Adjusting position for zone meh_45_radio_area_mark_3 to (-157.6, 46.4, -233.2)
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Found trigger meh_45_radio_area_mark_3 for quest: Assessment - Part 2
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Found trigger bar_fuel3_3 for quest: The Blood of War - Part 3
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Found trigger place_skier_12_3 for quest: Chumming
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Found trigger place_peacemaker_007_2_N2 for quest: The Cult - Part 2
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Adjusting position for zone pr_scout_col to (195.6, 11.0, -595.8)
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Found trigger pr_scout_col for quest: Search Mission
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Found trigger huntsman_005_1 for quest: The Survivalist Path - Thrifty
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Adjusting position for zone pr_scout_base to (283.1, 22.8, -439.4)
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Found trigger pr_scout_base for quest: Search Mission
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Adjusting position for zone prapor_27_2 to (-189.1, -6.5, 232.2)
[Error  :DanW-QuestingBots] Cannot find NavMesh point for trigger prapor_27_2
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Adjusting position for zone ter_015_area_1 to (-97.2, -15.4, 219.8)
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Found trigger ter_015_area_1 for quest: Health Care Privacy - Part 3
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Adjusting position for zone quest_zone_keeper5 to (-184.3, 6.4, -255.9)
[Error  :DanW-QuestingBots] Cannot find NavMesh point for trigger quest_zone_keeper5
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Found trigger huntsman_005_2 for quest: The Survivalist Path - Thrifty
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Waiting for ProcessTrigger until next frame...done. (Cycle times: 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 0, Total time: 376)
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Found Secure Folder 0052 for quest Supply Plans
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Found Blood sample for quest Health Care Privacy - Part 3
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Found Motor Controller #1 for quest Lend-Lease - Part 1
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Found Single-axis Fiber Optic Gyroscope #1 for quest Lend-Lease - Part 1
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Waiting for LocateQuestItems until next frame... (Cycle times: 7, Total time: 7)
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Found Encrypted message for quest Introduction
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Waiting for LocateQuestItems until next frame...done. (Cycle times: 7, 6, 0, Total time: 43)
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Cannot find NavMesh position for spawn point (443.0, -20.5, 364.1)
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Cannot find NavMesh position for spawn point (441.8, -20.5, 366.6)
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Cannot find NavMesh position for spawn point (443.9, -20.5, 362.5)
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Cannot find NavMesh position for spawn point (393.0, -16.8, 362.6)
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Cannot find NavMesh position for spawn point (444.6, -20.5, 363.1)
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Cannot find NavMesh position for spawn point (445.0, -20.5, 362.2)
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Loading custom quests...
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Loading custom quests...found 19 custom quests.
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Finished loading quest data.
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Donuts Enabled
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Setup maplocation: woods
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Selected Folder: starting-pmcs-only-live-like
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Loaded 391 Bot Fight Entries
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Valid Bot Fight Entries For Current Map: 50
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Setup PMC Bot limit: 10
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Setup SCAV Bot limit: 8
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 80% Passed for hotspot: pmc_old_sawmill
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (-509.2, 11.9, -148.1)
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: 966422528 for profile id: 98b5a07f0a465d38ca009f9b
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 881.8685 of side: Usec and difficulty: normal
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (-509.5, 11.9, -148.9)
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: -1608744960 for profile id: 682bd5ae48e3f1efc761fba9
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 882.2433 of side: Usec and difficulty: normal
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting Regular Spawn Timer (after successful spawn): 0.08333335 for hotspot: pmc_old_sawmill
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 1 for hotspot: pmc_old_sawmill at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 80% Passed for hotspot: pmc_eastern_rocks_2
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (-520.0, 11.9, 28.2)
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: 125515776 for profile id: 2eb60d6f5d565803d4bdd75d
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 894.1285 of side: Usec and difficulty: normal
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (-520.5, 11.8, 26.9)
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: -470498816 for profile id: f8ed05ea72f6da4b3ee73557
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 894.5023 of side: Usec and difficulty: normal
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting Regular Spawn Timer (after successful spawn): 0.08333335 for hotspot: pmc_eastern_rocks_2
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 2 for hotspot: pmc_eastern_rocks at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 2 for hotspot: pmc_eastern_rocks_2 at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 80% Passed for hotspot: pmc_un_roadblock
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (-529.1, -1.0, 302.3)
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: -501928448 for profile id: cd98f71a402c4ac57937cc4d
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 971.1526 of side: Usec and difficulty: normal
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (-528.7, -1.0, 301.5)
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting Regular Spawn Timer (after successful spawn): 0.08333335 for hotspot: pmc_un_roadblock
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 3 for hotspot: pmc_un_roadblock at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 80% Failed for hotspot: pmc_bus_stop
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 4 for hotspot: pmc_bus_stop at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 80% Passed for hotspot: pmc_tunnel_rock
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (-287.2, -1.1, 253.3)
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting Regular Spawn Timer (after successful spawn): 0.08333335 for hotspot: pmc_tunnel_rock
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 5 for hotspot: pmc_tunnel_rock at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 80% Failed for hotspot: pmc_dead_mans_place
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 6 for hotspot: pmc_ruaf_roadblock at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 6 for hotspot: pmc_dead_mans_place at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 80% Passed for hotspot: pmc_bunker_overlook
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting Regular Spawn Timer (after successful spawn): 0.08333335 for hotspot: pmc_bunker_overlook
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 7 for hotspot: pmc_outskirts at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 7 for hotspot: pmc_bunker_overlook at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 80% Passed for hotspot: pmc_usec_camp
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (359.4, 14.2, -382.4)
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: -1167980032 for profile id: 69299acaa528b3e808b435e1
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 315.4836 of side: Bear and difficulty: normal
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (358.9, 14.1, -384.1)
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: 1323796992 for profile id: 12634ee7e43ccff6f16312ca
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 317.2074 of side: Bear and difficulty: normal
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting Regular Spawn Timer (after successful spawn): 0.08333335 for hotspot: pmc_usec_camp
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 8 for hotspot: pmc_usec_camp_hill at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 8 for hotspot: pmc_usec_camp at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 80% Passed for hotspot: pmc_campsite_north
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (66.8, 8.9, -648.6)
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting Regular Spawn Timer (after successful spawn): 0.08333335 for hotspot: pmc_campsite_north
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 9 for hotspot: pmc_scav_bunker at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 9 for hotspot: pmc_campsite_north at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 80% Passed for hotspot: pmc_abandoned_village
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (-263.4, 11.2, -629.9)
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: -1732301312 for profile id: 63875af8565a13c6fc317e0c
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 846.3699 of side: Bear and difficulty: normal
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (-263.6, 11.1, -630.6)
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: 2099811328 for profile id: fd2dacf7ca7bb5e6dae93a7f
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 846.988 of side: Bear and difficulty: normal
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting Regular Spawn Timer (after successful spawn): 0.08333335 for hotspot: pmc_abandoned_village
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 10 for hotspot: pmc_abandoned_village at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 10 for hotspot: pmc_bridge_v at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Passed for hotspot: scav
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (29.5, -3.3, 1.7)
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: 1711915520 for profile id: 35358d2add6aba65d5ff071a
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 346.3029 of side: Savage and difficulty: easy
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting Regular Spawn Timer (after successful spawn): 0.08333335 for hotspot: scav
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Passed for hotspot: scav
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (-238.7, 6.3, 82.2)
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: 127320576 for profile id: 46372ab21d9aaab0a56868a8
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 625.8189 of side: Savage and difficulty: easy
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting Regular Spawn Timer (after successful spawn): 0.08333335 for hotspot: scav
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 53 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 53 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 53 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 53 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:52:15 Loading bot: Димон Статтеринг profile from server. Role: marksman Side: Savage
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Passed for hotspot: Dead Area
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (-18.1, 23.9, -337.4)
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: -476018176 for profile id: 0069caf10a198b85ffc91ec7
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 472.4753 of side: Savage and difficulty: easy
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting Regular Spawn Timer (after successful spawn): 0.2045001 for hotspot: Dead Area
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 50 for hotspot: Between House and Wood at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 50 for hotspot: Dead Area at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 50 for hotspot: Dead Area at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 50 for hotspot: Plane at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 50 for hotspot: RUAF at time: 0
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:52:15 Loading bot: kwebber321 profile from server. Role: sptUsec Side: Usec
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:52:15 Loading bot: dushaoan profile from server. Role: sptUsec Side: Usec
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Failed for hotspot: scav_house (2-?)
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 57 for hotspot: scav_checkpoint (1-?) at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 57 for hotspot: scav_house (2-?) at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 57 for hotspot: scav_014 (1-2) at time: 0
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:52:15 Loading bot: TheRedCap profile from server. Role: sptUsec Side: Usec
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Actually Failed to get a valid spawn position for pmc_bunker_overlook after 20, moving on to next bot anyways
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Actually Failed to get a valid spawn position for pmc_bunker_overlook after 20, moving on to next bot anyways
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Actually Failed to get a valid spawn position for pmc_bunker_overlook after 20, moving on to next bot anyways
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot Snofielf: sptBear
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Warning:ModulePatch] Cached ai brain weights in client
[Warning:ModulePatch] Updated spt bot Snofielf: sptBear to use: pmcBot brain
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Setting objective for PMC Snofielf (Brain type: PMC)
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Snofielf has accepted objective RUAF Roadblock Crates: Objective #1 for quest RUAF Roadblock Crates
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot Aethas: sptBear
[Warning:ModulePatch] Updated spt bot Aethas: sptBear to use: pmcBot brain
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Setting objective for PMC Aethas (Brain type: PMC)
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Aethas has accepted objective Zone place_peacemaker_007_2_N2_1 for quest The Cult - Part 2
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot Goewert: sptBear
[Warning:ModulePatch] Updated spt bot Goewert: sptBear to use: pmcBot brain
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Setting objective for PMC Goewert (Brain type: PMC)
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Goewert has accepted objective Zone place_skier_11_1 for quest Informed Means Armed
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot Revingly: sptUsec
[Warning:ModulePatch] Updated spt bot Revingly: sptUsec to use: pmcBot brain
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Setting objective for PMC Revingly (Brain type: PMC)
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Revingly has accepted objective Item Secure Folder 0052 for quest Supply Plans
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot K4_a: sptUsec
[Warning:ModulePatch] Updated spt bot K4_a: sptUsec to use: pmcBot brain
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Setting objective for PMC K4_a (Brain type: PMC)
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a has accepted objective Item Secure Folder 0052 for quest Supply Plans
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Snofielf cannot find a complete path to its objective (RUAF Roadblock Crates: Objective #1 for quest RUAF Roadblock Crates). Trying anyway. Distance from end of path to objective: 540.766
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot OXIdiezd: sptUsec
[Warning:ModulePatch] Updated spt bot OXIdiezd: sptUsec to use: pmcBot brain
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Setting objective for PMC OXIdiezd (Brain type: PMC)
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot OXIdiezd has accepted objective Sawmill Cabins: Objective #1 for quest Sawmill Cabins
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Aethas cannot find a complete path to its objective (Zone place_peacemaker_007_2_N2_1 for quest The Cult - Part 2). Trying anyway. Distance from end of path to objective: 284.4615
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Goewert cannot find a complete path to its objective (Zone place_skier_11_1 for quest Informed Means Armed). Trying anyway. Distance from end of path to objective: 483.9073
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot Nikita: sptBear
[Warning:ModulePatch] Updated spt bot Nikita: sptBear to use: pmcBot brain
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Setting objective for PMC Nikita (Brain type: PMC)
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Nikita has accepted objective Sawmill Common Fund Stash: Objective #1 for quest Sawmill Common Fund Stash
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Revingly cannot find a complete path to its objective (Item Secure Folder 0052 for quest Supply Plans). Trying anyway. Distance from end of path to objective: 193.2389
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a cannot find a complete path to its objective (Item Secure Folder 0052 for quest Supply Plans). Trying anyway. Distance from end of path to objective: 229.6446
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot CreamCheese: sptUsec
[Warning:ModulePatch] Updated spt bot CreamCheese: sptUsec to use: pmcBot brain
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Setting objective for PMC CreamCheese (Brain type: PMC)
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot CreamCheese has accepted objective Scav House Sniping: Objective #3 for quest Scav House Sniping
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Bot OXIdiezd cannot find a complete path to its objective (Sawmill Cabins: Objective #1 for quest Sawmill Cabins). Trying anyway. Distance from end of path to objective: 227.4431
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot cinna.toastie: sptUsec
[Warning:ModulePatch] Updated spt bot cinna.toastie: sptUsec to use: pmcBot brain
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Setting objective for PMC cinna.toastie (Brain type: PMC)
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot cinna.toastie has accepted objective Zone ter_015_area_1 for quest Health Care Privacy - Part 3
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot Ярик Бстр: assault
[Warning:ModulePatch] Updated assault bot to use: assault brain
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Nikita cannot find a complete path to its objective (Sawmill Common Fund Stash: Objective #1 for quest Sawmill Common Fund Stash). Trying anyway. Distance from end of path to objective: 370.0122
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot Лёва Бутовский: assault
[Warning:ModulePatch] Updated assault bot to use: assault brain
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Bot CreamCheese cannot find a complete path to its objective (Scav House Sniping: Objective #3 for quest Scav House Sniping). Trying anyway. Distance from end of path to objective: 663.2079
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot Афанасий Человек: assault
[Warning:ModulePatch] Updated assault bot to use: assault brain
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Bot cinna.toastie cannot find a complete path to its objective (Zone ter_015_area_1 for quest Health Care Privacy - Part 3). Trying anyway. Distance from end of path to objective: 273.6576
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: -943846912 for profile id: 7bd39e416005cb8af8c0f427
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 970.4088 of side: Usec and difficulty: normal
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: -71024128 for profile id: c4df534f7073456a80f5b844
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 729.8229 of side: Usec and difficulty: normal
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: 65961984 for profile id: 845e85487041ee90f5faba9d
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (-285.9, -1.1, 253.6)
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:52:17 Loading bot: OXIdiezd profile from server. Role: sptUsec Side: Usec
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot Димон Статтеринг: marksman
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot dushaoan: sptUsec
[Warning:ModulePatch] Updated spt bot dushaoan: sptUsec to use: pmcBot brain
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Setting objective for PMC dushaoan (Brain type: PMC)
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot dushaoan has accepted objective Zone place_THX_15 for quest Gratitude
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Bot dushaoan cannot find a complete path to its objective (Zone place_THX_15 for quest Gratitude). Trying anyway. Distance from end of path to objective: 100.9257
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot kwebber321: sptUsec
[Warning:ModulePatch] Updated spt bot kwebber321: sptUsec to use: pmcBot brain
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Setting objective for PMC kwebber321 (Brain type: PMC)
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kwebber321 has accepted objective Zone pr_scout_col for quest Search Mission
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kwebber321 cannot find a complete path to its objective (Zone pr_scout_col for quest Search Mission). Trying anyway. Distance from end of path to objective: 576.8778
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 655.1228 of side: Usec and difficulty: normal
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: -810352640 for profile id: f156bcde60ad9ac76f9b83de
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (66.3, 9.0, -649.9)
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 733.454 of side: Usec and difficulty: normal
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: 512440320 for profile id: 193d95a2eb7402af3ca2e395
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:52:22 Loading bot: kikirio profile from server. Role: sptUsec Side: Usec
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 657.2817 of side: Usec and difficulty: normal
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: -1290960896 for profile id: 8d334f8a0c8e4f6132d698f8
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot TheRedCap: sptUsec
[Warning:ModulePatch] Updated spt bot TheRedCap: sptUsec to use: pmcBot brain
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Setting objective for PMC TheRedCap (Brain type: PMC)
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot TheRedCap has accepted objective Scav Bridge Overlook: Objective #3 for quest Scav Bridge Overlook
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot OXIdiezd: sptUsec
[Warning:ModulePatch] Updated spt bot OXIdiezd: sptUsec to use: pmcBot brain
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Setting objective for PMC OXIdiezd (Brain type: PMC)
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot OXIdiezd has accepted objective Zone ter_015_area_1 for quest Health Care Privacy - Part 3
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot kikirio: sptUsec
[Warning:ModulePatch] Updated spt bot kikirio: sptUsec to use: pmcBot brain
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Setting objective for PMC kikirio (Brain type: PMC)
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio has accepted objective Zone pr_scout_col for quest Search Mission
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Despawning bot: dushaoan (Bot14)
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:52:35 Loading bot: RyuAzuku profile from server. Role: sptBear Side: Bear
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:52:35 Loading bot: wara profile from server. Role: sptBear Side: Bear
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:52:35 Loading bot: mighty_condor profile from server. Role: sptBear Side: Bear
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:52:35 Loading bot: pitAlex profile from server. Role: sptBear Side: Bear
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:52:35 Loading bot: ColonelPeePantz profile from server. Role: sptBear Side: Bear
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:52:35 Loading bot: TheRedCap profile from server. Role: sptBear Side: Bear
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Ярик Бстр (Scav) was killed by kwebber321 (PMC). Initial PMC's remaining: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Despawning bot: OXIdiezd (Bot5)
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Despawning bot: CreamCheese (Bot4)
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio reached its objective (Zone pr_scout_col for quest Search Mission).
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Despawning bot: cinna.toastie (Bot2)
[Info   :     PAUSE] MainTimerPanel found: True
[Info   :     PAUSE] GameTimerClass found: True
[Info   :     PAUSE] Deactivating player: Bot1
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanPelvis
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanLThigh1
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanLCalf
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanRThigh1
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanRCalf
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanSpine2
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanSpine3
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanLUpperarm
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanLForearm1
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanRUpperarm
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanRForearm1
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanHead
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio has accepted objective Zone pr_scout_base for quest Search Mission
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio spent 10.003s at it's final position for Zone pr_scout_col for quest Search Mission
[Info   :     PAUSE] MainTimerPanel found: True
[Info   :     PAUSE] GameTimerClass found: True
[Info   :     PAUSE] Reactivating player: Bot1
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanPelvis
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanLThigh1
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanLCalf
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanRThigh1
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanRCalf
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanSpine2
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanSpine3
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanLUpperarm
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanLForearm1
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanRUpperarm
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanRForearm1
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanHead
[Info   :     PAUSE] MainTimerPanel found: True
[Info   :     PAUSE] GameTimerClass found: True
[Info   :     PAUSE] Deactivating player: Bot1
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanPelvis
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanLThigh1
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanLCalf
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanRThigh1
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanRCalf
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanSpine2
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanSpine3
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanLUpperarm
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanLForearm1
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanRUpperarm
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanRForearm1
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanHead
[Info   :     PAUSE] MainTimerPanel found: True
[Info   :     PAUSE] GameTimerClass found: True
[Info   :     PAUSE] Reactivating player: Bot1
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanPelvis
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanLThigh1
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanLCalf
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanRThigh1
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanRCalf
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanSpine2
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanSpine3
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanLUpperarm
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanLForearm1
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanRUpperarm
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanRForearm1
[Info   :     PAUSE] Found rigidbody: Base HumanHead
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot TheRedCap reached its objective (Scav Bridge Overlook: Objective #3 for quest Scav Bridge Overlook).
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:53:29 Loading bot: Kilgor616 profile from server. Role: sptUsec Side: Usec
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:53:29 Loading bot: DeadLeaves profile from server. Role: sptUsec Side: Usec
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:53:29 Loading bot: Carl profile from server. Role: sptUsec Side: Usec
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:53:29 Loading bot: alias profile from server. Role: sptUsec Side: Usec
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:53:29 Loading bot: RaiRaiTheRaichu profile from server. Role: sptUsec Side: Usec
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:53:29 Loading bot: TechHappy profile from server. Role: sptUsec Side: Usec
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:53:29 Loading bot: matt profile from server. Role: sptUsec Side: Usec
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot TheRedCap has accepted objective Scav Bridge Overlook: Objective #2 for quest Scav Bridge Overlook
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot TheRedCap spent 10.003s at it's final position for Scav Bridge Overlook: Objective #3 for quest Scav Bridge Overlook
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot TheRedCap reached its objective (Scav Bridge Overlook: Objective #2 for quest Scav Bridge Overlook).
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot TheRedCap has accepted objective Scav Bridge Overlook: Objective #1 for quest Scav Bridge Overlook
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot TheRedCap spent 10.006s at it's final position for Scav Bridge Overlook: Objective #2 for quest Scav Bridge Overlook
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:53:58 Loading bot: Михаил Малинка (savid_dubs) profile from server. Role: assault Side: Savage
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:53:58 Loading bot: Вадик Виртуоз profile from server. Role: assault Side: Savage
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:53:59 Loading bot: Слава Толстый profile from server. Role: assault Side: Savage
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:53:59 Loading bot: Гога МЧС profile from server. Role: assault Side: Savage
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:53:59 Loading bot: Гоша Сатанист profile from server. Role: assault Side: Savage
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot TheRedCap reached its objective (Scav Bridge Overlook: Objective #1 for quest Scav Bridge Overlook).
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Could not find another objective for bot OXIdiezd for quest Health Care Privacy - Part 3
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot OXIdiezd is stuck and will get a new objective.
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot OXIdiezd has accepted objective Scav Town: Objective #3 for quest Scav Town
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Bot OXIdiezd cannot find a complete path to its objective (Scav Town: Objective #3 for quest Scav Town). Trying anyway. Distance from end of path to objective: 264.6218
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Could not find another objective for bot TheRedCap for quest Scav Bridge Overlook
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot TheRedCap has accepted objective Zone ter_015_area_1 for quest Health Care Privacy - Part 3
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot TheRedCap spent 10.038s at it's final position for Position (134.1, 24.6, -758.5)
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Bot TheRedCap cannot find a complete path to its objective (Zone ter_015_area_1 for quest Health Care Privacy - Part 3). Trying anyway. Distance from end of path to objective: 691.8259
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio reached its objective (Zone pr_scout_base for quest Search Mission).
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Could not find another objective for bot kikirio for quest Search Mission
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio has accepted objective Item Blood sample for quest Health Care Privacy - Part 3
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio spent 10.024s at it's final position for Position (283.1, 23.0, -439.4)
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio cannot find a complete path to its objective (Item Blood sample for quest Health Care Privacy - Part 3). Trying anyway. Distance from end of path to objective: 554.7236
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Snofielf cannot find a path to RUAF Roadblock Crates: Objective #1 for quest RUAF Roadblock Crates
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Revingly reached its objective (Item Secure Folder 0052 for quest Supply Plans).
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a reached its objective (Item Secure Folder 0052 for quest Supply Plans).
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Could not find another objective for bot Revingly for quest Supply Plans
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Revingly has accepted objective Zone place_skier_11_1 for quest Informed Means Armed
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Revingly spent 10.015s at it's final position for Position (-3.3, -1.4, -80.6)
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Aethas reached its objective (Zone place_peacemaker_007_2_N2_1 for quest The Cult - Part 2).
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Лёва Бутовский (Scav) was killed by K4_a (PMC). Initial PMC's remaining: 0
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Aethas has accepted objective Zone place_peacemaker_007_2_N2 for quest The Cult - Part 2
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Aethas spent 10.003s at it's final position for Zone place_peacemaker_007_2_N2_1 for quest The Cult - Part 2
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Aethas cannot find a complete path to its objective (Zone place_peacemaker_007_2_N2 for quest The Cult - Part 2). Trying anyway. Distance from end of path to objective: 501.2453
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Failed for hotspot: scav
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 51 for hotspot: Big Mountain at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 51 for hotspot: Big Mountain North at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 51 for hotspot: by Outskirts at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 51 for hotspot: Outskirts at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 51 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Could not find another objective for bot K4_a for quest Supply Plans
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a has accepted objective Sawmill Cabins: Objective #3 for quest Sawmill Cabins
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a spent 30.768s at it's final position for Position (-3.3, -1.4, -80.6)
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Passed for hotspot: scav
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (-176.9, 19.2, -43.1)
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: 471548416 for profile id: f5d223e2e7d3e499f71d3b82
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 635.0535 of side: Savage and difficulty: easy
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting Regular Spawn Timer (after successful spawn): 180.0154 for hotspot: scav
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 53 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 53 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 53 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 53 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Passed for hotspot: scav
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (141.9, 12.5, -503.5)
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: -2024886784 for profile id: f2b2040013cf4bbf29ee8031
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 527.4615 of side: Savage and difficulty: easy
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting Regular Spawn Timer (after successful spawn): 180.086 for hotspot: scav
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot Шурик Два-восемь: assault
[Warning:ModulePatch] Updated assault bot to use: assault brain
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot Пафнутий Сизый: assault
[Warning:ModulePatch] Updated assault bot to use: assault brain
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Афанасий Человек (Scav) was killed by kwebber321 (PMC). Initial PMC's remaining: 0
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:55:59 Loading bot: Пантелеймон Киберспортсмен profile from server. Role: assault Side: Savage
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:55:59 Loading bot: Лаша Микрофон profile from server. Role: assault Side: Savage
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Passed for hotspot: Dead Area
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (208.1, 21.8, -289.3)
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: -326664192 for profile id: 287c1a6ee5d67be528206fe1
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 325.4901 of side: Savage and difficulty: easy
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting Regular Spawn Timer (after successful spawn): 200.0415 for hotspot: Dead Area
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 50 for hotspot: Between House and Wood at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 50 for hotspot: Dead Area at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 50 for hotspot: Dead Area at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 50 for hotspot: Plane at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 50 for hotspot: RUAF at time: 0
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot Вадик Виртуоз: assault
[Warning:ModulePatch] Updated assault bot to use: assault brain
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Revingly reached its objective (Zone place_skier_11_1 for quest Informed Means Armed).
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a has accepted objective Sawmill Cabins: Objective #2 for quest Sawmill Cabins
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a is stuck and will get a new objective.
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a reached its objective (Sawmill Cabins: Objective #2 for quest Sawmill Cabins).
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Could not find another objective for bot Revingly for quest Informed Means Armed
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Revingly has accepted objective Scav Base: Objective #2 for quest Scav Base
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Revingly spent 10.016s at it's final position for Position (31.1, -13.8, 83.0)
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a has accepted objective Sawmill Cabins: Objective #3 for quest Sawmill Cabins
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a spent 10.007s at it's final position for Sawmill Cabins: Objective #2 for quest Sawmill Cabins
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:56:29 Loading bot: Святополк Импортный (Ninjaweb) profile from server. Role: assault Side: Savage
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a reached its objective (Sawmill Cabins: Objective #3 for quest Sawmill Cabins).
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Could not find another objective for bot K4_a for quest Sawmill Cabins
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a has accepted objective Scav Base: Objective #2 for quest Scav Base
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a spent 10.015s at it's final position for Position (-1.9, -1.4, -80.5)
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a cannot find a complete path to its objective (Scav Base: Objective #2 for quest Scav Base). Trying anyway. Distance from end of path to objective: 4.62134
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Failed for hotspot: scav_house (2-?)
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 57 for hotspot: scav_checkpoint (1-?) at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 57 for hotspot: scav_house (2-?) at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 57 for hotspot: scav_014 (1-2) at time: 0
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Could not find another objective for bot Snofielf for quest RUAF Roadblock Crates
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Snofielf is stuck and will get a new objective.
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Snofielf has accepted objective Scav Base: Objective #1 for quest Scav Base
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Revingly reached its objective (Scav Base: Objective #2 for quest Scav Base).
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Шурик Два-восемь (Scav) was killed by K4_a (PMC). Initial PMC's remaining: 0
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Пафнутий Сизый (Scav) was killed by Goewert (PMC). Initial PMC's remaining: 0
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Failed for hotspot: scav
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 51 for hotspot: Big Mountain at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 51 for hotspot: Big Mountain North at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 51 for hotspot: by Outskirts at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 51 for hotspot: Outskirts at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 51 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Revingly has accepted objective Scav Base: Objective #1 for quest Scav Base
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Revingly spent 31.939s at it's final position for Scav Base: Objective #2 for quest Scav Base
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Passed for hotspot: scav_mountainstash (1-2)
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (-168.5, 31.7, -154.7)
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: -1416209408 for profile id: 3f3c4a7791e11b1755bc2dc2
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 630.5073 of side: Savage and difficulty: easy
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting Regular Spawn Timer (after successful spawn): 350.0148 for hotspot: scav_mountainstash (1-2)
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 55 for hotspot: scav_mountainstash (1-2) at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 55 for hotspot: scav_campsite (1-?) at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 55 for hotspot: scav_old_railway (1-?) at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 55 for hotspot: scav_town_east (1-2) at time: 0
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:58:29 Loading bot: Влад Волчара profile from server. Role: assault Side: Savage
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot Михаил Малинка (savid_dubs): assault
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Revingly reached its objective (Scav Base: Objective #1 for quest Scav Base).
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Passed for hotspot: scav
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (-178.3, 19.3, -42.1)
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: 627619840 for profile id: 8fe1a3e7895495950ce9c01d
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 636.5731 of side: Savage and difficulty: easy
[Warning:DonutComponent] Hotspot: scav is now in cooldown
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting Regular Spawn Timer (after successful spawn): 180.0023 for hotspot: scav
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 53 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 53 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 53 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 53 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Passed for hotspot: scav
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (142.3, 12.6, -502.9)
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: 1824906240 for profile id: 4ea99c5b466f364dbc17edc6
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 526.7249 of side: Savage and difficulty: easy
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (140.9, 12.5, -503.5)
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: -1751825920 for profile id: ad97f015369fa58fd05da9c1
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 528.0174 of side: Savage and difficulty: easy
[Warning:DonutComponent] Hotspot: scav is now in cooldown
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting Regular Spawn Timer (after successful spawn): 180.0331 for hotspot: scav
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot Гоша Сатанист: assault
[Warning:ModulePatch] Updated assault bot to use: assault brain
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot Гога МЧС: assault
[Warning:ModulePatch] Updated assault bot to use: assault brain
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot Слава Толстый: assault
[Warning:ModulePatch] Updated assault bot to use: assault brain
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Could not find another objective for bot Revingly for quest Scav Base
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Revingly has accepted objective Scav Base: Objective #2 for quest Scav Base
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Revingly spent 10.019s at it's final position for Position (-177.8, -1.8, 264.3)
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Гоша Сатанист (Scav) was killed by kikirio (PMC). Initial PMC's remaining: 0
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Revingly reached its objective (Scav Base: Objective #2 for quest Scav Base).
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:58:59 Loading bot: Сева Дристомет profile from server. Role: assault Side: Savage
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:58:59 Loading bot: Данила Сиплый profile from server. Role: assault Side: Savage
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:58:59 Loading bot: Пантелеймон Бубеш profile from server. Role: assault Side: Savage
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Слава Толстый (Scav) was killed by kikirio (PMC). Initial PMC's remaining: 0
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Revingly has accepted objective Scav Base: Objective #1 for quest Scav Base
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Revingly spent 10.006s at it's final position for Scav Base: Objective #2 for quest Scav Base
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a reached its objective (Scav Base: Objective #2 for quest Scav Base).
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Passed for hotspot: Dead Area
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (209.9, 23.0, -290.5)
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: 1312754176 for profile id: 115faa0f052bbb15e7e364f9
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 324.9695 of side: Savage and difficulty: easy
[Warning:DonutComponent] Hotspot: Dead Area is now in cooldown
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting Regular Spawn Timer (after successful spawn): 200.0034 for hotspot: Dead Area
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 50 for hotspot: Between House and Wood at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 50 for hotspot: Dead Area at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 50 for hotspot: Dead Area at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 50 for hotspot: Plane at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 50 for hotspot: RUAF at time: 0
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot Лаша Микрофон: assault
[Warning:ModulePatch] Updated assault bot to use: assault brain
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Could not find another objective for bot K4_a for quest Scav Base
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a has accepted objective Zone ter_015_area_1 for quest Health Care Privacy - Part 3
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a spent 10.044s at it's final position for Position (-209.6, -1.8, 203.2)
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Info   :ModulePatch] 21:59:29 Loading bot: Пафнутий Вереск profile from server. Role: assault Side: Savage
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Revingly reached its objective (Scav Base: Objective #1 for quest Scav Base).
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Could not find another objective for bot Revingly for quest Scav Base
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Revingly has accepted objective Zone place_peacemaker_007_2_N2 for quest The Cult - Part 2
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Revingly spent 10.013s at it's final position for Position (-177.8, -1.8, 264.3)
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Revingly cannot find a complete path to its objective (Zone place_peacemaker_007_2_N2 for quest The Cult - Part 2). Trying anyway. Distance from end of path to objective: 106.981
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a reached its objective (Zone ter_015_area_1 for quest Health Care Privacy - Part 3).
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a has accepted objective Item Blood sample for quest Health Care Privacy - Part 3
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a spent 10.005s at it's final position for Zone ter_015_area_1 for quest Health Care Privacy - Part 3
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a reached its objective (Item Blood sample for quest Health Care Privacy - Part 3).
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Could not find another objective for bot K4_a for quest Health Care Privacy - Part 3
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a has accepted objective Scav Base: Objective #2 for quest Scav Base
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a spent 10.011s at it's final position for Position (-94.5, -16.4, 218.4)
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Failed for hotspot: scav
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 51 for hotspot: Big Mountain at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 51 for hotspot: Big Mountain North at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 51 for hotspot: by Outskirts at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 51 for hotspot: Outskirts at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 51 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a is performing the next step for Scav Base: Objective #2
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a is stuck and will get a new objective.
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Nikita has accepted objective Sawmill Common Fund Stash: Objective #1 for quest Sawmill Common Fund Stash
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Nikita is stuck and will get a new objective.
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio has accepted objective Item Blood sample for quest Health Care Privacy - Part 3
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio is stuck and will get a new objective.
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot TheRedCap has accepted objective Zone ter_015_area_1 for quest Health Care Privacy - Part 3
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot TheRedCap is stuck and will get a new objective.
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Goewert has accepted objective Zone place_skier_11_1 for quest Informed Means Armed
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Goewert is stuck and will get a new objective.
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Revingly has accepted objective Zone place_peacemaker_007_2_N2 for quest The Cult - Part 2
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Revingly is stuck and will get a new objective.
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Failed for hotspot: scav_military_camp_road (1-3)
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 54 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 54 for hotspot: scav_RUAF (1) at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 54 for hotspot: scav_military_camp (1-4) at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 54 for hotspot: scav_military_camp_road (1-3) at time: 0
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Passed for hotspot: scav_house (2-?)
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (398.2, -12.6, 237.0)
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: -1296353280 for profile id: f75c8d1f5fa5b3f294bd0423
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 143.6663 of side: Savage and difficulty: easy
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (397.8, -12.6, 236.0)
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: 262619648 for profile id: 3357c4710f77521684177bc4
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 144.238 of side: Savage and difficulty: easy
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting Regular Spawn Timer (after successful spawn): 250.0082 for hotspot: scav_house (2-?)
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 57 for hotspot: scav_checkpoint (1-?) at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 57 for hotspot: scav_house (2-?) at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 57 for hotspot: scav_014 (1-2) at time: 0
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot Пантелеймон Киберспортсмен: assault
[Warning:ModulePatch] Updated assault bot to use: assault brain
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Snofielf is performing the next step for Scav Base: Objective #1
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Snofielf is stuck and will get a new objective.
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot Святополк Импортный (Ninjaweb): assault
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Aethas has spent 356.2407162 on quest The Cult - Part 2 and will choose another one.
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Could not find another objective for bot Aethas for quest The Cult - Part 2
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Aethas is stuck and will get a new objective.
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Aethas has accepted objective Mountain Crates: Objective #1 for quest Mountain Crates
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Info   :ModulePatch] 22:01:29 Loading bot: Захар Вавилон profile from server. Role: assault Side: Savage
[Info   :ModulePatch] 22:01:29 Loading bot: Витян Драгунов (红衣抚琴染绛天涯) profile from server. Role: assault Side: Savage
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Hotspot: scav is in cooldown, skipping spawn
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Failed for hotspot: scav
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 53 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 53 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 53 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 53 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Вадик Виртуоз (Scav) was killed by Snofielf (PMC). Initial PMC's remaining: 0
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Goewert needs to heal
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Goewert (PMC) was killed by kikirio (PMC). Initial PMC's remaining: 0
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Nikita reached its objective (Sawmill Common Fund Stash: Objective #1 for quest Sawmill Common Fund Stash).
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Failed for hotspot: scav
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Nikita (PMC) was killed by kikirio (PMC). Initial PMC's remaining: 0
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Лаша Микрофон (Scav) was killed by Aethas (PMC). Initial PMC's remaining: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Failed for hotspot: Between House and Wood
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 50 for hotspot: Between House and Wood at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 50 for hotspot: Dead Area at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 50 for hotspot: Dead Area at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 50 for hotspot: Plane at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 50 for hotspot: RUAF at time: 0
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Failed for hotspot: by Outskirts
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 51 for hotspot: Big Mountain at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 51 for hotspot: Big Mountain North at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 51 for hotspot: by Outskirts at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 51 for hotspot: Outskirts at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 51 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Bot Snofielf cannot find a complete path to its objective (Scav Base: Objective #1 for quest Scav Base). Trying anyway. Distance from end of path to objective: 293.2541
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a cannot find a complete path to its objective (Scav Base: Objective #2 for quest Scav Base). Trying anyway. Distance from end of path to objective: 3.108237
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot TheRedCap reached its objective (Zone ter_015_area_1 for quest Health Care Privacy - Part 3).
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Failed for hotspot: scav
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 53 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 53 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 53 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 53 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Could not find another objective for bot TheRedCap for quest Health Care Privacy - Part 3
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot TheRedCap has accepted objective Zone place_peacemaker_007_2_N2 for quest The Cult - Part 2
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot TheRedCap spent 10.018s at it's final position for Position (-97.2, -15.5, 219.8)
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Bot TheRedCap cannot find a complete path to its objective (Zone place_peacemaker_007_2_N2 for quest The Cult - Part 2). Trying anyway. Distance from end of path to objective: 24.11676
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio reached its objective (Item Blood sample for quest Health Care Privacy - Part 3).
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Could not find another objective for bot kikirio for quest Health Care Privacy - Part 3
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio has accepted objective Scav Base: Objective #1 for quest Scav Base
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio spent 10.012s at it's final position for Position (-94.5, -16.4, 218.4)
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Passed for hotspot: scav_house (2-?)
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (398.4, -12.5, 235.8)
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: 513556992 for profile id: 2d841322e17d2a530731f0e5
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 144.7412 of side: Savage and difficulty: easy
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting Regular Spawn Timer (after successful spawn): 250.0387 for hotspot: scav_house (2-?)
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 57 for hotspot: scav_checkpoint (1-?) at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 57 for hotspot: scav_house (2-?) at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 57 for hotspot: scav_014 (1-2) at time: 0
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot Влад Волчара: assault
[Warning:ModulePatch] Updated assault bot to use: assault brain
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio reached its objective (Scav Base: Objective #1 for quest Scav Base).
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a reached its objective (Scav Base: Objective #2 for quest Scav Base).
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Info   :ModulePatch] 22:05:29 Loading bot: Батыр Хипстер profile from server. Role: assault Side: Savage
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a has accepted objective Scav Base: Objective #1 for quest Scav Base
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a spent 10.008s at it's final position for Scav Base: Objective #2 for quest Scav Base
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Snofielf (PMC) was killed by TheRedCap (PMC). Initial PMC's remaining: 0
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio has accepted objective Scav Base: Objective #2 for quest Scav Base
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio spent 19.79s at it's final position for Scav Base: Objective #1 for quest Scav Base
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a reached its objective (Scav Base: Objective #1 for quest Scav Base).
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Could not find another objective for bot K4_a for quest Scav Base
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a has accepted objective Zone place_peacemaker_007_2_N2_1 for quest The Cult - Part 2
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a spent 10.039s at it's final position for Position (-177.8, -1.8, 264.3)
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a cannot find a complete path to its objective (Zone place_peacemaker_007_2_N2_1 for quest The Cult - Part 2). Trying anyway. Distance from end of path to objective: 538.6035
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Failed for hotspot: scav_RUAF (1)
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 54 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 54 for hotspot: scav_RUAF (1) at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 54 for hotspot: scav_military_camp (1-4) at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 54 for hotspot: scav_military_camp_road (1-3) at time: 0
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Passed for hotspot: scav
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (-26.8, 9.0, -132.8)
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: -23777792 for profile id: b4efd517b305d2646f391571
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 594.9133 of side: Savage and difficulty: easy
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting Regular Spawn Timer (after successful spawn): 220.0247 for hotspot: scav
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot Данила Сиплый: assault
[Warning:ModulePatch] Updated assault bot to use: assault brain
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot K4_a needs to heal
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] K4_a (PMC) was killed by kikirio (PMC). Initial PMC's remaining: 0
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Info   :ModulePatch] 22:06:29 Loading bot: Савелий Чсвешник (LimboFPS) profile from server. Role: assault Side: Savage
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Failed for hotspot: by Outskirts
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 51 for hotspot: Big Mountain at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 51 for hotspot: Big Mountain North at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 51 for hotspot: by Outskirts at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 51 for hotspot: Outskirts at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 51 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Passed for hotspot: Between House and Wood
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (268.7, -0.8, -9.2)
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: -713113088 for profile id: 5f5735bcf8f67bbb1c3aa496
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 366.0819 of side: Savage and difficulty: easy
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting Regular Spawn Timer (after successful spawn): 240.0885 for hotspot: Between House and Wood
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 50 for hotspot: Between House and Wood at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 50 for hotspot: Dead Area at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 50 for hotspot: Dead Area at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 50 for hotspot: Plane at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 50 for hotspot: RUAF at time: 0
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot Сева Дристомет: assault
[Warning:ModulePatch] Updated assault bot to use: assault brain
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Revingly (PMC) was killed by kikirio (PMC). Initial PMC's remaining: 0
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Info   :ModulePatch] 22:07:29 Loading bot: Ботир Сотона profile from server. Role: assault Side: Savage
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Сева Дристомет (Scav) was killed by Aethas (PMC). Initial PMC's remaining: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Hotspot: scav is in cooldown, skipping spawn
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Failed for hotspot: scav
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 53 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 53 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 53 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 53 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot OXIdiezd has accepted objective Scav Town: Objective #2 for quest Scav Town
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot OXIdiezd is stuck and will get a new objective.
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot TheRedCap reached its objective (Zone place_peacemaker_007_2_N2 for quest The Cult - Part 2).
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot OXIdiezd reached its objective (Scav Town: Objective #2 for quest Scav Town).
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot TheRedCap has accepted objective Zone place_peacemaker_007_2_N2_1 for quest The Cult - Part 2
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot TheRedCap spent 10.005s at it's final position for Zone place_peacemaker_007_2_N2 for quest The Cult - Part 2
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Bot TheRedCap cannot find a complete path to its objective (Zone place_peacemaker_007_2_N2_1 for quest The Cult - Part 2). Trying anyway. Distance from end of path to objective: 457.9754
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot OXIdiezd has accepted objective Scav Town: Objective #3 for quest Scav Town
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot OXIdiezd spent 10.002s at it's final position for Scav Town: Objective #2 for quest Scav Town
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio reached its objective (Scav Base: Objective #2 for quest Scav Base).
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kwebber321 reached its objective (Zone pr_scout_col for quest Search Mission).
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot OXIdiezd reached its objective (Scav Town: Objective #3 for quest Scav Town).
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Could not find another objective for bot kikirio for quest Scav Base
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio has accepted objective Zone huntsman_001 for quest Introduction
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio spent 10.015s at it's final position for Position (-209.6, -1.8, 203.2)
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kwebber321 has accepted objective Zone pr_scout_base for quest Search Mission
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kwebber321 spent 10.009s at it's final position for Zone pr_scout_col for quest Search Mission
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Could not find another objective for bot OXIdiezd for quest Scav Town
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot OXIdiezd has accepted objective Zone place_peacemaker_007_2_N2 for quest The Cult - Part 2
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot OXIdiezd spent 10.015s at it's final position for Position (-454.8, 15.4, -399.0)
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Bot OXIdiezd cannot find a complete path to its objective (Zone place_peacemaker_007_2_N2 for quest The Cult - Part 2). Trying anyway. Distance from end of path to objective: 558.397
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Passed for hotspot: scav_house (2-?)
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (397.8, -12.6, 236.0)
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: -1067281408 for profile id: 084e5d364262aaa205d7a3fb
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 144.1998 of side: Savage and difficulty: easy
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting Regular Spawn Timer (after successful spawn): 250.0329 for hotspot: scav_house (2-?)
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 57 for hotspot: scav_checkpoint (1-?) at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 57 for hotspot: scav_house (2-?) at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 57 for hotspot: scav_014 (1-2) at time: 0
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot Пантелеймон Бубеш: assault
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Warning:ModulePatch] Cached ai brain weights in client
[Warning:ModulePatch] Updated assault bot to use: assault brain
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Info   :ModulePatch] 22:09:29 Loading bot: Агафон Кастрюля profile from server. Role: assault Side: Savage
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Failed for hotspot: scav
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kwebber321 reached its objective (Zone pr_scout_base for quest Search Mission).
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Could not find another objective for bot kwebber321 for quest Search Mission
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kwebber321 has accepted objective Zone place_peacemaker_007_2_N2 for quest The Cult - Part 2
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kwebber321 spent 10.025s at it's final position for Position (283.1, 23.0, -439.4)
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kwebber321 cannot find a complete path to its objective (Zone place_peacemaker_007_2_N2 for quest The Cult - Part 2). Trying anyway. Distance from end of path to objective: 33.41279
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Could not find another objective for bot kikirio for quest Introduction
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio is stuck and will get a new objective.
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio has accepted objective Zone ter_015_area_1 for quest Health Care Privacy - Part 3
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Failed for hotspot: by Outskirts
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 51 for hotspot: Big Mountain at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 51 for hotspot: Big Mountain North at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 51 for hotspot: by Outskirts at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 51 for hotspot: Outskirts at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 51 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Passed for hotspot: scav
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (-178.1, 19.3, -43.2)
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: -575513600 for profile id: 4db082c37103b41367d86ea4
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 633.6563 of side: Savage and difficulty: easy
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting Regular Spawn Timer (after successful spawn): 180.0344 for hotspot: scav
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 53 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 53 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 53 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 53 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot Пафнутий Вереск: assault
[Warning:ModulePatch] Updated assault bot to use: assault brain
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Passed for hotspot: scav_RUAF (1)
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (-171.7, -0.8, 386.3)
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: 233966080 for profile id: fff342b4ac3c63890b8e3b6c
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 487.6887 of side: Savage and difficulty: easy
[Warning:DonutComponent] Hotspot: scav_RUAF (1) is now in cooldown
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting Regular Spawn Timer (after successful spawn): 300.0001 for hotspot: scav_RUAF (1)
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 54 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 54 for hotspot: scav_RUAF (1) at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 54 for hotspot: scav_military_camp (1-4) at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 54 for hotspot: scav_military_camp_road (1-3) at time: 0
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Info   :ModulePatch] 22:10:59 Loading bot: Найк Сепультура (civiciam) profile from server. Role: assault Side: Savage
[Info   :ModulePatch] 22:10:59 Loading bot: Витя Буйный profile from server. Role: assault Side: Savage
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot Витян Драгунов (红衣抚琴染绛天涯): assault
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Despawning bot: Гога МЧС (Bot23)
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Failed for hotspot: Between House and Wood
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 50 for hotspot: Between House and Wood at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 50 for hotspot: Dead Area at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 50 for hotspot: Dead Area at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 50 for hotspot: Plane at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 50 for hotspot: RUAF at time: 0
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio reached its objective (Zone ter_015_area_1 for quest Health Care Privacy - Part 3).
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Aethas (PMC) was killed by kwebber321 (PMC). Initial PMC's remaining: 0
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Could not find another objective for bot kikirio for quest Health Care Privacy - Part 3
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio has accepted objective Scav Base: Objective #2 for quest Scav Base
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio spent 10.017s at it's final position for Position (-97.2, -15.5, 219.8)
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio reached its objective (Scav Base: Objective #2 for quest Scav Base).
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio has accepted objective Scav Base: Objective #1 for quest Scav Base
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio spent 10.006s at it's final position for Scav Base: Objective #2 for quest Scav Base
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio reached its objective (Scav Base: Objective #1 for quest Scav Base).
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Could not find another objective for bot kikirio for quest Scav Base
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio has accepted objective Scav Base: Objective #1 for quest Scav Base
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio spent 10.016s at it's final position for Position (-177.8, -1.8, 264.3)
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio reached its objective (Scav Base: Objective #1 for quest Scav Base).
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio has accepted objective Scav Base: Objective #2 for quest Scav Base
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio spent 10.01s at it's final position for Scav Base: Objective #1 for quest Scav Base
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio reached its objective (Scav Base: Objective #2 for quest Scav Base).
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Passed for hotspot: scav
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Found spawn position at: (-26.1, 9.0, -133.2)
[Debug  :ModulePatch] Skipped on HealthController instance: -1314443776 for profile id: df5e176f824e277a935d99cb
[Warning:DonutComponent] Spawning bot at distance to player of: 594.7946 of side: Savage and difficulty: easy
[Warning:DonutComponent] Hotspot: scav is now in cooldown
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting Regular Spawn Timer (after successful spawn): 220.0436 for hotspot: scav
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 52 for hotspot: scav at time: 0
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Initial spawn type for bot Захар Вавилон: assault
[Warning:ModulePatch] Updated assault bot to use: assault brain
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot TheRedCap reached its objective (Zone place_peacemaker_007_2_N2_1 for quest The Cult - Part 2).
[Warning:DanW-QuestingBots] Could not find another objective for bot kikirio for quest Scav Base
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio has accepted objective RUAF Roadblock Crates: Objective #1 for quest RUAF Roadblock Crates
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Bot kikirio spent 10.101s at it's final position for Position (-209.6, -1.8, 203.2)
[Warning:DonutsBotPrep] Donuts: ReplenishAllBots() running
[Info   :ModulePatch] 22:13:29 Loading bot: Аркадий МЧС profile from server. Role: assault Side: Savage
[Debug  :DonutComponent] SpawnChance of 50% Passed for hotspot: scav_house (2-?)
[Warning:DonutComponent] Hotspot: scav_house (2-?) is now in cooldown
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting Regular Spawn Timer (after successful spawn): 250.0329 for hotspot: scav_house (2-?)
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 57 for hotspot: scav_checkpoint (1-?) at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 57 for hotspot: scav_house (2-?) at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Resetting all grouped timers for groupNum: 57 for hotspot: scav_014 (1-2) at time: 0
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Actually Failed to get a valid spawn position for scav_house (2-?) after 20, moving on to next bot anyways
[Debug  :DonutComponent] Despawning bot: Пафнутий Вереск (Bot33)
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request PUT json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Clearing cached escape times...
[Debug  :      SAIN]  [Component is already null, no need to dispose]
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Clearing location data...
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Writing quest log file...
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Writing quest log file...done.
[Info   :MoreCheckmarks] Loading data
[Info   :MoreCheckmarks] 	Quests
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :MoreCheckmarks] 	Items
[Info   :MoreCheckmarks] 	Assorts
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :MoreCheckmarks] 	Productions
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :MoreCheckmarks] Loading data
[Info   :MoreCheckmarks] 	Quests
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :MoreCheckmarks] 	Items
[Info   :MoreCheckmarks] 	Assorts
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :MoreCheckmarks] 	Productions
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 57f661d3048a8536b35cd926:
[Info   :RequestHandler] Request was successful
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Caching escape times...
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Caching escape times...bigmap: 40
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Caching escape times...factory4_day: 20
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Caching escape times...factory4_night: 25
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Caching escape times...hideout: 99999
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Caching escape times...Interchange: 40
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Caching escape times...laboratory: 35
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Caching escape times...Lighthouse: 40
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Caching escape times...RezervBase: 40
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Caching escape times...Shoreline: 45
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Caching escape times...TarkovStreets: 50
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Caching escape times...Woods: 40
[Info   :DanW-QuestingBots] Caching escape times...done.