2 months ago
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BEGIN # User Input and Validation: REPEAT Prompt user for first name IF first name contains non-alphabetic characters THEN Display error message ELSE Break loop and proceed ENDIF ENDREPEAT REPEAT Prompt user for last name IF last name contains non-alphabetic characters THEN Display error message ELSE Break loop and proceed ENDIF ENDREPEAT # Date of Birth Validation: DEFINE function to validate date format and age (validate_date) Convert input string to date object Calculate age IF age is less than 18 THEN Display error message Return None ELSE Return validated date object ENDIF ENDDEFINE REPEAT Prompt user for date of birth Call validate_date function IF date is valid THEN Break loop and proceed ENDIF ENDREPEAT # Password Generation: DEFINE function to generate password (generate_password) REPEAT Generate random password string IF password meets complexity requirements (uppercase, lowercase, digit) THEN Return password ENDIF ENDREPEAT ENDDEFINE # User ID Creation: Concatenate parts of first name, last name, and birth year to create user ID # Output: Display user's full name, user ID, and temporary password END
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