
mail@pastecode.io avatar
a year ago
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# Cuscapi Integration Service

## Description

Integration with Cuscapi middleware.

## Prerequisites

1.  Install `nodejs` and `npm`
2.  Add .env file by running the following command

npm run env:generate

3.  Update the variables in `.env` file
4.  Install the dependencies by running the following command

# install node modules
npm install

## Running the service

# development mode
npm run start

# watch mode(auto restart on change)
npm run start:dev

# debug mode
npm run start:debug

# production mode
npm run start:prod

## Test

# unit tests
npm run test

# e2e tests
npm run test:e2e

# test coverage
npm run test:cov

## System Settings - POS Settings JSON format (11011)

  "ca_merchant_brand": "PL",
  "ca_merchant_id": "PL1000",
  "ca_outlet_id": "PL1000",
  "ts_merchant_key": "HQ-XXXX-XXXX"

| **Property Name**     | **Type** | **Description**                                                                                                                                                                                  | **Optional/Required** | **Default Value** | Example Value  |
| --------------------- | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | --------------------- | ----------------- | -------------- |
| **ca_merchant_brand** | string   | This is the merchant brand name provided by Cuscapi.                                                                                                                                             | Required              |                   | `PL`           |
| **ca_merchant_id**    | string   | This is the merchant id provided by Cuscapi.                                                                                                                                                     | Required              |                   | `PL1000`       |
| **ca_outlet_id**      | string   | This is the outlet id provided by Cuscapi.                                                                                                                                                       | Required              |                   | `PL1000`       |
| ts_merchant_key       | string   | This is the merchant key defined in TS system and starts with "HQ".                                                                                                                              | Optional              |                   | `HQ-1234-5678` |
| is_test_mode          | boolean  | If this property is set to `true` then the `ts_merchant_key` value given in the POS settings JSON will be sent to third party in order payload otherwise the original merchant key will be sent. | Optional              | `false`           | `true`         |
| use_staging_auth      | boolean  | If this property is set to `true` then the order will be created in staging env instead of live env.                                                                                             | Optional              | `false`           | `true`         |
| smartkiosk_table_no   | string   | Table no to be sent to Cuscapi for SmartKiosk app orders. The string should contain the numbers only.                                                                                            | Optional              | `99`              | `99`           |

## System Settings - Plugin (11007)
