2 months ago
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---- based on Jordanhenry pet system version 1.77 (changelog) ---- edited by hellboy -- config PETS = { PREFIX = "PET_", CHANNELID = 10, CONFIG = { introduction = "You may catch pets using command '!petcatch'. If your pet dies, you have to revive it in order to re-summon it. Some pets have a special requirement in order to catch them, some cannot be catched at all and can only be gotten by evolution. Type 'commands' for a list of available commands.", sameSpeed = true, healSoulCost = 0.1, healSoulBase = 10, healManaCost = 200, healOnLevelUp = true, standardHpAdd = 5, expMultipler = 1, shareExpMultipler = 0.5, maxLevel = 30, reviveMoneyCost = 1000, reviveMoneyLevelCost = 500 }, SYSTEM = { EVOLUTION = true, MOUNTS = false, TELEPORT = true, PLAYER_SHARE_EXPERIENCE = true, --dejar en false DUELS_ONLY = false }, IDENTIFICATION = { [1] = { name = "Wild Cat", health = 100, evolve = { to = 3, -- 3 es el id del monster al que va a evolucionar, en este caso a tiger at = 10 -- al nivel que va a evolucionar, en este caso al lvl 10 }, check = true }, [2] = { name = "Dog", health = 100, evolve = { to = 4, at = 10 }, check = true }, [3] = { name = "Tiger", health = 300, check = false, info = "Evolves from Cat." }, [4] = { name = "Lion", health = 300, mountId = 40, check = false, info = "Evolves from Dog." }, [5] = { name = "Husky", health = 150, check = function(player) return player:getPremiumDays() > 0 end, info = "Requires a premium account." }, [6] = { name = "Wolf", health = 200, evolve = { to = 7, at = 4 }, check = function(player) return player:getLevel() >= 10 end, info = "Requires level 10." }, [7] = { name = "War Wolf", health = 500, evolve = { to = 8, at = 55 }, check = false, info = "Evolves from Wolf." }, [8] = { name = "Werewolf", health = 1000, check = false, info = "Evolves from War Wolf." }, [9] = { name = "Bear", health = 300, mountId = 3, check = function(player) return player:getLevel() >= 10 end, info = "Only available to druids above level 10." }, [10] = { name = "Panda", health = 300, mountId = 19, check = function(player) return player:getLevel() >= 10 end, info = "Only available to druids above level 10." }, [11] = { name = "Chicken", health = 50, check = true }, [12] = { name = "Sheep", health = 50, check = true }, [13] = { name = "Seagull", health = 100, check = function(player) return player:getPremiumDays() > 0 end, info = "Requires a premium account." }, [14] = { name = "Parrot", health = 100, check = function(player) return player:getPremiumDays() > 0 end, info = "Requires a premium account." }, [15] = { name = "Penguin", health = 100, check = function(player) return player:getPremiumDays() > 0 end, info = "Requires a premium account." }, [16] = { name = "Elephant", health = 300, check = function(player) return player:getLevel() >= 10 end, contain = 5, info = "Only available to Premium accounts above level 10." }, [17] = { name = "Dragon Hatchling", health = 300, evolve = { to = 18, -- es el id del monster al que va a evolucionar at = 2 -- el nivel al que va a evolucionar }, check = function(player) return player:getLevel() >= 25 end, info = "Only available to Premium players above level 25." }, [18] = { name = "Dragon", health = 1000, check = false, info = "Evolves from Dragon Hatchling." }, [19] = { name = "Soul Devorer", health = 550000, check = true, } }, CATCHCHANCE = { [1] = { name = "Cat", catchChance = 100 }, [2] = { name = "Dog", catchChance = 100 }, [5] = { name = "Husky", catchChance = 100 }, [6] = { name = "Wolf", catchChance = 100 }, [9] = { name = "Bear", catchChance = 100 }, [10] = { name = "Panda", catchChance = 100 }, [11] = { name = "Chicken", catchChance = 100 }, [12] = { name = "Sheep", catchChance = 100 }, [13] = { name = "Seagull", catchChance = 100 }, [14] = { name = "Parrot", catchChance = 100 }, [15] = { name = "Penguin", catchChance = 100 }, [16] = { name = "Elephant", catchChance = 90 }, [17] = { name = "Dragon Hatchling", catchChance = 1 }, [19] = { name = "Soul Devorer", catchChance = 1 } }, STORAGE = { TYPE = 10000, UID = 10001, LOSTHEALTH = 10002, MAXHEALTH = 10003, EXPERIENCE = 10004, LEVEL = 10005 }, CONSTANS = { STATUS_OK = 0, STATUS_DOESNT_EXIST = -1, STATUS_DEAD = -2, STATUS_MOUNT = -3 } } -- get function Player.getPetExperience(self) return self:getStorageValue(PETS.STORAGE.EXPERIENCE) end function Player.getPetLevel(self) return self:getStorageValue(PETS.STORAGE.LEVEL) end function Player.getPetType(self) return self:getStorageValue(PETS.STORAGE.TYPE) end function Player.getPetUid(self) return self:getStorageValue(PETS.STORAGE.UID) end function Player.getPetMaxHealth(self) return self:getStorageValue(PETS.STORAGE.MAXHEALTH) end function Player.getPetLostHealth(self) return self:getStorageValue(PETS.STORAGE.LOSTHEALTH) end function Player.getPetMountId(self) local petType = self:getPetType() local mountId = PETS.IDENTIFICATION[petType].mountId return mountId end -- set function Player.setPetExperience(self, experience) return self:setStorageValue(PETS.STORAGE.EXPERIENCE, experience) end function Player.setPetLevel(self, petLevel) return self:setStorageValue(PETS.STORAGE.LEVEL, petLevel) end function Player.setPetType(self, petType) return self:setStorageValue(PETS.STORAGE.TYPE, petType) end function Player.setPetUid(self, petUid) return self:setStorageValue(PETS.STORAGE.UID, petUid) end function Player.setPetMaxHealth(self, health) return self:setStorageValue(PETS.STORAGE.MAXHEALTH, health) end function Player.setPetLostHealth(self, health) return self:setStorageValue(PETS.STORAGE.LOSTHEALTH, health) end -- other function Player.doAddPet(self, petType) local pet = Creature(self:getStorageValue(PETS.STORAGE.UID)) if pet then return false end self:setPetUid(PETS.CONSTANS.STATUS_OK) self:setPetExperience(0) self:setPetLevel(1) self:setPetType(petType) self:setPetMaxHealth(PETS.IDENTIFICATION[petType].health) self:setPetLostHealth(0) if PETS.SYSTEM.MOUNTS then local mountId = self:getPetMountId() if mountId ~= nil and mountId ~= 0 then self:addMount(mountId) end end return true end function Player.doResetPet(self) for _, i in pairs(PETS.STORAGE) do self:setStorageValue(i, -1) end return true end function Player.doRemovePet(self) local petUid = self:getPetUid() local pet = Creature(petUid) if not pet or not pet:isCreature() then if petUid > 0 then self:setPetUid(PETS.CONSTANS.STATUS_OK) end return true end local maxHealth = pet:getMaxHealth() self:setPetMaxHealth(maxHealth) self:setPetLostHealth(maxHealth - pet:getHealth() ) pet:remove() if PETS.SYSTEM.MOUNTS then local mountId = self:getPetMountId() if mountId ~= nil then self:addMount(mountId) end end return true end function Player.doKillPet(self, removeBody) if removeBody then self:doRemovePet() end self:setPetUid(PETS.CONSTANS.STATUS_DEAD) self:setPetLostHealth(0) if PETS.SYSTEM.MOUNTS then local mountId = self:getPetMountId() if mountId ~= nil then self:removeMount(mountId) end end return true end function Player.summonPet(self, position) local petUid = self:getPetUid() local pet = Creature(petUid) if pet and pet:isCreature() then return false end if (Tile(position)):hasFlag(TILESTATE_PROTECTIONZONE) then return false end if PETS.SYSTEM.MOUNTS then local mountId = self:getPetMountId() local currentMount = self:getOutfit()['lookMount'] if mountId ~= nil and currentMount ~= nil and currentMount ~= 0 and currentMount == mountId then return false end end local pet = Game.createMonster(PETS.PREFIX .. (PETS.IDENTIFICATION[self:getPetType()].name), position) if pet then position:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_TELEPORT) pet:setMaster(self) local maxHealth = self:getPetMaxHealth() pet:setMaxHealth(maxHealth) pet:addHealth(maxHealth - pet:getHealth() - self:getPetLostHealth() ) self:setPetUid( pet:getId() ) pet:setSkull(SKULL_GREEN) pet:changeSpeed(PETS.CONFIG.sameSpeed and (self:getBaseSpeed() - pet:getBaseSpeed()) or 0) for _, eventName in pairs({"PetDeath", "PetKill"}) do pet:registerEvent(eventName) end if PETS.SYSTEM.TELEPORT then pet:registerEvent("PetTeleport") end if PETS.SYSTEM.DUELS_ONLY then pet:registerEvent("PetHealthChange") end if PETS.SYSTEM.MOUNTS then local mountId = self:getPetMountId() if mountId ~= nil then self:removeMount(mountId) end end return pet end local petMonsterType = MonsterType(PETS.PREFIX .. (PETS.IDENTIFICATION[self:getPetType()].name)) if not petMonsterType then print('[PET-SYSTEM] Cant find monster type: ' .. PETS.PREFIX .. (PETS.IDENTIFICATION[self:getPetType()].name) ) end return false end function getExpNeeded(level) return ( (50 *level^3) -(150 *level^2) +(400 *level) )/3 *PETS.CONFIG.expMultipler end function Player.addPetExp(self, amount) local pet = Creature(self:getPetUid()) if not pet then return false end if self:getPetLevel() >= PETS.CONFIG.maxLevel then return false end local totalExp = self:getPetExperience() + amount self:setPetExperience(totalExp) local petLevel, petType, petUid = self:getPetLevel(), self:getPetType(), self:getPetUid() if totalExp >= getExpNeeded(petLevel + 1) then pet:setMaxHealth(pet:getMaxHealth() + (PETS.IDENTIFICATION[petType].hpAdd or PETS.CONFIG.standardHpAdd)) self:setPetLevel(petLevel +1) self:say("Your pet " .. PETS.IDENTIFICATION[petType].name .. " has advanced to level " .. (petLevel + 1) .. ".", TALKTYPE_SAY) if PETS.CONFIG.healOnLevelUp then pet:addHealth( pet:getMaxHealth() ) end if PETS.SYSTEM.EVOLUTION and (PETS.IDENTIFICATION[petType]).evolve and ((PETS.IDENTIFICATION[petType]).evolve.at <= (petLevel +1)) then local position = pet:getPosition() self:doRemovePet() self:setPetType( (PETS.IDENTIFICATION[petType]).evolve.to) self:setPetMaxHealth( (PETS.IDENTIFICATION[(PETS.IDENTIFICATION[petType]).evolve.to]).health ) self:setPetLostHealth(0) self:say("Your pet "..(PETS.IDENTIFICATION[petType]).name.." has evolved to a "..((PETS.IDENTIFICATION[(PETS.IDENTIFICATION[petType]).evolve.to]).name)..".", TALKTYPE_SAY) self:summonPet(position) end -- save max hp fix self:setPetMaxHealth(pet:getMaxHealth()) end return true end function Player.canGetPet(self, petId) if self:getGroup():getId() >= 3 then return true end if type(PETS.IDENTIFICATION[petId].check) == "function" then return PETS.IDENTIFICATION[petId].check(self) end return PETS.IDENTIFICATION[petId].check end -- is Pet function Player.isPet(self) return false end function Npc.isPet(self) return false end function Monster.isPet(self) local owner = self:getMaster() if owner:isPlayer() and owner:getPetUid() == self:getId() then return true end return false end -- additional functions function Position.getSurroundings(self) local return_array = {} local coordinates = { {x = self.x +1, y = self.y, z = self.z}, {x = self.x -1, y = self.y, z = self.z}, {x = self.x +1, y = self.y +1, z = self.z}, {x = self.x, y = self.y +1, z = self.z}, {x = self.x -1, y = self.y +1, z = self.z}, {x = self.x +1, y = self.y -1, z = self.z}, {x = self.x, y = self.y -1, z = self.z}, {x = self.x -1, y = self.y -1, z = self.z} } for _, coordinate in pairs(coordinates) do table.insert(return_array, Position(coordinate)) end return return_array end -- PET tools function Monster.dig(self) if not self:isPet() then return false end local return_value = false local position = self:getPosition() local surroundings = position:getSurroundings() local HOLE_LIST = {468, 481, 483, 7932} local function _tmp_dig_in_tile(creature, tile, position) if not tile then return false end if tile:getCreatureCount() ~= 0 then return false end if tile:getItemCount() ~= 0 then return false end local ground = tile:getGround() if not ground then return false end local groundId = ground:getId() if not isInArray(HOLE_LIST, groundId) then return false end ground:transform(groundId + 1) ground:decay() position:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_POFF) return true end for _, next_position in pairs(surroundings) do local next_tile = Tile(next_position) if _tmp_dig_in_tile(self, next_tile, next_position) then return_value = true end end return return_value end
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