a year ago
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padding-left: 52px; margin-left: 0 } .intl-tel-input.allow-dropdown .flag-container, .intl-tel-input.separate-dial-code .flag-container { right: auto; left: 0 } .intl-tel-input.allow-dropdown .selected-flag, .intl-tel-input.separate-dial-code .selected-flag { width: 46px } .intl-tel-input.allow-dropdown .flag-container:hover { cursor: pointer } .intl-tel-input.allow-dropdown .flag-container:hover .selected-flag { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .05) } .intl-tel-input.allow-dropdown input[disabled]+.flag-container:hover, .intl-tel-input.allow-dropdown input[readonly]+.flag-container:hover { cursor: default } .intl-tel-input.allow-dropdown input[disabled]+.flag-container:hover .selected-flag, .intl-tel-input.allow-dropdown input[readonly]+.flag-container:hover .selected-flag { background-color: transparent } .intl-tel-input.separate-dial-code .selected-flag { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .05); display: table } .intl-tel-input.separate-dial-code .selected-dial-code { display: table-cell; 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top: -1000px; left: -1000px; z-index: 1060; padding: 1px } .intl-tel-input.iti-container:hover { cursor: pointer } .iti-mobile .intl-tel-input.iti-container { top: 30px; bottom: 30px; left: 30px; right: 30px; position: fixed } .iti-mobile .intl-tel-input .country-list { max-height: 100%; width: 100% } .iti-mobile .intl-tel-input .country-list .country { padding: 10px 10px; line-height: 1.5em } .iti-flag.be { width: 18px } .iti-flag.ch { width: 15px } .iti-flag.mc { width: 19px } .iti-flag.ne { width: 18px } .iti-flag.np { width: 13px } .iti-flag.va { width: 15px } @media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:2), only screen and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio:2), only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio:2), only screen and (min-resolution:2dppx), only screen and (min-resolution:192dpi) { .iti-flag { background-size: 5630px 15px } } .iti-flag.ac { height: 10px; background-position: 0 0 } .iti-flag.ad { height: 14px; background-position: -22px 0 } .iti-flag.ae { height: 10px; background-position: -44px 0 } .iti-flag.af { height: 14px; 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background-position: -1929px 0 } .iti-flag.gm { height: 14px; background-position: -1951px 0 } .iti-flag.gn { height: 14px; background-position: -1973px 0 } .iti-flag.gp { height: 14px; background-position: -1995px 0 } .iti-flag.gq { height: 14px; background-position: -2017px 0 } .iti-flag.gr { height: 14px; background-position: -2039px 0 } .iti-flag.gs { height: 10px; background-position: -2061px 0 } .iti-flag.gt { height: 13px; background-position: -2083px 0 } .iti-flag.gu { height: 11px; background-position: -2105px 0 } .iti-flag.gw { height: 10px; background-position: -2127px 0 } .iti-flag.gy { height: 12px; background-position: -2149px 0 } .iti-flag.hk { height: 14px; background-position: -2171px 0 } .iti-flag.hm { height: 10px; background-position: -2193px 0 } .iti-flag.hn { height: 10px; background-position: -2215px 0 } .iti-flag.hr { height: 10px; background-position: -2237px 0 } .iti-flag.ht { height: 12px; background-position: -2259px 0 } .iti-flag.hu { height: 10px; background-position: -2281px 0 } .iti-flag.ic { height: 14px; background-position: -2303px 0 } .iti-flag.id { height: 14px; background-position: -2325px 0 } .iti-flag.ie { height: 10px; background-position: -2347px 0 } .iti-flag.il { height: 15px; background-position: -2369px 0 } .iti-flag.im { height: 10px; background-position: -2391px 0 } .iti-flag.in { height: 14px; background-position: -2413px 0 } .iti-flag.io { height: 10px; background-position: -2435px 0 } .iti-flag.iq { height: 14px; background-position: -2457px 0 } .iti-flag.ir { height: 12px; background-position: -2479px 0 } .iti-flag.is { height: 15px; background-position: -2501px 0 } .iti-flag.it { height: 14px; background-position: -2523px 0 } .iti-flag.je { height: 12px; background-position: -2545px 0 } .iti-flag.jm { height: 10px; background-position: -2567px 0 } .iti-flag.jo { height: 10px; background-position: -2589px 0 } .iti-flag.jp { height: 14px; background-position: -2611px 0 } .iti-flag.ke { height: 14px; background-position: -2633px 0 } .iti-flag.kg { height: 12px; background-position: -2655px 0 } .iti-flag.kh { height: 13px; 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background-position: -3051px 0 } .iti-flag.lv { height: 10px; background-position: -3073px 0 } .iti-flag.ly { height: 10px; background-position: -3095px 0 } .iti-flag.ma { height: 14px; background-position: -3117px 0 } .iti-flag.mc { height: 15px; background-position: -3139px 0 } .iti-flag.md { height: 10px; background-position: -3160px 0 } .iti-flag.me { height: 10px; background-position: -3182px 0 } .iti-flag.mf { height: 14px; background-position: -3204px 0 } .iti-flag.mg { height: 14px; background-position: -3226px 0 } .iti-flag.mh { height: 11px; background-position: -3248px 0 } .iti-flag.mk { height: 10px; background-position: -3270px 0 } .iti-flag.ml { height: 14px; background-position: -3292px 0 } .iti-flag.mm { height: 14px; background-position: -3314px 0 } .iti-flag.mn { height: 10px; background-position: -3336px 0 } .iti-flag.mo { height: 14px; background-position: -3358px 0 } .iti-flag.mp { height: 10px; background-position: -3380px 0 } .iti-flag.mq { height: 14px; background-position: -3402px 0 } .iti-flag.mr { height: 14px; 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background-position: -4537px 0 } .iti-flag.sl { height: 14px; background-position: -4559px 0 } .iti-flag.sm { height: 15px; background-position: -4581px 0 } .iti-flag.sn { height: 14px; background-position: -4603px 0 } .iti-flag.so { height: 14px; background-position: -4625px 0 } .iti-flag.sr { height: 14px; background-position: -4647px 0 } .iti-flag.ss { height: 10px; background-position: -4669px 0 } .iti-flag.st { height: 10px; background-position: -4691px 0 } .iti-flag.sv { height: 12px; background-position: -4713px 0 } .iti-flag.sx { height: 14px; background-position: -4735px 0 } .iti-flag.sy { height: 14px; background-position: -4757px 0 } .iti-flag.sz { height: 14px; background-position: -4779px 0 } .iti-flag.ta { height: 10px; background-position: -4801px 0 } .iti-flag.tc { height: 10px; background-position: -4823px 0 } .iti-flag.td { height: 14px; background-position: -4845px 0 } .iti-flag.tf { height: 14px; background-position: -4867px 0 } .iti-flag.tg { height: 13px; background-position: -4889px 0 } .iti-flag.th { height: 14px; 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