2 months ago
2.0 kB
array.sort(myBuySellList, order.ascending) arraySize = array.size(myBuySellList) if barstate.islast and arraySize > 0 series int columnCountManeul = 6 series int rowsCountManuel = 20 myTable = table.new(position = table_pos(locationDashboard), columns = columnCountManeul + 1, rows = rowsCountManuel + 1, border_width = 2) table.merge_cells(myTable, 0, 0, columnCountManeul - 1, 0) table.cell(myTable, 0, 0, text = str.tostring(selectedGrupName), text_color = color.white, bgcolor = #414158, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = table_size(sizeDashboard)) for column = 0 to columnCountManeul - 1 by 1 for row = 0 to rowsCountManuel - 1 by 1 index = column * rowsCountManuel + row if index < arraySize array<string> rowData = str.split(array.get(myBuySellList, index), '-') string valueSymbol = str.tostring(array.get(rowData, 0)) string valueCondition = str.tostring(array.get(rowData, 1)) table.cell(myTable, column, row + 1, text = str.replace(str.tostring(valueSymbol), 'BIST:', ''), text_color = tableTextColor, bgcolor = valueCondition == 'MACD Al' or valueCondition == 'EMA 34 Al' or valueCondition == 'EMA 55 Al' or valueCondition == 'Tekrar AL' or valueCondition == 'DİP Al' ? color.green : color.red, text_halign = text.align_left, text_size = table_size(sizeDashboard)) if arraySize < rowsCountManuel table.merge_cells(myTable, 1, row + 1, columnCountManeul - 1, row + 1) table.cell(myTable, 1, row + 1, text = str.tostring(valueCondition) + '', text_color = tableTextColor, bgcolor = valueCondition == 'MACD Al' or valueCondition == 'EMA 34 Al' or valueCondition == 'EMA 55 Al' or valueCondition == 'Tekrar AL' or valueCondition == 'DİP Al' ? color.green : color.red, text_halign = text.align_left, text_size = table_size(sizeDashboard)) array.clear(myBuySellList)
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