a year ago
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on left click on wheat: if player is holding a hoe: cancel event set action bar of player to "&6+1 Wheat!" set block to air give 1 wheat named "&6&lWheat" with lore "&a$5!" to the player set durability of player's tool to (durability of player's tool + 1) add 01 exp to player set event-block to air wait 7 seconds set event-block to wheat[age=7] On right click with hoe: if name of tool of player is "&6&lFARMING HOE": open virtual chest inventory with 4 rows named "&3Upgrade Hoe &7» &3%player%" to player format slot 0 of player with cyan glass pane named " " to be unstealable command /hoe: cooldown: 1 hour cooldown message: &6&lSTARKGENS &7» &6You cant get a new hoe yet you just got one! cooldown bypass: op trigger: give a diamond hoe named "&6&lFARMING HOE" with lore "&e&l%player%'S HOE" to the player command /sell: cooldown: 2 seconds cooldown message: &6&lSTARKGENS &7» &6You are doing this too quick! trigger: sell(player, wheat, 5) sell(player, beetroots, 15) sell(player, golden carrots, 30) sell(player, potatoes, 50) sell(player, bamboo, 75) add {-temp::%player%} to player's balance send title "&6&lSOLD" with subtitle "&fYou sold all items for &e&l$%{-temp::%player%}%" play sound "block.note_block.pling" with volume 2 to player delete {-temp::%player%} function sell(P: player, I: itemtype, N: int): set {_am} to amount of {_I} in {_P}'s inventory set {_am} to ({_am} * {_N}) remove all {_I} from {_P}'s inventory add {_am} to {-temp::%{_P}%} on block interact: if event-block is farmland: cancel event stop on block break: if event-block is freshly planted wheat plant: cancel event on block break: if event-block is freshly planted beetroot plant: cancel event on block break: if event-block is freshly planted carrot plant: cancel event on block break: if event-block is freshly planted potato plant: cancel event on citizen right click: NPC is named "&6&lSELL" player command "/sell" on left click on beetroot plant: if player is holding a hoe: cancel event set action bar of player to "&c+1 Beetroot!" set block to air give 1 beetroot named "&c&lBeetroots" with lore "&a$15!" to the player set durability of player's tool to (durability of player's tool + 1) add 6 exp to player set event-block to air wait 7 seconds set event-block to beetroots[age=3] on left click on carrot plant: if player is holding a hoe: cancel event set action bar of player to "&6+1 Carrot!" set block to air give 1 golden carrot named "&6&lCarrots" with lore "&a$30!" to the player set durability of player's tool to (durability of player's tool + 1) add 12 exp to player set event-block to air wait 7 seconds set event-block to carrots[age=7] on left click on potato plant: if player is holding a hoe: cancel event set action bar of player to "&e+1 Potato!" set block to air give 1 potato named "&e&lPotatoes" with lore "&a$50!" to the player set durability of player's tool to (durability of player's tool + 1) add 15 exp to player set event-block to air wait 7 seconds set event-block to potatoes[age=7] on left click on bamboo: if player is holding a hoe: cancel event set action bar of player to "&a+1 Bamboo!" set block to air give 2 bamboo named "&a&lBamboo" with lore "&a$75!" to the player set durability of player's tool to (durability of player's tool + 1) add 25 exp to player set event-block to air wait 7 seconds set event-block to bamboo[age=1] on citizen right click: NPC is named "&6&lFARM" open virtual chest inventory with 1 rows named "&6&lFARM &7» &6%player%" to player format slot 3 of player with golden hoe named "&6&lHOE" to be unstealable format slot 5 of player with sunflower named "&6&lSELL" to be unstealable format slot 0 of player with yellow stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 1 of player with yellow stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with yellow stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 4 of player with yellow stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 6 of player with yellow stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 7 of player with yellow stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 8 of player with yellow stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable on inventory click: if inventory name of player's current inventory is "&6&lFARM &7» &6%player%": if clicked slot is 3: player command "/hoe" close player's inventory on inventory click: if inventory name of player's current inventory is "&6&lFARM &7» &6%player%": if clicked slot is 5: player command "/sell" close player's inventory
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