
mail@pastecode.io avatar
a year ago
14 kB
(function () {
  try {
    var debug = 0;
    var variation_name = "";
    var $;
    function waitForjQuery(trigger) {
      var interval = setInterval(function () {
        if (window.jQuery != undefined) {
      }, 50);
      setTimeout(function () {
      }, 15000)
    function waitForSlick(trigger) {
      var interval = setInterval(function () {
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      }, 50);
      setTimeout(function () {
      }, 15000)
    function addScript() {
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      var swiperScript = document.createElement('script');
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    waitForjQuery(function () {
      $ = window.jQuery;
    function waitForElement(selector, trigger, delayInterval, delayTimeout) {
      var interval = setInterval(function () {
        if (
          document &&
          document.querySelector(selector) &&
          document.querySelectorAll(selector).length > 0
        ) {
      }, delayInterval);
      setTimeout(function () {
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      /****Helper Functions****/
      // helper for enabling IE 8 event bindings
      function addEvent(el, type, handler) {
        if (el.attachEvent) el.attachEvent("on" + type, handler);
        else el.addEventListener(type, handler);
      // matches polyfill
      this.Element &&
        (function (ElementPrototype) {
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            ElementPrototype.matches ||
            ElementPrototype.matchesSelector ||
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            ElementPrototype.msMatchesSelector ||
            function (selector) {
              var node = this,
                nodes = (node.parentNode || node.document).querySelectorAll(selector),
                i = -1;
              while (nodes[++i] && nodes[i] != node);
              return !!nodes[i];
      // live binding helper using matchesSelector
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            el = e.target || e.srcElement;
          while (el && el.matches && el !== context && !(found = el.matches(selector))) el = el.parentElement;
          if (el && found) callback.call(el, e);
      live(selector, event, callback, context);
    function init() {
      // recommended section to slider
      if (window.innerWidth < 992) {
      // wrapping full description elements
      // waitForElement("html body .product-full-description .wrapper >*:last-child", function () {
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      //   if (!document.querySelector(".eg-full-des-description")) {
      //     document.querySelectorAll('html body .product-full-description .wrapper > *').forEach(itm => {
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      //           "content": ""
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      //         accrObj.content = itm.nextElementSibling.innerHTML;
      //         accordionData.push(accrObj);
      //         itm.nextElementSibling.remove();
      //         itm.remove();
      //       }
      //     });
      //     // full des description
      //     $('html body .product-full-description .wrapper > *').wrapAll("<div class='eg-full-des-description eg-des'></div>");
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      //       }
      //     }, "");
      //     elTwo.innerHTML = accordionHTML;
      //     document.querySelector('html body .product-full-description .wrapper').insertAdjacentElement("beforeend", elTwo);
      //     const newpara = [...document.querySelectorAll(".eg-full-des-description>*:not(.eg-readmore)")].reduce((t, crr) => {
      //       if (crr) {
      //         return t += crr.innerHTML.trim();
      //       }
      //     }, "");
      //     document.querySelector(".eg-full-des-description").innerHTML = `<p>${newpara}</p> <a class="eg-readmore" data-txt="Read more"></a>`;
      //   }
      // }, 500, 15000);
      // product details main redesinging
      // readmoreClick
      live('html body .eg-readmore', 'click', function () {
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        txt === "Read more" ? this.setAttribute("data-txt", "Read less") : this.setAttribute("data-txt", "Read more");
      // accordion clicks
      live('.eg-accordion-cta', "click", function () {
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        if (previousAct && previousAct !== this) {
      // expand on zoom in
      live(".eg-zoom-in-cta", 'click', function () {
        if (window.MagicZoom != undefined) {
          if (document.querySelector(".MagicZoom")) {
      // play youtube video
      live(".eg-video", 'click', function () {
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        if (ytIframe) {
          const youtubeUrl = this.getAttribute("data-src");
          if (youtubeUrl) {
            ytIframe.setAttribute("src", `${youtubeUrl}?autoplay=1`);
            ytIframe.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: "start" });
      // make right side sticky

    const rightSideSticky = () => {
      waitForElement('html body .product-details>div:last-child', function () {
        if (window.innerWidth > 1199) {
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          window.addEventListener('scroll', function () {
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            } else {
              rightDiv.style.top = 0;
      }, 500, 15000);
    const rCToSlider = () => {
      waitForElement('html body .recommended-products .products >div>div:last-child', function () {
        const sel = 'html body .recommended-products .products >div';
        const settings = {
          slidesToScroll: 1,
          slidesToShow: 3,
          arrows: false,
          dots: true,
          speed: 300,
          draggable: true,
          swipeToSlide: true,
          responsive: [
              breakpoint: 768,
              settings: {
                slidesToShow: 2,
                slidesToScroll: 1,
                arrows: false,
        makeSlider(sel, settings)
      }, 500, 15000);
    const makeSlider = (sel, settings) => {
      waitForSlick(function () {
    const productDetails = () => {
      waitForElement("html body .product-details-main .details .description", function () {
        // description to accordion
        const desDiv = document.querySelector("html body .product-details-main .details .description");
        if (!desDiv.parentElement.querySelector(".eg-accordion-cta")) {
          desDiv.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", `<div class="eg-accordion-cta">Description</div>`);
        // moving product badge list below form
        waitForElement("html body .product-details-main .details .product-badge-list", function () {
          document.querySelector("html body #orderform").insertAdjacentElement("afterend", document.querySelector("html body .product-details-main .details .product-badge-list"));
        }, 500, 15000);
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        waitForElement("html body .details-specification>div .wrapper .collapse-toggle", function () {
          document.querySelectorAll("html body .details-specification>div .wrapper .collapse-toggle").forEach(cta => {
          desDiv.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", document.querySelector("html body .details-specification"));
        }, 500, 15000);
        // making box of images
        // putting instok in desktop
      }, 500, 15000);
    const inStockCheck = () => {
      waitForElement("html body .mobile-product-header .stock-status-line", function () {
        const stockHtml = `<div class="stock-status-line eg-des-stock"><span class="stock-in">In Stock</span></div>`;
        if (!document.querySelector(".eg-des-stock"))
          document.querySelector("html body .product-details-main .details .product-price-payments .product-price").insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", stockHtml);
      }, 500, 15000);
    function slide() {
      waitForElement(".MagicToolboxSelectorsContainer a", function () {
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        if (!document.querySelector(".eg-new-slides")) {
          const imgsHTML = imgSrcs.reduce((t, crr) => {
            return t += `<div class="eg-slide"><img src="${crr}"/></div>`;
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          const newSlideHTML = `<div class="eg-new-slides">${imgsHTML}</div><a class="eg-zoom-in-cta"><img src="https://svgshare.com/i/xb7.svg">Zoom In</a>`;
          document.querySelector("html body .product-details .image .image-box").insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", newSlideHTML);
          document.querySelector("html body .product-details .image .image-box").classList.add('eg-thumbs');
          // create extra slide if video exists
          const ytIframe = document.querySelector("html body .product-details-secondary .video iframe[src]");
          if (ytIframe) {
            const youtubeUrl = ytIframe.getAttribute("src");
            if (youtubeUrl) {
              const videoId = extractYouTubeVideoId(youtubeUrl);
              console.log('YouTube Video ID:', videoId);
              const youtubeThumb = `https://img.youtube.com/vi/${videoId}/maxresdefault.jpg`;
              const imgHTML = `<div class="eg-slide eg-video" data-src="${youtubeUrl}"><img src="${youtubeThumb}"/></div>`;
              document.querySelector(".eg-new-slides").insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", imgHTML);
          if (window.innerWidth < 992) {
            const sel = 'html body .eg-new-slides';
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              slidesToShow: 1,
              arrows: true,
              dots: true,
              speed: 300,
              draggable: true,
              swipeToSlide: true,
            makeSlider(sel, settings);
      }, 500, 15000);
    function extractYouTubeVideoId(url) {
      const regExp = /^(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?youtube\.com\/(?:watch\?v=|embed\/|v\/|shorts\/)([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{11})/;
      const match = url.match(regExp);

      if (match && match[1]) {
        return match[1];
      } else {
        return null;  // Return null if no match found
    function isAllUpperCase(element) {
      if (!element || !element.textContent) {
        console.error('Invalid element or empty text content.');
        return false;
      const text = element.textContent.trim();
      const uppercaseText = text.toUpperCase();
      return text === uppercaseText;
    waitForElement('html body', init, 50, 15000);
  } catch (e) {
    if (debug) console.log(e, "error in Test" + variation_name);