Athlete filter schema
15 days ago
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export const filteredAthleteSchema = z.object({ ids: z.string().array().optional(), associationLevelIds: z.string().array().optional(), costOfAssociation: z .object({ cost: z .number() .array() .max(2, "Cost array can have maximum of 2 elements") .optional(), operationType: z.enum(OperationsTypeEnum).optional(), }) .optional() .refine( (data) => { if (data?.cost && data?.operationType === undefined) { return false; } return true; }, { message: "operationType is required when cost is provided", path: ["operationType"], }, ) .refine( (data) => { if (data?.operationType && data?.cost === undefined) { return false; } return true; }, { message: "cost is required when operationType is provided", path: ["cost"], }, ), strategyOverview: z.string().optional(), sportIds: z.string().array().optional(), agencyIds: z.string().array().optional(), ageIds: z.string().array().optional(), facebook: z.string().optional(), instagram: z.string().optional(), twitter: z.string().optional(), linkedin: z.string().optional(), youtube: z.string().optional(), website: z.string().optional(), subPersonalityTraitIds: z.string().array().optional(), genderIds: z.string().array().optional(), athleteGenderIds: z.string().array().optional(), nccsIds: z.string().array().optional(), primaryMarketIds: z.string().array().optional(), secondaryMarketIds: z.string().array().optional(), tertiaryIds: z.string().array().optional(), stateIds: z.string().array().optional(), nationalityIds: z.string().array().optional(), tierIds: z.string().array().optional(), statusIds: z.string().array().optional(), primarySocialMediaPlatformIds: z.string().array().optional(), secondarySocialMediaPlatformIds: z.string().array().optional(), athleteAge: z .object({ age: z .number() .array() .max(2, "Age array can have maximum of 2 elements") .optional(), operationType: z.enum(OperationsTypeEnum).optional(), }) .optional() .refine( (data) => { if (data?.age && data?.operationType === undefined) { return false; } return true; }, { message: "operationType is required when age is provided", path: ["operationType"], }, ) .refine( (data) => { if (data?.operationType && data?.age === undefined) { return false; } return true; }, { message: "age is required when operationType is provided", path: ["age"], }, ), contactName: z.string().optional(), contactDesignation: z.string().optional(), contactEmail: z.string().optional(), contactNumber: z.string().optional(), contactLinkedin: z.string().optional(), isMandatory: z.boolean({ message: "isMandatory is required" }), });
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