a year ago
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select date(t1.orderdate) as orderdate, t1.invoice, t1.productcode, t1.option1, t1.ooscategory, substring_index(substring_index(oosnotes, ';', 2), ',', 1) as notes, if(locate(';', (select notes)), if((select notes) like 'i%', (select date(orderdate) from shipment where productcode = t1.productcode and option1 = t1.option1 and invoice = substring_index(replace(substring_index(substring_index(oosnotes, ';', 2), ',', 1), 'i', ''), ';', 1) limit 1), DATE_FORMAT(STR_TO_DATE(right(concat(left(substring_index(substring_index(oosnotes, ',', - 2), ',', 1), 11), right(substring_index(substring_index(oosnotes, ',', - 2), ',', 1), 4)), length(concat(left(substring_index(substring_index(oosnotes, ',', - 2), ',', 1), 11), right(substring_index(substring_index(oosnotes, ',', - 2), ',', 1), 4))) - 4), '%M%D%Y'), '20%y-%m-%d')), date(t1.orderdate)) as last_touched, if(ooscategory = 'Reverse Receive', 'Receiving', substring_index(group_concat(distinct defaulttask order by t4.id desc), ',', 1)) as division, if(ooscategory = 'Reverse Receive', (select initialstocker from inventoryitem where product = t1.productcode and size = t1.option1 and qtyonhand = 0 and substring_index(notes, ':', 1) = 'This is a reverse received item' order by lastscandate desc limit 1), t4.name) as employee, t2.siteflag, round(wholesalecost, 2) as cost from ooscat t1 join product t2 ON t1.productcode = t2.code left join employee t4 ON if(substring_index(substring_index(oosnotes, ',', - 1), ':', 1) = 'agentId', (select name from employee where (id + 1000) = substring_index(substring_index(oosnotes, ',', - 1), ':', - 1)), substring_index(oosnotes, ',', - 1)) = t4.name where year(orderdate) = year(current_date) and weekofyear(current_date) - date_format(date_add(orderdate, interval 2 day), '%V') = 2 group by shipmentid order by ooscategory
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