2 months ago
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package me.blindedbythesun.nya.modules; import; import meteordevelopment.meteorclient.settings.DoubleSetting; import meteordevelopment.meteorclient.settings.Setting; import meteordevelopment.meteorclient.settings.SettingGroup; import; import meteordevelopment.orbit.EventHandler; import me.blindedbythesun.nya.Addon; import me.blindedbythesun.nya.modules.notifications.NotificationType; import net.minecraft.entity.decoration.ItemFrameEntity; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.Items; import net.minecraft.util.Hand; import net.minecraft.util.hit.BlockHitResult; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.math.Box; import java.util.List; public class AutoFrameMap extends Module { private final SettingGroup sgGeneral = this.settings.getDefaultGroup(); private final Setting<Double> actionDelay = sgGeneral.add(new DoubleSetting.Builder() .name("action-delay") .description("Delay between completing a frame-and-map placement cycle and starting the next one") .defaultValue(2.0) .min(0.0) .sliderMax(10.0) .build()); private final Setting<Double> mapInsertionDelay = sgGeneral.add(new DoubleSetting.Builder() .name("map-insertion-delay") .description("Delay between placing a frame and inserting a map") .defaultValue(0.0) .min(0.0) .sliderMax(1.0) .build()); private long lastFramePlaceTime = 0; private long lastMapInsertTime = 0; private BlockPos targetPos; private boolean framePlaced = false; private boolean hasNotified = false; public AutoFrameMap() { super(Addon.CATEGORY, "auto-frame-map", "Automatically places item frames and inserts maps into them"); } @EventHandler public void onTick(TickEvent.Pre event) { if (mc.player == null || == null) return; int frameSlot = findHotbarSlot(Items.ITEM_FRAME); int mapSlot = findHotbarSlot(Items.FILLED_MAP); if (frameSlot == -1 && mapSlot == -1) { showNotification("No item frames and no maps found in the hotbar!"); return; } if (frameSlot == -1) { showNotification("No item frames found in the hotbar!"); return; } if (mapSlot == -1) { showNotification("No filled maps found in the hotbar!"); return; } hasNotified = false; if (!framePlaced) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastFramePlaceTime >= actionDelay.get() * 1000) { if (tryPlaceFrame(frameSlot)) { framePlaced = true; lastFramePlaceTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } } else { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastMapInsertTime >= mapInsertionDelay.get() * 1000) { tryInsertMap(mapSlot); framePlaced = false; lastMapInsertTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } } private void showNotification(String message) { if (!hasNotified && Addon.notifications.isActive()) { Addon.notifications.addNotification("AutoFrameMap", message, 4000, NotificationType.WARNING); hasNotified = true; } } private boolean tryPlaceFrame(int frameSlot) { BlockHitResult targetBlock = getBlockLookingAt(); if (targetBlock == null) return false; targetPos = targetBlock.getBlockPos(); mc.player.getInventory().selectedSlot = frameSlot; mc.interactionManager.interactBlock(mc.player, Hand.MAIN_HAND, targetBlock); List<ItemFrameEntity> frames = ItemFrameEntity.class, new Box(targetPos).expand(0.1), entity -> entity.isAlive() && entity.isInRange(mc.player, 5) ); return !frames.isEmpty(); } private void tryInsertMap(int mapSlot) { List<ItemFrameEntity> frames = ItemFrameEntity.class, new Box(targetPos).expand(0.1), entity -> entity.isAlive() && entity.isInRange(mc.player, 5) ); if (frames.isEmpty()) return; ItemFrameEntity frame = frames.get(0); if (!frame.getHeldItemStack().isEmpty()) return; mc.player.getInventory().selectedSlot = mapSlot; mc.interactionManager.interactEntity(mc.player, frame, Hand.MAIN_HAND); } private int findHotbarSlot(Item item) { for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (mc.player.getInventory().getStack(i).getItem() == item) return i; } return -1; } private BlockHitResult getBlockLookingAt() { return mc.player.getCameraPosVec(1.0F), mc.player.getCameraPosVec(1.0F).add(mc.player.getRotationVec(1.0F).multiply(5.0D)),,, mc.player )); } }
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