#include <string.h>
#define WORD_LEN 20
#define TEXT_LEN 80
#define MAX_DEFS 10
#define MAX_WORDS 100
struct definition {
char part_of_speech[WORD_LEN + 1];
char text[TEXT_LEN + 1];
struct word {
char theWord[WORD_LEN + 1];
int num_of_defs;
struct definition defs[MAX_DEFS];
struct dictionary {
int num_of_words;
struct word words[MAX_WORDS];
// Function that takes as input a dictionary and a word
// If the word does not already exist and dictionary has room, then
// * the function adds the word and returns 1
// If the word does exist or the dictionary is full, then
// * the dictionary is not modified and return 0
int addWord(struct dictionary * dict, char word[]);
// Function that takes as input
// * a dictionary,
// * a word,
// * the part of speech of the word, and
// * the text of the definition
// If the word does not exist and the dictionary has room, then
// * the function adds the word with the given definition & returns 1
// If the word does exist and can have the definition added, then
// * the function adds the definition
// If there is no room, then
// * the function does not modify the dictionary and returns 0
int addDef(struct dictionary * dict, char word[],
char part_of_speech[], char text[]);
// Function that takes as input
// * a dictionary,
// * a word,
// If the word exists in the dictionary, then
// * return the address to the word in the dictionary
// If the word does not exist in the dictionary, then
// * return NULL
struct word * lookUp(struct dictionary * dict, char word[]);
////////////////// FUNCTION DEFINITION //////////////////
int addWord(struct dictionary * dict, char word[]) {
// dictionary is full -> returns 0
if (dict->num_of_words == MAX_WORDS) return 0;
// check if word does exist with strcmp
for (int i = 0; i < dict->num_of_words; i++) {
if (strcmp(word, dict->words[i].theWord) == 0) {
// word exists (same as input word) -> returns 0
return 0;
// word does not exist and dictionary has room
// create new word
struct word newWord;
strcpy(newWord.theWord, word);
// add new word to dict and increment word count, then return 1
dict->words[dict->num_of_words++] = newWord;
return 1;
int addDef(struct dictionary * dict, char word[],
char part_of_speech[], char text[]) {
for (int i = 0; i < dict->num_of_words; i++) {
if (strcmp(word, dict->words[i].theWord) == 0) {
// word exists
// cannot add any definition (full) -> returns 1
if (dict->words[i].num_of_defs == MAX_DEFS) return 0;
// adding possible; create new definition
struct definition newDef;
strcpy(newDef.part_of_speech, part_of_speech);
strcpy(newDef.text, text);
// add to definition lists and increment count, then return 1
dict->words[i].defs[dict->words[i].num_of_defs++] = newDef;
return 1;
// word does not exist & must be added
// dict is full -> returns 0
if (dict->num_of_words == MAX_WORDS) return 0;
// dict has room -> add word to dict, add definition and return 1
// (also return value of successful addDef)
addWord(dict, word);
return addDef(dict, word, part_of_speech, text);
struct word * lookUp(struct dictionary * dict, char word[]) {
// simply loop through dict and check with strcmp
for (int i = 0; i < dict->num_of_words; i++) {
if (strcmp(word, dict->words[i].theWord) == 0) {
// word exists; returns address
return &dict->words[i];
// word does not exist
return NULL;