3 years ago
3.4 kB
class OnePointSevenD(Scene): def construct(self): s21 = Tex(r'''$ \Delta(W) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0 & \quad \text{if} \, s \notin W, t \notin W \\ \Phi_{\text{tot}}(F) & \quad \text{if} \, s \in W, t \notin W \\ -\Phi_{\text{tot}}(F) & \quad \text{if} \, s \notin W, t \in W \\ 0 & \quad \text{if} \, s \in W, t \in W \end{array} \right. $''', font_size=tex_font_size).to_edge(LEFT).to_edge(UP) # part i s22 = Tex(r"1. Let $W' \subset V$ where $s \notin W'$ and $t \notin W'$", font_size=tex_font_size).next_to(s21, DOWN, MED_LARGE_BUFF).to_edge(LEFT) s23 = Tex(r"$\Delta(W) = \Delta(W') = 0$ from (iii)", font_size=tex_font_size).next_to(s22, DOWN).to_edge(LEFT) # part ii s24 = Tex(r"2. If $W = W' \cup {s}$", font_size=tex_font_size).to_edge(RIGHT).to_edge(UP) s25 = Tex(r"$\Delta(W) = \Delta(W' \cup {s})$", font_size=tex_font_size).next_to(s24, DOWN).to_edge(RIGHT) s26 = Tex(r"$= \Delta(W') + \Sigma_{v \in V}f_{sv} - \Sigma_{u \in V}f_{us}$", font_size=tex_font_size).next_to(s25, DOWN).to_edge(RIGHT) s27 = Tex(r"$= 0 + \Phi_{in}(F)$", font_size=tex_font_size).next_to(s26, DOWN).to_edge(RIGHT) s28 = Tex(r"$= \Phi_{tot}$", font_size=tex_font_size).next_to(s27, DOWN).to_edge(RIGHT) # part iii s29 = Tex(r"3. If $W = W' \cup {t}$", font_size=tex_font_size).next_to(s22, DOWN, LARGE_BUFF).to_edge(LEFT) s30 = Tex(r"$\Delta(W) = \Delta(W' \cup {t})$", font_size=tex_font_size).next_to(s29, DOWN).to_edge(LEFT) s31 = Tex(r"$= \Delta(W') + \Sigma_{v \in V}f_{tv} - \Sigma_{u \in V}f_{ut}$", font_size=tex_font_size).next_to(s30, DOWN).to_edge(LEFT) s32 = Tex(r"$= 0 - \Phi_{out}(F)$ by (iii)", font_size=tex_font_size).next_to(s31, DOWN).to_edge(LEFT) s33 = Tex(r"$= -\Phi_{tot}$", font_size=tex_font_size).next_to(s32, DOWN).to_edge(LEFT) # part iv s34 = Tex(r"4. If $W = W' \cup {s, t}$", font_size=tex_font_size).next_to(s28, DOWN, LARGE_BUFF).to_edge(RIGHT) s35 = Tex(r"$\Delta(W) = \Delta((W' \cup {s}) \cup {t})$", font_size=tex_font_size).next_to(s34, DOWN).to_edge(RIGHT) s36 = Tex(r"$= \Delta(W' \cup {s}) + \Sigma_{v \in V}f_{tv} - \Sigma{u \in V}f_{ut}$ by (ii)", font_size=tex_font_size).next_to(s35, DOWN).to_edge(RIGHT) s37 = Tex(r"$= \Phi_{in}(F) - \Phi_{out}(F)$", font_size=tex_font_size).next_to(s36, DOWN).to_edge(RIGHT) s38 = Tex(r"$= \Phi_{tot}(F) - \Phi_{tot}(F)$ by definition of $\Phi_{tot}(F)$", font_size=tex_font_size).next_to(s37, DOWN).to_edge(RIGHT) s39 = Tex(r"$= 0$", font_size=tex_font_size).next_to(s38, DOWN).to_edge(RIGHT) animations = [ Write(s21), Write(s22), Write(s23), Write(s24), Write(s25), Write(s26), Write(s27), Write(s28), Write(s29), Write(s30), Write(s31), Write(s32), Write(s33), Write(s34), Write(s35), Write(s36), Write(s37), Write(s38), Write(s39) ] self.play(AnimationGroup(*animations, lag_ratio=2))