using UnityEngine; public class ThirdPersonController : MonoBehaviour { [Header("MOVEMENT VARIABLES")] private CharacterController characterController; [SerializeField] private float runningSpeed = 10f; [SerializeField] private Vector2 touchScreenPosition; [SerializeField] private Vector2 movementTouchInputValue; [SerializeField] private Vector2 currentMovementDirection; [Header("CAMERA CONTROLLER")] [SerializeField] private Transform mainCamera; [SerializeField] private float cameraSensitivity; [SerializeField] private Vector2 cameraTouchInputValue; [SerializeField] private float xRotation; [Header("TOUCH DETECTION")] private int leftSideTouch, rightSideTouch; // For Checking/Setting The Touch ID. private float halfScreenSize; // For Checking Left And Right Side Of The Phone. private float touchInputDeadZone = 10f; private void Awake() { characterController = GetComponent<CharacterController>(); touchInputDeadZone = Mathf.Pow(Screen.height / touchInputDeadZone, 2); leftSideTouch = -1; rightSideTouch = -1; } private void Start() { halfScreenSize = Screen.width / 2; } private void Update() { GetTouchInput(); // Getting Player Touch Input Once A Player Touch's The Screen. if (leftSideTouch != -1) { MovePlayer(); // Moving Player Accordingly To The Touch Input. } if (rightSideTouch != -1) { LookAround(); // Looking Around With The Camera Accordingly To The Touch Input. } } private void GetTouchInput() { for (int i = 0; i < Input.touchCount; i++) { Touch _touch = Input.GetTouch(i); switch (_touch.phase) { case TouchPhase.Began: if (_touch.position.x < halfScreenSize && leftSideTouch == -1) { leftSideTouch = _touch.fingerId; touchScreenPosition = _touch.position; } else if (_touch.position.x > halfScreenSize && rightSideTouch == -1) { rightSideTouch = _touch.fingerId; } break; case TouchPhase.Moved: if (leftSideTouch != -1) { movementTouchInputValue = _touch.position - touchScreenPosition; } if (rightSideTouch != -1) { cameraTouchInputValue = _touch.deltaPosition * cameraSensitivity * Time.deltaTime; } break; case TouchPhase.Stationary: if (_touch.fingerId == rightSideTouch) { cameraTouchInputValue =; } break; case TouchPhase.Ended: case TouchPhase.Canceled: if (_touch.fingerId == leftSideTouch) { leftSideTouch = -1; } else if (_touch.fingerId == rightSideTouch) { rightSideTouch = -1; } touchScreenPosition =; cameraTouchInputValue =; movementTouchInputValue =; break; } } } private void MovePlayer() { if (movementTouchInputValue.sqrMagnitude <= touchInputDeadZone) return; // Don't Move If Touch Isn't Being Dragged A Bit Further currentMovementDirection = movementTouchInputValue.normalized * runningSpeed * Time.deltaTime; characterController.Move(transform.right * currentMovementDirection.x + transform.forward * currentMovementDirection.y); } private void LookAround() { xRotation = Mathf.Clamp(xRotation - cameraTouchInputValue.y, -90f, 90f); mainCamera.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(xRotation, 0f, 0f); transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, cameraTouchInputValue.x); } }
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