a year ago
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import pandas as pd import mysql.connector import json from base64 import b64decode as base_b64decode import logging from pandas import read_sql as pd_read_sql import sys from sqlalchemy import create_engine releaseId = '275.2' opId = 'HOB' buId = 'DEFAULT' replicationTarget = 'SIT' source = 'SOURCE' replicationJobId = 'REP_990_234' json_file_path = "/app/scripts/PPM_Release_Management/Product_Catalog_ETL/config/ppm_reply.json" sql_log_file = f"/app/scripts/PPM_Release_Management/Product_Catalog_ETL/logs/{replicationJobId}ppm_reply.sql" log_file = f'/app/scripts/PPM_Release_Management/Product_Catalog_ETL/logs/{replicationJobId}ppm_reply.log' # Set up logging logging.basicConfig( filename=log_file, level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ) # Open SQL log file for writing sql_log_file = open(sql_log_file, "w") # Function to write SQL query to the log file def write_sql(query_info): sql_log_file.write(query_info) sql_log_file.write('\n') try: # Function to establish a database connection def connect_to_database(json_data, replicationTarget): encrypt = json_data.get(replicationTarget, {}).get('ENCRYPT') host = json_data.get(replicationTarget, {}).get('DB_HOST') port = json_data.get(replicationTarget, {}).get('DB_PORT') user = json_data.get(replicationTarget, {}).get('DB_USER') db_type = json_data.get(replicationTarget, {}).get('DB_TYPE') schema = json_data.get(replicationTarget, {}).get('DB_SCHEMA') if encrypt == 'Y': password = base_b64decode(json_data.get(replicationTarget, {}).get('DB_PASSWORD')).decode('utf-8') else: password = json_data.get(replicationTarget, {}).get('DB_PASSWORD') if db_type == 'MYSQL': cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user=user, password=password, host=host, port=port) cursor = cnx.cursor() logging.info(f"Connected to MySQL database server {replicationTarget}: {host}:{port}") return cnx, cursor, schema, user, password, host, port # Read JSON data from file with open(json_file_path) as json_file: json_data = json.load(json_file) # Connect to PPM_PC database conn_ppm, cursor_ppm, schema_ppm, user_ppm, password_ppm, host_ppm, port_ppm = connect_to_database(json_data, 'PPM_PC') # Fetch data from the etl_ppm_replication_master table primary_query = f"SELECT * FROM {schema_ppm}.etl_ppm_replication_master WHERE eprm_catalog='PC_EXT' AND eprm_enabled_flg='Y'" df = pd_read_sql(primary_query, con=conn_ppm) # Connect to source database conn_source, cursor_source, schema_source, _, _, _, _ = connect_to_database(json_data, source) # Connect to target database replicationTarget_EXT = replicationTarget + '_EXT' _, _, schema_target, user_target, password_target, host_target, port_target = connect_to_database(json_data, replicationTarget_EXT) target_engine = create_engine(f"mysql+mysqlconnector://{user_target}:{password_target}@{host_target}:{port_target}/{schema_target}") for _, row in df.iterrows(): eprm_table_name = row['eprm_table_name'].lower() # Convert table name to lowercase if eprm_table_name != 'pkg_prd_fed_ext_attrs': source_query = f"SELECT * FROM {schema_source}.{eprm_table_name} WHERE release_id='{releaseId}' AND op_id='{opId}' AND bu_id='{buId}'" try: source_df = pd_read_sql(source_query, con=conn_source) if not source_df.empty: source_df.to_sql(eprm_table_name, con=target_engine, if_exists='append', index=False) # After inserting, update the 'created_by' column value update_query = f"UPDATE {schema_target}.{eprm_table_name} SET created_by='REP_990_234' WHERE release_id='{releaseId}' AND op_id='{opId}' AND bu_id='{buId}'" with target_engine.begin() as connection: connection.execute(update_query) write_sql( f"-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ STATUS|{replicationTarget}| TABLE| {eprm_table_name}\n") write_sql(f"-- #Query: Inserted {len(source_df)} record(s) and updated 'created_by'\n") print(f"Inserting records into {eprm_table_name}") logging.info(f"Inserted {len(source_df)} record(s) into {eprm_table_name} and updated 'created_by'") except mysql.connector.Error as err: print(f"Error occurred while executing the query: {source_query}: {err}") logging.info(f"Error occurred while executing the query: {source_query}: {err}") except Exception as e: print("Error - {} . Line No - {} ".format(str(e), str(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno))) print("An Error occurred while constructing dataframe:", str(e)) except mysql.connector.Error as err: print("Error - {} . Line No - {} ".format(str(err), str(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno))) print(f"An error occurred: {err}") logging.info(f"An error occurred: {err}") finally: if cursor_ppm: cursor_ppm.close() if conn_ppm: conn_ppm.close() if json_file: json_file.close() if sql_log_file: sql_log_file.close() in the above target_engine we are using like this # Connect to target database replicationTarget_EXT = replicationTarget + '_EXT' _, _, schema_target, user_target, password_target, host_target, port_target = connect_to_database(json_data, replicationTarget_EXT) target_engine = create_engine(f"mysql+mysqlconnector://{user_target}:{password_target}@{host_target}:{port_target}/{schema_target}") can we modify that like simply like below source # Connect to source database conn_source, cursor_source, schema_source, _, _, _, _ = connect_to_database(json_data, source)