3 months ago
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using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using TMPro; public class PathfindingTester : MonoBehaviour { // The A* manager. private AStarManager AStarManager = new AStarManager(); // List of waypoints. List<GameObject> Waypoints = new List<GameObject>(); // Array of waypoint map connections. Represents a path. List<Connection> ConnectionArray = new List<Connection>(); // The start, pickup, delivery, and return target points. public GameObject start; public GameObject pickupPoint; public GameObject deliveryPoint; public GameObject returnPoint; public TextMeshProUGUI parcelInfo; // Assign this in the Inspector. // The car that needs to follow the path. public GameObject car; // Assign this in the Inspector. // Speed of the car. public float moveSpeed = 5f; public float turnSpeed = 2f; // Speed of the car's rotation. // Current target index in the path. private int currentWaypointIndex = 0; // Debug line offset. Vector3 OffSet = new Vector3(0, 0.3f, 0); // Box at pickup and delivery points public GameObject box; // Assign this in the Inspector. private bool boxCarrying = false; private enum State { MovingToPickup, MovingToDelivery, ReturningToStart, Finished } private State currentState = State.MovingToPickup; void Start() { if (start == null || pickupPoint == null || deliveryPoint == null || returnPoint == null || box == null) { Debug.LogError("Missing essential objects. Make sure start, pickupPoint, deliveryPoint, returnPoint, and box are assigned."); return; } // Position the box at the pickup point. box.transform.position = pickupPoint.transform.position; box.SetActive(true); // Make sure the box is visible at the start. // Find all the waypoints in the level. GameObject[] GameObjectsWithWaypointTag = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Waypoint"); foreach (GameObject waypoint in GameObjectsWithWaypointTag) { WaypointCON tmpWaypointCon = waypoint.GetComponent<WaypointCON>(); if (tmpWaypointCon) { Waypoints.Add(waypoint); } } // Go through the waypoints and create connections. foreach (GameObject waypoint in Waypoints) { WaypointCON tmpWaypointCon = waypoint.GetComponent<WaypointCON>(); foreach (GameObject WaypointConNode in tmpWaypointCon.Connections) { Connection aConnection = new Connection(); aConnection.SetFromNode(waypoint); aConnection.SetToNode(WaypointConNode); AStarManager.AddConnection(aConnection); } } // Initially calculate the path to the pickup point. SetPathToDestination(start, pickupPoint); } void Update() { if (ConnectionArray.Count == 0 || car == null) return; // If finished, don't process further. if (currentState == State.Finished) return; // Move the car. MoveCarAlongPath(); // Update the parcel info display UpdateParcelInfo(); } void MoveCarAlongPath() { if (currentWaypointIndex >= ConnectionArray.Count) { HandleStateTransition(); return; } Transform targetWaypoint = ConnectionArray[currentWaypointIndex].GetToNode().transform; Vector3 direction = targetWaypoint.position - car.transform.position; direction.y = 0; // Keep movement in the horizontal plane. // Rotate the car towards the target waypoint. if (direction.magnitude > 0.1f) { Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(direction); car.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(car.transform.rotation, targetRotation, Time.deltaTime * turnSpeed); } // Move the car towards the waypoint. car.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(car.transform.position, targetWaypoint.position, moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime); // Check if the car reached the waypoint. if (Vector3.Distance(car.transform.position, targetWaypoint.position) < 0.1f) { currentWaypointIndex++; } } void HandleStateTransition() { if (currentState == State.MovingToPickup) { StartCoroutine(PickupBox()); } else if (currentState == State.MovingToDelivery) { StartCoroutine(DeliverBox()); } else if (currentState == State.ReturningToStart) { currentState = State.Finished; StopCar(); } } IEnumerator PickupBox() { Debug.Log("Car arrived at pickup point."); yield return new WaitForSeconds(2); // Wait for 2 seconds at the pickup point. Debug.Log("Box picked up."); box.SetActive(false); // Make the box disappear. boxCarrying = true; // Update the state and set path to delivery. SetPathToDestination(pickupPoint, deliveryPoint); currentState = State.MovingToDelivery; } IEnumerator DeliverBox() { Debug.Log("Car arrived at delivery point."); Debug.Log("Box delivered."); box.transform.position = deliveryPoint.transform.position; // Move the box to the delivery point, on the floor. box.SetActive(true); // Make the box reappear at the delivery point. boxCarrying = false; // Add a 2-second delay after the delivery before returning to start. yield return new WaitForSeconds(1); // Wait for 2 seconds after delivering the package. // Update the state and set path to return. SetPathToDestination(deliveryPoint, returnPoint); currentState = State.ReturningToStart; } void StopCar() { moveSpeed = 0; Debug.Log("Journey complete."); } void SetPathToDestination(GameObject from, GameObject to) { ConnectionArray.Clear(); ConnectionArray = AStarManager.PathfindAStar(from, to); if (ConnectionArray.Count > 0) currentWaypointIndex = 0; else Debug.LogWarning("No valid path found between " + from.name + " and " + to.name); } void UpdateParcelInfo() { switch (currentState) { case State.MovingToPickup: parcelInfo.text = "Car is heading towards its pickup point."; break; case State.MovingToDelivery: parcelInfo.text = "Just picked up the package and now heading towards the delivery point."; break; case State.ReturningToStart: parcelInfo.text = "Package has just been delivered."; break; case State.Finished: parcelInfo.text = "Delivery Complete. Heading back to Return point"; break; default: parcelInfo.text = "Completed the job"; break; } } void OnDrawGizmos() { Gizmos.color = Color.white; foreach (Connection aConnection in ConnectionArray) { Gizmos.DrawLine(aConnection.GetFromNode().transform.position + OffSet, aConnection.GetToNode().transform.position + OffSet); } } }
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