a month ago
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Edit wp-config.php and add: define('SSN_SALT', 'y0ur53cr3t$4lt'); // Change this to a secure, random value! In MySQL/MariaDB -- Step 1: Backup the table before making changes CREATE TABLE wp_users_backup AS SELECT * FROM wp_users; -- Step 2: Add a new column for testing the salted hash ALTER TABLE wp_users ADD COLUMN hashed_login VARCHAR(64); -- Step 3: Define the salt (must match WordPress config) SET @SSN_SALT = 'y0ur53cr3t$4lt'; -- Replace with your actual salt -- Step 4: Hash all SSN-based usernames with salt UPDATE wp_users SET hashed_login = SHA2(CONCAT(@SSN_SALT, user_login), 256) WHERE user_login REGEXP '^[0-9]{3}-?[0-9]{2}-?[0-9]{4}$'; -- Step 5: Replace SSNs in user_login with their salted hash UPDATE wp_users SET user_login = hashed_login WHERE hashed_login IS NOT NULL; -- Step 6: Drop the temporary column ALTER TABLE wp_users DROP COLUMN hashed_login; Create the function to be used later in MySQL/MariaDB DELIMITER $$ CREATE FUNCTION HashSSN(ssn VARCHAR(20)) RETURNS VARCHAR(64) DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE salt VARCHAR(50); SET salt = 'y0ur53cr3t$4lt'; -- Replace with your actual salt (must match wp-config.php) -- Check if input looks like an SSN (XXX-XX-XXXX or XXXXXXXXX) IF ssn REGEXP '^[0-9]{3}-?[0-9]{2}-?[0-9]{4}$' THEN RETURN SHA2(CONCAT(salt, ssn), 256); END IF; -- If it's not an SSN, return it as is (for normal usernames) RETURN ssn; END$$ DELIMITER ; Modify functions.php to apply the same logic before authentication: function custom_authenticate_filter($user, $username, $password) { global $wpdb; // Retrieve salt from wp-config.php $salt = defined('SSN_SALT') ? SSN_SALT : ''; // Check if the username looks like an SSN if (preg_match('/^\d{3}-?\d{2}-?\d{4}$/', $username)) { // Apply the same salted hash $hashed_ssn = hash('sha256', $salt . $username); if ($hashed_ssn) { $username = $hashed_ssn; } } return wp_authenticate_username_password(null, $username, $password); } add_filter('authenticate', 'custom_authenticate_filter', 10, 3);
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