using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Simple_Calculator
class FourOperatorsCalculator
// - Enter an expression, example: 8.23 + 8.12
// - Check the expression's validity
// - Return the result
static void Main(string[] args)
//Causes Of Invalidity:
//- Invalid Operator Count
//- Invalid Types
//- Division by Zero
string quote = "Please enter a simple mathematic expression.";
char[] operators = new char[4]
'+', '-', '*', '/'
char operatorUsed;
while (true)
quote = "Please enter a simple mathematic expression.";
string s = Console.ReadLine();
if (s == "$exit") { break; }
Tools.RemoveCharsFromString(ref s, ' ');
operatorUsed = Tools.FindAndCountOperators(s, out int operatorCount, operators);
if ((operatorCount != 1) || (!(Tools.ArrayContains<char>(operators, operatorUsed))))
quote = "Please retry. Error: Invalid Operators or Invalid Operators Count";
string[] numberStrings = s.Split(operatorUsed);
double[] numbers = new double[numberStrings.Length];
bool hasOneFalse = false;
for (int i = 0; i < numberStrings.Length; i++)
bool isDouble = Double.TryParse(numberStrings[i], out numbers[i]);
if (!isDouble)
hasOneFalse = true;
if (hasOneFalse)
quote = "Please retry. Error: Invalid Numbers";
switch (operatorUsed)
case '+':
Console.WriteLine(numbers[0] + numbers[1]);
case '-':
Console.WriteLine(numbers[0] - numbers[1]);
case '*':
Console.WriteLine(numbers[0] * numbers[1]);
case '/':
if (numbers[1] == 0)
quote = "Please retry. Error: Division by Zero.";
Console.WriteLine(numbers[0] / numbers[1]);
static class Tools
public static void RemoveCharsFromString(ref string s, params char[] chars)
string result = "";
foreach (char charOfString in s)
if (!ArrayContains<char>(chars, charOfString))
result += charOfString;
s = result;
public static bool ArrayContains<T>(T[] container, T contained)
foreach (T containerMember in container)
if (EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(containerMember, contained))
return true;
return false;
public static char FindAndCountOperators(string s, out int count, char[] operators)
char lastOperatorFound = '?';
count = 0;
int index = -1;
while ((index = s.IndexOfAny(operators, index + 1)) != -1)
if (index >= 0) { lastOperatorFound = s[index]; }
return lastOperatorFound;