const express = require('express'); const { Telegraf, Scenes, session} = require('telegraf'); const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb'); const axios = require('axios'); const { CronJob } = require('cron'); const app = express(); const token = "6759891586:AAFJ-jxw7-8DVWrkiblx1QVACNj3OaiOYYk"; const bot = new Telegraf(token); const { Stage, BaseScene, WizardScene } = Scenes; const mongoURL = 'mongodb+srv://judgetorres:judgetorres1234@judgetorres.64yjcqg.mongodb.net/?retryWrites=true&w=majority'; process.on('uncaughtException', (error) => { console.error('Uncaught Exception:', error); }); const client = new MongoClient(mongoURL); let db, stark; // CONFIGMENT OF THE TWITTER API const bearerToken = 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAF2esAEAAAAA6YgKnoonlVuvnxy6PVwzUeSFCnE%3DehHWdCbfdZ8O48u0XpbvElljT8LTOwlitntlldI4pe2ILRab5l'; const apiKey = 'pM2dGlCG77SgsRNo6HjAK00ul'; const apiSecretKey = 'boNFiHzxdHzHOdW4A6CFGriYEnFOARr37g3Jro6B4lfJy05cUb'; const accessToken = '1655168769361170433-vKDZKSjnoGAXx0NSRSNFUOVom0Z9wx'; const accessTokenSecret = 'COykXJICCojzTODhvHe4aAgCN9z7GQN41VWBVhoAOcuud'; const adminTwitterUsername = "1303216614515585027"; const tweetId = '1599222382417231872'; const tokenConfig = { auth: { username: apiKey, password: apiSecretKey, }, }; const config = { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${bearerToken}`, }, }; axios.post('https://api.twitter.com/oauth2/token', 'grant_type=client_credentials', tokenConfig) .then(console.log("Twitter Auth Authenticated")) .catch(err => console.log(err)); // get user twitter id async function getUserTwitterId(username) { const url = `https://api.twitter.com/2/users/by/username/${username}`; try { const res = await axios.get(url, config); console.log(res.data); return res.data.data.id; } catch (err) { console.error(err.message); return null; } } // // get if user is following me /*async function isUserFollowingMe(username){ const getAccessToken = async () => { try { const resp = await axios.post( 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth2/token', '', { params: { 'grant_type': 'client_credentials' }, auth: { username: apiKey, password: apiSecretKey } } ); return resp.data.access_token } catch (err) { console.error(err); return; } }; const getFollowers = async (token, user_id, max_number) => { try { const resp = await axios.get( `https://api.twitter.com/2/users/${user_id}/followers`, { headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer '+ token, }, params: { 'user.fields': 'name,username', 'max_results': max_number } } ); return resp.data; } catch (err) { console.log(err) return err } }; getAccessToken() .then((token) => { getFollowers(token, adminTwitterUsername, 1000) .then((result) => { console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 4)); }) .catch(error => console.log(JSON.stringify(error))); }) .catch(error => console.log(JSON.stringify(error))); }*/ // // END OF THE TWITTER API //isUserFollowingMe("kingstarofficia"); //getUserTwitterId("kingstarofficia"); bot.use(session()); const stage = new Stage(); bot.use(stage.middleware()); const admin = 6354552851; const cur = "points" async function connectToDatabase(){ try { await client.connect(); db = await client.db('CEOAKDBOT'); stark = await db.collection("All-Users"); console.log(`Connected to database`); } catch (err) { console.log(`Error connect database`); console.log(err); } } connectToDatabase(true); const channels = [ "cartmoreelogs", "cartmoreelogs" ] async function getUser(user) { try { const u = await stark.findOne({user: user}); return u; } catch (err) { console.log(err); return null; } } async function addUser(user){ try { await stark.insertOne(user); return true; } catch (err) { console.log(err) return null; } } async function updateUser(user,data){ try { const res = await stark.updateOne({user: user},data); return true; } catch (err) { console.log(err) return null; } } async function allUser() { try { const res = await stark.find({}).toArray(); return res; } catch (err) { console.log(err) return null; } } async function updateLeaderboard(interval) { function getStartDate(daysAgo) { const startDate = new Date(); startDate.setDate(startDate.getDate() - daysAgo); return startDate; } const startDate = getStartDate(interval === 'daily' ? 1 : interval === 'weekly' ? 7 : 30); const endDate = new Date(); const users = await stark.find({referral: {$gte: 1},lastReferralTime: {$gte: startDate,$lt: endDate}}).toArray(); const count = 15; if(!users){ console.log("No Users found in the "+interval+" contest"); return; } if(users.length === 0){ console.log("No Users found in the "+interval+" contest"); return; } const userr = await users.sort((a,b) => b.referral - a.referral); const pointEarned = interval === 'daily' ? 50000 : interval === 'weekly' ? 100000 : 200000; const winner = await userr[0]; updateUser(winner.user,{$inc: {balance: pointEarned}}); const winner2 = await userr[1]; const winner3 = await userr[2]; const winnerAdminText = ` <b>π Congratulations to the winners of the ${interval} contest! π</b> <b>π Winner:</b> (${winner.user}) π° Reward: ${pointEarned} points <b>π Congratulations to the the winners! π</b> <i>Winner: (${winner.user}) has get ${pointEarned} points added to his/her balance.</i> `; const winnerUserText = ` <b>π Congratulations to you, </b>π You <b>won </b>the ${interval} contest! π <b>π° Reward:</b> ${pointEarned} points. `; if (winner){ bot.telegram.sendMessage(winner.user,winnerUserText,{parse_mode: 'HTML'}); } bot.telegram.sendMessage(admin,winnerAdminText,{parse_mode: 'HTML'}); } function setupCronJobs() { const dailyJob = new CronJob('0 0 * * *', () => updateLeaderboard('daily'), null, true, 'UTC'); const weeklyJob = new CronJob('0 0 * * 1', () => updateLeaderboard('weekly'), null, true, 'UTC'); const monthlyJob = new CronJob('0 0 1 * *', () => updateLeaderboard('monthly'), null, true, 'UTC'); dailyJob.start(); weeklyJob.start(); monthlyJob.start(); console.log('Leaderboard Contest Started'); } async function mainMenu(ctx,txt = null) { const text = ` ${txt || ''} ππ» Hello Mr. <b>${ctx.from.first_name}</b>! Welcome To Our Bot (${ctx.botInfo.first_name}) π Your position on the airdrop bot are not final, and the valid participants will be <b>rewarded</b> if they are among the top referrers or random winners. <i>π You can use the buttons below to check your balance, Check The Leaderboard, and find useful.</i> π <b>Official Website:</b> <i>https://dontbuythistoken.com</i> π <b>For Support Contact:</b> <a href="https://t.me/CEOAKD365">Official Support</a> `; const keys = [ [ { text: "πΆ Points Earned" } ], [ { text: "π©βπ§βπ¦ Referral" }, { text: "π³ Claim" } ], [ { text: "π Leaderboard" } ] ] ctx.reply(text, { parse_mode: "HTML", reply_markup: { keyboard: keys, resize_keyboard: true }, disable_web_page_preview: true }); } bot.start(async (ctx) => { const userId = ctx.from.id; const name = ctx.from.first_name || "Boss π" const newUser = await getUser(userId); if (newUser && newUser.verify && newUser.verify === true){ mainMenu(ctx); return; } let upline = null; let param = ctx.message.text.split(" "); let [, ...newparam ] = param; if (!Array.isArray(newparam)){ ctx.reply("π€― Sorry, An error occured"); return; } newparam = newparam[0] || "nothing"; if (!newparam.includes('newUser')){ if (!isNaN(newparam) && newparam.length === 10 && newparam != userId){ upline = newparam; } if (!newUser){ addUser({ user: userId, upline: upline, balance: 0, demoWallet: null, verifyWallet: null, referral: 0, downlines: [], last_bonus_time: null, verify: false, ban: false }); } ctx.reply('ππ» Hi '+name+'!, Welcome to the bot!',{ reply_markup: { inline_keyboard: [ [ { text: "βπ» Register on Website", web_app: { url: "https://starknil.000webhostapp.com/ceoakdbot.html" } } ] ] } }); return; } if (!newparam.startsWith('newUser')){ ctx.reply(JSON.stringify(more.length)); ctx.reply("π€― Sorry, An error occured 2"); return; } const more = newparam.split("_"); if (more.length !== 3){ ctx.reply("π€― Sorry, An error occured 3"); return; } let [ ourUser, isVerify, wallet] = more; isVerify = isVerify.split("=")[1]; wallet = wallet.split("=")[1]; if (isVerify !== "true"){ ctx.reply("Invalid Registration"); return; } await updateUser(userId,{$set: {demoWallet: wallet}}) const txt = "ππ» Hi "+name+"!, Join our channels now!"; const keyboards = []; for (const chan of channels){ keyboards.push([ { text: "π Join "+chan, url: "https://t.me/"+chan } ]); } keyboards.push([ { text: "β Joined", callback_data: "chckchan" } ]) ctx.reply(txt, { reply_markup: { inline_keyboard: keyboards } }); }); //////// Check mandatory channels bot.action("chckchan", async (ctx) =>{ const msg_id = ctx.update.callback_query.message.message_id; const userId = ctx.from.id; let c = 0; for (const channel of channels){ try { const res = await ctx.telegram.getChatMember(`@${channel}`, userId); if(res.status == "left"){ break; }else{ c++ } } catch (err) { ctx.answerCbQuery(); ctx.reply("An error occurred while checking the channel membership. Please try again later."); console.log(err) return; } } if (channels.length != c){ ctx.answerCbQuery("β Sorry, please join the telegram groups",{show_alert: true}); return; } const mine = await getUser(userId); if (!mine){ ctx.reply("Cant find your account, please register first"); return; } const upline = mine.upline; const mee = mine.mandatoryJoinGift; if (!mee){ ctx.answerCbQuery("β You Earned 10 points for joining",{show_alert: true}); await updateUser(userId,{$set: {mandatoryJoinGift: true},$inc: {balance: 10}}); } try { await ctx.answerCbQuery(); } catch (err) { console.log(err) } const twiterLink = "https://x.com/dbtteth"; ctx.editMessageText(` - Follow, comment, like, and retweet a post ${twiterLink}: and send your Twitter username. `); const twit = new BaseScene("twitter"+userId); twit.enter(); twit.on('text',async ctx => { let tw = ctx.message.text; ctx.deleteMessage(); if (tw.length < 5){ try { await ctx.telegram.editMessageText(userId,msg_id,null,"Provide a valid twiter username without @") } catch (error) { console.log(err) return error; } return; } if (tw.startsWith("@")){ tw = tw.slice(1); } const twid = await getUserTwitterId(tw); if(!twid){ try { await ctx.telegram.editMessageText(userId,msg_id,null,"Invalid Twitter account") } catch (err) { console.log(err); } return; } await ctx.scene.leave(); updateUser(userId,{$set: {twitter: tw}}); const userr = await getUser(userId); if (!userr){ return; } const meee = userr.twiterGift; const demoWallet = userr.demoWallet; const upline = userr.upline; if (!meee){ await ctx.telegram.editMessageText(userId,msg_id,null,"β You earned 10 points."); } const walleti = new BaseScene("wallet"+userId); walleti.enter(ctx => { ctx.telegram.editMessageText(userId,msg_id,null,"Now please provide us your ETH wallet address\nNote: Must be same as use on the bot website\n\nEnter <code>0x12345</code>",{parse_mode: "HTML"}); }); walleti.on('text',async (ctx) => { ctx.deleteMessage(); const wallet = ctx.message.text; if (wallet != demoWallet){ try { await ctx.telegram.editMessageText(userId,msg_id,null,"β Wallet address must be same as the wallet on the bot website"); } catch (err) { console.log(err); ctx.reply("You deleted an expected message which caused a error, Please restart te bot again"); return; } return; } await ctx.scene.leave(); await updateUser(userId,{$set: {verifyWallet: wallet,verify: true}}); try { await ctx.telegram.deleteMessage(userId,msg_id); } catch (err) { console.log(err); } if (upline){ try { await updateUser(parseFloat(upline),{$inc: {referral: 1,balance: 5},$push: {downlines: userId},$set: {lastReferralTime: new Date()}}); await ctx.telegram.sendMessage(parseFloat(upline),"β New refer just joined through your link\nyou earned 5 points"); } catch (err) { console.log(err) } } mainMenu(ctx,"<b>β Congratulations, You are fully verified.</b>"); }); walleti.use(async ctx => { ctx.deleteMessage(); try{ await ctx.telegram.editMessageText(userId,msg_id,null,"Enter a valid ETH wallet address"); }catch(err){ console.log(err) return; } }); stage.register(walleti); ctx.scene.enter("wallet"+userId); }); twit.use(async (ctx) => { try { ctx.deleteMessage(); await ctx.telegram.editMessageText(userId,msg_id,null,"Provide a valid twiter username") } catch (err) { console.log(err) return; } }); stage.register(twit); ctx.scene.enter("twitter"+userId); }); // Top Daily Earners Code bot.hears('π Leaderboard',async ctx => { function getStartDate(daysAgo) { const startDate = new Date(); startDate.setDate(startDate.getDate() - daysAgo); return startDate; } const interval = 'Daily'; const startDate = getStartDate(interval === 'Daily' ? 1 : interval === 'Weekly' ? 7 : 30); const endDate = new Date(); const idd = await ctx.replyWithHTML("<i>π Started Gathering Leaderboard...</i>"); const msg_id = idd.message_id; ctx.telegram.editMessageText(ctx.from.id,msg_id,null,"<i>π Gathering Leaderboard...</i>",{ parse_mode: "HTML" }); const users = await stark.find({referral: {$gte: 1},lastReferralTime: {$gte: startDate,$lt: endDate}}).toArray(); const count = 15; if(!users){ ctx.telegram.editMessageText(ctx.from.id,msg_id,null,"No user have a referral in this Bot.",{ parse_mode: "HTML" }); return; } if(users.length === 0){ ctx.telegram.editMessageText(ctx.from.id,msg_id,null,"No user have a referral in this Bot.",{ parse_mode: "HTML" }); return; } const userr = await users.sort((a,b) => b.referral - a.referral); const userrs = await userr.slice(0,count); let txt = "<b>π Top "+count+" "+interval+" Leaderboard Users π</b>\n\n"; ; ctx.telegram.editMessageText(ctx.from.id,msg_id,null,"<i>π Started Forming Leaderboard...</i>",{ parse_mode: "HTML" }); const middle = Math.floor(userrs.length/2); let i = 1; for (const user of userrs){ if (i == middle){ ctx.telegram.editMessageText(ctx.from.id,msg_id,null,"<i>π Forming Leaderboard 50%...</i>",{ parse_mode: "HTML" }); } const userId = user.user; const referral = user.referral; const bal = user.balance; const details = await ctx.telegram.getChat(user.user); let tag; if (i === 1){ tag = "π₯"; }else if (i === 2){ tag = "π₯"; } else if (i === 3){ tag = "π₯"; }else{ tag = ` ${i}`; } if (details.id != 6287539358){ txt += `${tag} β’ <a href="tg://user?id=${details.id}">${details.first_name || details.last_name}</a> - <b>${referral} points</b>\n`; }else{ txt += `${tag} β’ <a href="">${details.first_name || details.last_name}</a> - <b>${referral} points</b>\n`; } i += 1; } txt += ` <b>Daily Rank:</b> 50,000 $DBTT ($98) <b>Weekly Rank:</b> 100,000 $DBTT ($196) <b>Monthly Rank:</b> 200,000 $DBTT ($392) <i>By completing the airdrop tasks, you will earn points and climb the leaderboard. The top leaderboard users will receive a bonus <b>$DBTT</b> reward at the end of the Dally,Weekly,Monthly</i> `; ctx.telegram.editMessageText(ctx.from.id,msg_id,null,txt,{ parse_mode: "HTML", reply_markup: { inline_keyboard: [ [ { text: "π Weekly Leaderboard π", callback_data: "weeklyb" } ], [ { text: "π Monthly Leaderboard π", callback_data: "monthlyb" } ] ] } }); }); // Top Weekly Earners Code bot.action('weeklyb',async ctx => { function getStartDate(daysAgo) { const startDate = new Date(); startDate.setDate(startDate.getDate() - daysAgo); return startDate; } const interval = 'Weekly'; const startDate = getStartDate(interval === 'Daily' ? 1 : interval === 'Weekly' ? 7 : 30); const endDate = new Date(); const msg_id = ctx.update.callback_query.message.message_id; ctx.telegram.editMessageText(ctx.from.id,msg_id,null,"<i>π Gathering Leaderboard...</i>",{ parse_mode: "HTML" }); const users = await stark.find({referral: {$gte: 1},lastReferralTime: {$gte: startDate,$lt: endDate}}).toArray(); const count = 15; if(!users){ ctx.telegram.editMessageText(ctx.from.id,msg_id,null,"No user have a referral in this Bot.",{ parse_mode: "HTML" }); return; } if(users.length === 0){ ctx.telegram.editMessageText(ctx.from.id,msg_id,null,"No user have a referral in this Bot.",{ parse_mode: "HTML" }); return; } const userr = await users.sort((a,b) => b.referral - a.referral); const userrs = await userr.slice(0,count); let txt = "<b>π Top "+count+" "+interval+" Leaderboard Users π</b>\n\n"; ; ctx.telegram.editMessageText(ctx.from.id,msg_id,null,"<i>π Started Forming Leaderboard...</i>",{ parse_mode: "HTML" }); const middle = Math.floor(userrs.length/2); let i = 1; for (const user of userrs){ if (i == middle){ ctx.telegram.editMessageText(ctx.from.id,msg_id,null,"<i>π Forming Leaderboard 50%...</i>",{ parse_mode: "HTML" }); } const userId = user.user; const referral = user.referral; const bal = user.balance; const details = await ctx.telegram.getChat(user.user); let tag; if (i === 1){ tag = "π₯"; }else if (i === 2){ tag = "π₯"; } else if (i === 3){ tag = "π₯"; }else{ tag = ` ${i}`; } if (details.id != 6287539358){ txt += `${tag} β’ <a href="tg://user?id=${details.id}">${details.first_name || details.last_name}</a> - <b>${referral} points</b>\n`; }else{ txt += `${tag} β’ <a href="">${details.first_name || details.last_name}</a> - <b>${referral} points</b>\n`; } i += 1; } txt += ` <b>Daily Rank:</b> 50,000 $DBTT ($98) <b>Weekly Rank:</b> 100,000 $DBTT ($196) <b>Monthly Rank:</b> 200,000 $DBTT ($392) <i>By completing the airdrop tasks, you will earn points and climb the leaderboard. The top leaderboard users will receive a bonus <b>$DBTT</b> reward at the end of the Dally,Weekly,Monthly</i> `; ctx.telegram.editMessageText(ctx.from.id,msg_id,null,txt,{ parse_mode: "HTML", reply_markup: { inline_keyboard: [ [ { text: "π Monthly Leaderboard π", callback_data: "monthlyb" } ] ] } }); }); // Top Weekly Earners Code bot.action('monthlyb',async ctx => { function getStartDate(daysAgo) { const startDate = new Date(); startDate.setDate(startDate.getDate() - daysAgo); return startDate; } const interval = 'Monthly'; const startDate = getStartDate(interval === 'Daily' ? 1 : interval === 'Weekly' ? 7 : 30); const endDate = new Date(); const msg_id = ctx.update.callback_query.message.message_id; ctx.telegram.editMessageText(ctx.from.id,msg_id,null,"<i>π Gathering Leaderboard...</i>",{ parse_mode: "HTML" }); const users = await stark.find({referral: {$gte: 1},lastReferralTime: {$gte: startDate,$lt: endDate}}).toArray(); const count = 15; if(!users){ ctx.telegram.editMessageText(ctx.from.id,msg_id,null,"No user have a referral in this Bot.",{ parse_mode: "HTML" }); return; } if(users.length === 0){ ctx.telegram.editMessageText(ctx.from.id,msg_id,null,"No user have a referral in this Bot.",{ parse_mode: "HTML" }); return; } const userr = await users.sort((a,b) => b.referral - a.referral); const userrs = await userr.slice(0,count); let txt = "<b>π Top "+count+" "+interval+" Leaderboard Users π</b>\n\n"; ; ctx.telegram.editMessageText(ctx.from.id,msg_id,null,"<i>π Started Forming Leaderboard...</i>",{ parse_mode: "HTML" }); const middle = Math.floor(userrs.length/2); let i = 1; for (const user of userrs){ if (i == middle){ ctx.telegram.editMessageText(ctx.from.id,msg_id,null,"<i>π Forming Leaderboard 50%...</i>",{ parse_mode: "HTML" }); } const userId = user.user; const referral = user.referral; const bal = user.balance; const details = await ctx.telegram.getChat(user.user); let tag; if (i === 1){ tag = "π₯"; }else if (i === 2){ tag = "π₯"; } else if (i === 3){ tag = "π₯"; }else{ tag = ` ${i}`; } if (details.id != 6287539358){ txt += `${tag} β’ <a href="tg://user?id=${details.id}">${details.first_name || details.last_name}</a> - <b>${referral} points</b>\n`; }else{ txt += `${tag} β’ <a href="">${details.first_name || details.last_name}</a> - <b>${referral} points</b>\n`; } i += 1; } txt += ` <b>Daily Rank:</b> 50,000 $DBTT ($98) <b>Weekly Rank:</b> 100,000 $DBTT ($196) <b>Monthly Rank:</b> 200,000 $DBTT ($392) <i>By completing the airdrop tasks, you will earn points and climb the leaderboard. The top leaderboard users will receive a bonus <b>$DBTT</b> reward at the end of the Dally,Weekly,Monthly</i> `; ctx.telegram.editMessageText(ctx.from.id,msg_id,null,txt,{ parse_mode: "HTML", reply_markup: { inline_keyboard: [ [ { text: "π Weekly Leaderboard π", callback_data: "weeklyb" } ] ] } }); }); ////// bot.command('add',async (ctx) => { updateUser(ctx.from.id,{$set: {lastReferralTime: new Date()}}); }); ////// // Balance button code bot.hears("πΆ Points Earned",async (ctx) => { const userId = ctx.from.id; const userr = await getUser(userId); if (!userr){ ctx.reply("Cant find your account, please register first"); return; } const referral = userr.referral; const bal = userr.balance; let txt; if (referral == 0){ txt = "<s>Not in Leaderboard</s>"; }else{ const users = await stark.find({referral: {$gte: 0}}).toArray(); const count = 10; if(!users){ txt = "<s>Not in Leaderboard</s>"; return; } if(users.length === 0){ txt = "<s>Not in Leaderboard</s>"; return; } const userr = await users.sort((a,b) => b.referral - a.referral); const userrs = await userr.slice(0,count); const check = userrs.some(x => x.user == userId); if (check){ const c = userrs.findIndex(x => x.user == userId); txt = c+1+" in Leaderboard"; }else{ txt = "<s>Not in Leaderboard</s>"; } } ctx.replyWithHTML(` πΆ You have earned <b>${bal} points</b>. You have invited <b>${referral} user(s)</b>. <b>π Your Position:</b> ${txt} β <u>Your Provided Data</u> πͺΏ <b>Twitter:</b> ${userr.twitter || "Not Provided"} π³ <b>Connected Address:</b> <code>${userr.verifyWallet}</code> <i>π²The top referrals can each get more tokens.</i> `); }); // Referral button code bot.hears("π©βπ§βπ¦ Referral",async (ctx) => { const userId = ctx.from.id; const userr = await getUser(userId); if (!userr){ ctx.reply("Cant find your account, please register first"); return; } const upline = userr.upline; const referral = userr.referral; const bal = userr.balance; const downlines = userr.downlines; const refLink = "https://t.me/"+ctx.botInfo.username+"?start="+userId; let txt = ` <b>π’You invited ${referral} people and have a chance to get $10 in points tokens. </b> <i>π²You can refer more to be in top referrals to qualify on the leaderboard and get a huge banefits.</i> <b>πreferral link:</b> <i>${refLink}</i> `; ctx.replyWithHTML(txt); }); // Claim button code bot.hears("π³ Claim",async (ctx) => { const userId = ctx.from.id; const userr = await getUser(userId); if (!userr){ ctx.reply("Cant find your account, please register first"); return; } const referral = userr.referral; const bal = userr.balance; const demoWallet = userr.demoWallet; const verifyWallet = userr.verifyWallet; let txt = ` <b>π Great news! You can now withdraw your earned points on our website.</b> 1) <i>Visit the link below.</i> 2) <i>Click on the <b>Claim Not Active</b>.</i> 3) <i>Choose your withdrawal option.</i> 4) <i>Confirm your request.</i> <b>That's it! Your rewards will be on their way.</b> π₯° <i>Thank you for being a part of our community!</i> <b>---</b> `; ctx.reply(txt,{ parse_mode: "HTML", reply_markup: { inline_keyboard: [ [ { text: "π Claim your points", url: "https://dontbuythistoken.com/claim" } ] ] } }) }); // ADMIN PART bot.command('Panel',async (ctx) => { if(ctx.from.id != admin){ return; } const user = await allUser(ctx.from.id); const txt = ` ππ» Hey <b>${ctx.from.first_name}</b>! Welcome to the admin panel. <b>Total Users:</b> ${user.length < 1 ? "No User" : user.length}`; ctx.reply(txt,{ parse_mode: "HTML", reply_markup: { inline_keyboard: [ [ { text: "ποΈ Send Broadcast", callback_data: "broadcast" } ], [ { text: "π Set/Change X.com link", callback_data: "setlink" } ] ] } }); }); bot.action('broadcast',async (ctx) => { ctx.deleteMessage(); if(ctx.from.id != admin){ return; } await ctx.reply("Wait fetching all user in the database..."); const all_user = await allUser(ctx.from.id); await ctx.reply("All user fetched successfully"); const broad = new BaseScene('broad'); broad.enter(ctx => { ctx.reply("Enter the message you want to send"); }); broad.on('text', async (ctx) => { await ctx.scene.leave(); await ctx.reply("Broadcasting message to all users..."); for (const user of all_user){ try { await ctx.telegram.sendMessage(user.user,ctx.message.text); } catch (err) { console.log(err); } } ctx.reply("Message broadcasted successfully"); }); stage.register(broad); ctx.scene.enter('broad'); }); /* bot.command("ban",async ctx => { if(ctx.from.id != admin){ return; } const userId = ctx.message.text.split(" ")[1]; ctx.reply(""+userId+""); const user = await getUser(parseFloat(userId)); if (!user){ return ctx.reply("User not found"); } await updateUser(parseFloat(userId),{$set: {ban: true}}); ctx.reply("User banned successfully"); }); bot.command("unban",async ctx => { if(ctx.from.id != admin){ return; } const userId = ctx.message.text.split(" ")[1]; const user = await getUser(parseFloat(userId)); if (!user){ return ctx.reply("User not found"); } await updateUser(parseFloat(userId),{$set: {ban: false}}); ctx.reply("User unbanned successfully"); }); */ bot.use(ctx => ctx.reply('π€ Sorry, I don\'t understand that')); app.get('/', (req, res) => { const html = ` <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Verify Bot Stark Nil</title> <style> * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } body { width: 100%; height: 50vh; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; align-items: center; gap: 15px; } button { padding: 10px; background-color: #4CAF50; color: white; border: 1px solid grey; border-radius: 5px; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>Verify Bot Stark Nil</h1> <button onclick=" window.location.href= 'https://t.me/CEOAKDAirdrop_Bot?start=newUser_verify=true_wallet=0x12345'; this.style.display = 'none'; "> <h1> β‘οΈ Click To Redirect </h1> </button> </body> </html> `; res.send(html); }); bot.launch({dropPendingUpdates: true}); const port = 3000; app.listen(port,async () => { await setupCronJobs(); console.log(`Server is running on port ${port}`); });
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