2 months ago
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import requests import time from random import uniform def get_api_keys(): print("Enter API keys (one per line, press Enter twice to finish):") keys = [] while True: key = input().strip() if not key: break keys.append(key) return keys def convert_to_usd(amount, currency): if currency == "CNY": return float(amount) / 7.3 return float(amount) def check_balance(api_keys): url = "https://api.deepseek.com/user/balance" valid_keys = [] keys_with_balance = [] total_usd = 0.0 for key in api_keys: headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {key}' } try: response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) if response.status_code == 401: print(f"Invalid key: {key}") time.sleep(uniform(1, 2)) # Random delay between 1-2 seconds continue elif response.status_code == 402: print(f"No balance: {key}") continue elif response.status_code == 200: data = response.json() if data.get("is_available"): for balance_info in data.get("balance_infos", []): currency = balance_info.get('currency') balance = float(balance_info.get('total_balance', 0)) usd_balance = convert_to_usd(balance, currency) total_usd += usd_balance print(f"\nValid key found: {key}") print(f"Currency: {currency}") print(f"Balance: {balance}") print(f"USD Value: ${usd_balance:.2f}") valid_keys.append((key, balance_info, usd_balance)) # Check if USD balance is greater than .8 if usd_balance > 0.8: keys_with_balance.append(key) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: print(f"Error checking key {key}: {str(e)}") time.sleep(uniform(1, 2)) return valid_keys, keys_with_balance, total_usd def main(): api_keys = get_api_keys() print("\nChecking API keys...\n") valid_keys, keys_with_balance, total_usd = check_balance(api_keys) if valid_keys: print("\nSummary of valid keys with balance:") for key, balance_info, usd_balance in valid_keys: print(f"API Key: {key}") print(f"Currency: {balance_info.get('currency')}") print(f"Balance: {balance_info.get('total_balance')}") print(f"USD Value: ${usd_balance:.2f}\n") else: print("\nNo valid keys with balance found.") # Print comma-separated list of keys with balance > 0.8 USD if keys_with_balance: print("\nKeys with balance > $.8 USD:") print(",".join(keys_with_balance)) else: print("\nNo keys found with balance greater than $.8 USD.") # Print total USD value print(f"\nTotal USD value of all keys: ${total_usd:.2f}") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
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