a year ago
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import os import boto3 from datetime import datetime, timedelta def lambda_handler(event, context): query_from_dynamoDB() def query_from_dynamoDB() : alert_date = datetime.now().date() + timedelta(days = 30) alert_date = datetime.strftime(alert_date, format = "%Y-%m-%d") dynamodb_client = boto3.client("dynamodb") response = dynamodb_client.query( TableName = 'test-table', IndexName = 'expiryDate', Select = 'ALL_ATTRIBUTES', KeyConditions = { 'dummyCol' : { 'AttributeValueList' : [{ 'S' : 'A' }], 'ComparisonOperator' : 'EQ' }, 'expiryDate' : { 'AttributeValueList' : [{ # expiry_date - today < 30 'S' : alert_date # expiry_date < today + 30 }], 'ComparisonOperator' : 'LT' } } ) Send_email_SES(response['Items']) def Generate_email_data(recipient, items) : recipient_name = recipient.split("@")[0] body = f"Dear <b>{recipient_name}</b>, <br> <br> You got <b>{len(items)} domain(s)</b> about to expire, here is the detail : \n" table_content = "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>Page Title</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n" attributes = ['Domain name', 'Expiry date', 'Registration date'] table_content += "<br><br><table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"10\" width=\"50%\">\n" # Header part table_content += " <thead>\n <tr align = \"center\">\n" for col in attributes : table_content += f" <th>{col}</th>\n" table_content += " </tr>\n </thead>\n" # Body part table_content += " <tbody>\n" for item in items : date_diff = datetime.strptime(item['expiryDate']['S'], "%Y-%m-%d").date() - datetime.now().date() table_content += " <tr align = \"center\">\n" table_content += f" <td width=\"25%\">{item['domainName']['S']}</td>\n" table_content += f" <td width=\"50%\">{item['expiryDate']['S']} <b><i>({date_diff.days} days until expire)</b></i></td>\n" table_content += f" <td width=\"25%\">{item['registrationDate']['S']}</td>\n" table_content += " </tr>\n" table_content += " </tbody>\n" table_content += "</table>\n<br><br>" table_content += "</body>\n</html>" end_body = "Please ask for extension the expiry date of the domain(s) above.<br><br>Best regards,<br><br>\t STYL Solutions" full_body = body + table_content + end_body return full_body def Send_email_SES(items) : ses_client = boto3.client("ses") recipient_list = ['dangquangvkl@gmail.com', 'tient4199@gmail.com', 'pham.tan.anh.vu@styl.solutions'] Subject = { "Data" : f"ALERT ! You got {len(items)} domain(s) about to expire !", 'Charset' : 'UTF-8' } for recipient in recipient_list : response = ses_client.send_email( Source = "anhvuphamtan@gmail.com", Destination = { "ToAddresses" : [recipient] }, Message = { 'Subject' : Subject, 'Body' : { 'Html' : { 'Data' : Generate_email_data(recipient, items) } } } ) query_from_dynamoDB()