import pygame
from settings import *
import threading
import time
import sys
threadLock = threading.Lock()
Matrix = [[-1 for x in range(21)] for y in range(21)]
for yidx, row in enumerate(board):
for xidx, num in enumerate(row):
if num == '*':
Matrix[yidx][xidx] = 0
if num == '1':
Matrix[yidx][xidx] = 1
if num == '2':
Matrix[yidx][xidx] = 2
if num == '3':
Matrix[yidx][xidx] = 3
if num == '4':
Matrix[yidx][xidx] = 4
if num == '5':
Matrix[yidx][xidx] = 5
if num == '6':
Matrix[yidx][xidx] = 6
if num == '7':
Matrix[yidx][xidx] = 7
if num == '8':
Matrix[yidx][xidx] = 8
if num == '9':
Matrix[yidx][xidx] = 9
#up left sudoku
def findNextEmpty1():
global Matrix
for r in range(9):
for c in range(9):
if Matrix[r][c] == 0:
return r,c
return None,None
#up right sudoku
def findNextEmpty2():
global Matrix
for r in range(6):
for c in range(9,18):
if Matrix[r][c] == 0:
return r,c
for r in range(6,9):
for c in range(12,21):
if Matrix[r][c] == 0:
return r,c
return None,None
#center sudoku
def findNextEmpty3():
global Matrix
for r in range(9):
for c in range(9):
if Matrix[r][c] == 0:
return r,c
return None,None
#down left sudoku
def findNextEmpty4():
global Matrix
for r in range(9):
for c in range(9):
if Matrix[r][c] == 0:
return r,c
return None,None
#down right sudoku
def findNextEmpty5():
global Matrix
for r in range(9):
for c in range(9):
if Matrix[r][c] == 0:
return r,c
return None,None
class App:
def __init__(self):
self.window = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 800))
self.running = True
self.grid = board
self.selected = None
self.mousePos = None
self.font = pygame.font.SysFont("arial", cellSize//2)
def run(self):
while self.running:
def events(self):
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
self.running = False
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
selected = self.mouseOnGrid()
if selected:
self.selected = selected
print("not on board")
self.selected = None
def update(self):
self.mousePos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
def draw(self):
if self.selected:
self.drawSelection(self.window, self.selected)
def drawNumbers(self, window):
for yidx, row in enumerate(self.grid):
for xidx, num in enumerate(row):
if yidx <= 8 and xidx <= 8:
if num != "*":
pos = [(xidx*cellSize)+gridPos[0],
self.textToScreen(window, str(num), pos)
if xidx >= 9 and yidx >= 6 and yidx <= 8:
if num != "*":
pos = [(xidx*cellSize)+gridPos[0],
self.textToScreen(window, str(num), pos)
if xidx >= 9 and xidx <= 11 and yidx >= 12 and yidx <= 14:
if num != "*":
pos = [(xidx*cellSize)+gridPos[0],
self.textToScreen(window, str(num), pos)
if yidx >= 9 and yidx <= 11 and xidx <= 8:
if num != "*":
pos = [(xidx*cellSize)+gridPos[0]+180,
self.textToScreen(window, str(num), pos)
if yidx <= 5 and xidx > 8:
if num != "*":
pos = [(xidx*cellSize)+gridPos[0]+90,
self.textToScreen(window, str(num), pos)
if yidx >= 12 and yidx <= 14 and xidx > 11:
if num != "*":
pos = [(xidx*cellSize)+gridPos[0],
self.textToScreen(window, str(num), pos)
if yidx > 14 and xidx > 8:
if num != "*":
pos = [(xidx*cellSize)+gridPos[0]+90,
self.textToScreen(window, str(num), pos)
if yidx >= 12 and xidx <= 8:
if num != "*":
pos = [(xidx*cellSize)+gridPos[0],
self.textToScreen(window, str(num), pos)
def drawSelection(self, window, pos):
pygame.draw.rect(window, LightBlue, ((
pos[0]*cellSize)+gridPos[0], (pos[1]*cellSize)+gridPos[1], cellSize, cellSize))
def drawGrid(self, window):
pygame.draw.rect(window, Black, (gridPos[0], gridPos[1], 630, 630), 2)
for x in range(10):
pygame.draw.line(window, Black, (gridPos[0]+(x*cellSize), gridPos[1]), (gridPos[0]+(
x*cellSize), gridPos[1]+270), 2 if x % 3 == 0 else 1)
pygame.draw.line(window, Black, (gridPos[0], gridPos[1]+(
x*cellSize)), (gridPos[0]+270, gridPos[1]+(x*cellSize)), 2 if x % 3 == 0 else 1)
for x in range(12, 22):
pygame.draw.line(window, Black, (gridPos[0]+(x*cellSize), gridPos[1]), (gridPos[0]+(
x*cellSize), gridPos[1]+270), 2 if x % 3 == 0 else 1)
for x in range(10):
pygame.draw.line(window, Black, (gridPos[2], gridPos[1]+(
x*cellSize)), (gridPos[2]+270, gridPos[1]+(x*cellSize)), 2 if x % 3 == 0 else 1)
for x in range(10):
pygame.draw.line(window, Black, (gridPos[0]+(x*cellSize), gridPos[3]), (gridPos[0]+(
x*cellSize), gridPos[3]+270), 2 if x % 3 == 0 else 1)
pygame.draw.line(window, Black, (gridPos[0], gridPos[3]+(
x*cellSize)), (gridPos[0]+270, gridPos[3]+(x*cellSize)), 2 if x % 3 == 0 else 1)
for x in range(12, 22):
pygame.draw.line(window, Black, (gridPos[0]+(x*cellSize), gridPos[3]), (gridPos[0]+(
x*cellSize), gridPos[3]+270), 2 if x % 3 == 0 else 1)
for x in range(10):
pygame.draw.line(window, Black, (gridPos[2], gridPos[3]+(
x*cellSize)), (gridPos[2]+270, gridPos[3]+(x*cellSize)), 2 if x % 3 == 0 else 1)
for x in range(6, 16):
pygame.draw.line(window, Black, (gridPos[0]+(x*cellSize), gridPos[5]), (gridPos[0]+(
x*cellSize), gridPos[5]+90), 2 if x % 3 == 0 else 1)
for x in range(4):
pygame.draw.line(window, Black, (gridPos[4], gridPos[5]+(
x*cellSize)), (gridPos[4]+270, gridPos[5]+(x*cellSize)), 2 if x % 3 == 0 else 1)
for x in range(9, 12):
pygame.draw.line(window, Black, (gridPos[0]+(x*cellSize), gridPos[6]), (gridPos[0]+(
x*cellSize), gridPos[6]+90), 2 if x % 3 == 0 else 1)
for x in range(3):
pygame.draw.line(window, Black, (gridPos[7], gridPos[6]+(
x*cellSize)), (gridPos[7]+90, gridPos[6]+(x*cellSize)), 2 if x % 3 == 0 else 1)
for x in range(9, 12):
pygame.draw.line(window, Black, (gridPos[0]+(x*cellSize), gridPos[3]), (gridPos[0]+(
x*cellSize), gridPos[3]+90), 2 if x % 3 == 0 else 1)
for x in range(4):
pygame.draw.line(window, Black, (gridPos[7], gridPos[3]+(
x*cellSize)), (gridPos[7]+90, gridPos[3]+(x*cellSize)), 2 if x % 3 == 0 else 1)
def mouseOnGrid(self):
if self.mousePos[0] < gridPos[0] or self.mousePos[1] < gridPos[1]:
return False
if self.mousePos[0] > gridPos[0]+gridSize or self.mousePos[1] > gridPos[1]+gridSize:
return False
return((self.mousePos[0]-gridPos[0])//cellSize, (self.mousePos[1]-gridPos[1])//cellSize)
def textToScreen(self, window, text, pos):
font = self.font.render(text, False, Black)
fontWidth = font.get_width()
fontHeight = font.get_height()
pos[0] += (cellSize-fontWidth)//2
pos[1] += (cellSize-fontHeight)//2
window.blit(font, pos)
def checkNumber(x, y, n):
global Matrix
# up-left sudoku
if(x < 9 and y < 9):
# joint square
if (x > 5 and y > 5):
for i in range(0, 15):
if Matrix[y][i] == n:
return False
for i in range(0, 9):
if (Matrix[i][x] or Matrix[9][x-6] or Matrix[10][x-6] or Matrix[11][x-6] or Matrix[12][x] or Matrix[13][x] or Matrix[14][x])== n:
return False
x0 = (x//3)*3
y0 = (y//3)*3
for i in range(0, 3):
for j in range(0, 3):
# print(board[y0+i][x0+j])
if Matrix[y0+i][x0+j] == n:
return False
return True
for i in range(0, 9):
if Matrix[y][i] == n:
return False
for i in range(0, 9):
if Matrix[i][x] == n:
return False
x0 = (x//3)*3
y0 = (y//3)*3
for i in range(0, 3):
for j in range(0, 3):
# print(board[y0+i][x0+j])
if Matrix[y0+i][x0+j] == n:
return False
return True
# up-right sudoku
if(x > 8 and y < 9):
if (x > 11 and x < 15 and y > 5):
for i in range(6, 21):
if Matrix[y][i] == n:
return False
for i in range(0, 6):
if (Matrix[i][x-3] or Matrix[9][x-6] or Matrix[10][x-6] or Matrix[11][x-6] or Matrix[12][x] or Matrix[13][x] or Matrix[14][x]) == n:
return False
x0 = (x//3)*3
y0 = (y//3)*3
for i in range(0, 3):
for j in range(0, 3):
# print(board[y0+i][x0+j])
if Matrix[y0+i][x0+j] == n:
return False
return True
# joint square
elif (y>5 and x>14):
for i in range(12, 21):
if Matrix[y][i] == n:
return False
for i in range(0, 6):
if (Matrix[i][x-3] or Matrix[6][x] or Matrix[7][x] or Matrix[8][x]) == n:
return False
x0 = (x//3)*3
y0 = (y//3)*3
for i in range(0, 3):
for j in range(0, 3):
# print(board[y0+i][x0+j])
if Matrix[y0+i][x0+j] == n:
return False
return True
for i in range(9, 18):
if Matrix[y][i] == n:
return False
for i in range(0, 6):
if (Matrix[i][x] or Matrix[6][x+3] or Matrix[7][x+3] or Matrix[8][x+3]) == n:
return False
x0 = (x//3)*3
y0 = (y//3)*3
for i in range(0, 3):
for j in range(0, 3):
# print(board[y0+i][x0+j])
if Matrix[y0+i][x0+j] == n:
return False
return True
# down-right sudoku
if(x > 8 and y > 11):
if y < 15 and x > 14:
for i in range(12, 21):
if Matrix[y][i] == n:
return False
for i in range(15, 21):
if Matrix[i][x-3] == n:
return False
x0 = (x//3)*3
y0 = (y//3)*3
for i in range(0, 3):
for j in range(0, 3):
# print(board[y0+i][x0+j])
if Matrix[y0+i][x0+j] == n:
return False
return True
# joint square
elif (x > 11 and x < 15 and y < 15):
for i in range(6, 21):
if Matrix[y][i] == n:
return False
for i in range(15, 21):
if Matrix[i][x-3] or Matrix[6][x] or Matrix[7][x] or Matrix[8][x] or Matrix[9][x-6] or Matrix[10][x-6] or Matrix[11][x-6] == n:
return False
x0 = (x//3)*3
y0 = (y//3)*3
for i in range(0, 3):
for j in range(0, 3):
# print(board[y0+i][x0+j])
if Matrix[y0+i][x0+j] == n:
return False
return True
for i in range(9, 18):
if Matrix[y][i] == n:
return False
for i in range(15, 21):
if Matrix[i][x] or Matrix[12][x+3] or Matrix[13][x+3] or Matrix[14][x+3] == n:
return False
x0 = (x//3)*3
y0 = (y//3)*3
for i in range(0, 3):
for j in range(0, 3):
# print(board[y0+i][x0+j])
if Matrix[y0+i][x0+j] == n:
return False
return True
# down-left sudoku
if(x < 9 and y > 11):
# joint square
if (x > 5 and y < 15):
for i in range(0, 15):
if Matrix[y][i] == n:
return False
for i in range(12, 21):
if Matrix[i][x] or Matrix[9][x-6] or Matrix[10][x-6] or Matrix[11][x-6] or Matrix[16][x] or Matrix[7][x] or Matrix[8][x] == n:
return False
x0 = (x//3)*3
y0 = (y//3)*3
for i in range(0, 3):
for j in range(0, 3):
# print(board[y0+i][x0+j])
if Matrix[y0+i][x0+j] == n:
return False
return True
for i in range(0, 9):
if Matrix[y][i] == n:
return False
for i in range(0, 9):
if Matrix[i][x] == n:
return False
x0 = (x//3)*3
y0 = (y//3)*3
for i in range(0, 3):
for j in range(0, 3):
# print(board[y0+i][x0+j])
if Matrix[y0+i][x0+j] == n:
return False
return True
# up-middle 3*3 square
if(x > 8 and x < 12) and (y > 5 and y < 9):
for i in range(6, 15):
if Matrix[y][i] == n:
return False
for i in range(9, 12):
if Matrix[i][x-3] or Matrix[12][x] or Matrix[13][x] or Matrix[14][x] == n:
return False
x0 = (x//3)*3
y0 = (y//3)*3
for i in range(0, 3):
for j in range(0, 3):
# print(board[y0+i][x0+j])
if Matrix[y0+i][x0+j] == n:
return False
return True
# down-middle 3*3 square
if(x > 8 and x < 12) and (y > 5 and y < 9):
for i in range(6, 15):
if Matrix[y][i] == n:
return False
for i in range(9, 12):
if Matrix[i][x-3] or Matrix[12][x] or Matrix[13][x] or Matrix[14][x] == n:
return False
x0 = (x//3)*3
y0 = (y//3)*3
for i in range(0, 3):
for j in range(0, 3):
if Matrix[y0+i][x0+j] == n:
return False
return True
# middle 6*3
if(x < 9 and y > 8 and y < 12):
for i in range(0, 9):
if Matrix[y][i] == n:
return False
for i in range(6, 9):
if Matrix[i][x+6] or Matrix[12][x] or Matrix[13][x] or Matrix[14][x] == n:
return False
x0 = (x//3)*3
y0 = (y//3)*3
for i in range(0, 3):
for j in range(0, 3):
# print(board[y0+i][x0+j])
if Matrix[y0+i][x0+j] == n:
return False
return True
#print(checkNumber(8, 10, str(8)))
# up left sudoku
def solve1():
global Matrix
row, col = findNextEmpty1()
if row is None:
return True
if (row and col) > 5 and (row and col)<9:
for n in range(1,10):
if checkNumber(col,row,n):
Matrix[row][col] = n
if solve1():
return True
Matrix[row][col] = 0
return False
for n in range(1, 10):
if checkNumber(col,row,n):
Matrix[row][col] = n
if solve1():
return True
Matrix[row][col] = 0
return False
#up right sudoku
def solve2():
global Matrix
row, col = findNextEmpty2()
if row is None:
return True
if row>5 and row<9 and col>11 and col<15:
for n in range(1,10):
if checkNumber(col,row,n):
Matrix[row][col] = n
if solve2():
return True
Matrix[row][col] = 0
return False
for n in range(1, 10):
if checkNumber(col,row,n):
Matrix[row][col] = n
if solve2():
return True
Matrix[row][col] = 0
return False
t1 = threading.Thread(target=solve1)
t2 = threading.Thread(target=solve2)