
mail@pastecode.io avatar
8 months ago
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play a 2 vital vit role in maintaining balance i Earth's ecosysten. in the mumber/ lain forests a full of life. Mey'e home to the largest living species. It's full of natural resources. habitats But they be extremely and angred

One of te biggest faas affecting rainforests is deforestation. Each your, imiles of rain forests are destroy as For instance, logging companies farmers are cuitry. cutting Hon and are cut down. timber and cultory Keo for down to char. lams for farmima.

elephant thing

Stop hunting animals, and! Stop animals. -conerve animals (tings gorijas, endangered We should stop-cutting down of frees ono prohibit Premish the offenders and teach themble importana of We mack Citizens must restore damaged frests mae trees on lands where forests hovelaser cut dow by planting

Contribute the campaigns to raise epp's s awarenmasabt encourage tento live importance of the environment and e in a way thd dasi't hurt the earth.

(Establish parks to protect rainforests and wildlife. Suppat companies that works to minimize o'rmayeto le environment Shaduce oups bash and try to recycle materials

They provide valuable natural resources. Trees absorbond fault. all of the excess carbon and polluants from the atmosphere ond releas oxygen.

It's the most brediverse Rabitats en Ecully in other works, it 'ste home to

a diverse range of living organisions in the words. As rainforests around the world. becoming endangered on extind. destroyed, more species au

If ye contiome to destiny roumfords, all these amazing creatives will ngushere to to love


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