2 months ago
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#include "ShootingAction.h" #include "Cell.h" ShootingAction::ShootingAction(ApplicationManager* pApp) :Action(pApp) { } ShootingAction::~ShootingAction() { } void ShootingAction::ReadActionParameters() { } void ShootingAction::Execute() { Grid* pGrid = pManager->GetGrid(); Output* pOut = pGrid->GetOutput(); Input* pIn = pGrid->GetInput(); int x, y; if (!pGrid->GetEndGame()) { Player* playerX = pGrid->GetCurrentPlayer(); pGrid->AdvanceCurrentPlayer(); Player* playerY = pGrid->GetCurrentPlayer(); // Store player numbers for clarity in messages int playerXNumber = playerX->GetPlayerNumber() + 1; int playerYNumber = playerY->GetPlayerNumber() + 1; // Get positions and directions of both players CellPosition playerXPos = playerX->GetCell()->GetCellPosition(); CellPosition playerYPos = playerY->GetCell()->GetCellPosition(); Direction playerXDirection = playerX->GetDirection(); Direction playerYDirection = playerY->GetDirection(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Drawing calculations // Calculate StartX and StartY for Player X int startXx = playerXPos.HCell() * UI.CellWidth + UI.CellWidth / 2; int startYx = UI.ToolBarHeight + playerXPos.VCell() * UI.CellHeight + UI.CellHeight / 2; // Calculate StartX and StartY for Player Y int startXy = playerYPos.HCell() * UI.CellWidth + UI.CellWidth / 2; int startYy = UI.ToolBarHeight + playerYPos.VCell() * UI.CellHeight + UI.CellHeight / 2; // Initialize EndX and EndY for Player X's laser int endXx = startXx; int endYx = startYx; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Determine if playerX can shoot playerY bool playerXCanShoot = false; switch (playerXDirection) { case RIGHT: playerXCanShoot = (playerXPos.VCell() == playerYPos.VCell() && playerXPos.HCell() < playerYPos.HCell()); endXx = startXy; // End horizontally at Player Y's X position endYx = startYx; // Same vertical line break; case LEFT: playerXCanShoot = (playerXPos.VCell() == playerYPos.VCell() && playerXPos.HCell() > playerYPos.HCell()); endXx = startXy; // End horizontally at Player Y's X position endYx = startYx; // Same vertical line break; case UP: playerXCanShoot = (playerXPos.HCell() == playerYPos.HCell() && playerXPos.VCell() > playerYPos.VCell()); endXx = startXx; // Same horizontal line endYx = startYy; // End vertically at Player Y's Y position break; case DOWN: playerXCanShoot = (playerXPos.HCell() == playerYPos.HCell() && playerXPos.VCell() < playerYPos.VCell()); endXx = startXx; // Same horizontal line endYx = startYy; // End vertically at Player Y's Y position break; } // Determine if playerY can shoot playerX bool playerYCanShoot = false; int endXy = startXy; int endYy = startYy; switch (playerYDirection) { case RIGHT: playerYCanShoot = (playerYPos.VCell() == playerXPos.VCell() && playerYPos.HCell() < playerXPos.HCell()); endXy = startXx; // End horizontally at Player X's X position endYy = startYy; // Same vertical line break; case LEFT: playerYCanShoot = (playerYPos.VCell() == playerXPos.VCell() && playerYPos.HCell() > playerXPos.HCell()); endXy = startXx; // End horizontally at Player X's X position endYy = startYy; // Same vertical line break; case UP: playerYCanShoot = (playerYPos.HCell() == playerXPos.HCell() && playerYPos.VCell() > playerXPos.VCell()); endXy = startXy; // Same horizontal line endYy = startYx; // End vertically at Player X's Y position break; case DOWN: playerYCanShoot = (playerYPos.HCell() == playerXPos.HCell() && playerYPos.VCell() < playerXPos.VCell()); endXy = startXy; // Same horizontal line endYy = startYx; // End vertically at Player X's Y position break; } if (playerXPos.HCell() == playerYPos.HCell() && playerXPos.VCell() == playerYPos.VCell()) { //Both in the same cell (assume they will shoot eachother) playerXCanShoot = true; playerYCanShoot = true; } int playerXDamage = playerX->HasDoubleLaser() ? 2 : 1; int playerYDamage = playerY->HasDoubleLaser() ? 2 : 1; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (playerXCanShoot) { //Drawing pOut->DrawLaser(startXx, startYx, endXx, endYx); if (playerY->HasLaserReflection() && playerX->HasLaserReflection()) { // Both players have laser reflection gear playerY->DisableLaserReflection(); playerX->DisableLaserReflection(); playerY->SetHealth(max(0, playerY->GetHealth() - playerXDamage)); // Player Y takes the damage pOut->PrintMessage("Both players have laser reflection gear! Player " + to_string(playerYNumber) + " took the damage after reflections."); } else if (playerY->HasLaserReflection()) { // Reflect laser playerX->SetHealth(max(0, playerX->GetHealth() - playerXDamage)); playerY->DisableLaserReflection(); pOut->PrintMessage("Player " + to_string(playerXNumber) + " shot Player " + to_string(playerYNumber) + ", but the damage was reflected back!"); } else if (playerY->HasShield()) { playerY->DisableShield(); // Shield used once and then disabled pOut->PrintMessage("Player " + to_string(playerXNumber) + " shot at Player " + to_string(playerYNumber) + ", but the shield protected Player " + to_string(playerYNumber) + "!"); } else { playerY->SetHealth(max(0, playerY->GetHealth() - playerXDamage)); pOut->PrintMessage("Player " + to_string(playerXNumber) + " hit Player " + to_string(playerYNumber) + "! Damage dealt: " + to_string(playerXDamage)); } pIn->GetPointClicked(x, y); // Wait for user to click pOut->ClearStatusBar(); // Clear the status bar after click //clear Drawing } if (playerYCanShoot) { //Drawing pOut->DrawLaser(startXy, startYy, endXy, endYy); if (playerX->HasLaserReflection() && playerY->HasLaserReflection()) { // Both players have laser reflection gear playerX->DisableLaserReflection(); playerY->DisableLaserReflection(); playerX->SetHealth(max(0, playerX->GetHealth() - playerYDamage)); // Player X takes the damage pOut->PrintMessage("Both players have laser reflection gear! Player " + to_string(playerXNumber) + " took the damage after reflections."); } else if (playerX->HasLaserReflection()) { // Reflect laser playerY->SetHealth(max(0, playerY->GetHealth() - playerYDamage)); playerX->DisableLaserReflection(); pOut->PrintMessage("Player " + to_string(playerYNumber) + " shot Player " + to_string(playerXNumber) + ", but the damage was reflected back!"); } else if (playerX->HasShield()) { playerX->DisableShield(); // Shield used once and then disabled pOut->PrintMessage("Player " + to_string(playerYNumber) + " shot at Player " + to_string(playerXNumber) + ", but the shield protected Player " + to_string(playerXNumber) + "!"); } else { playerX->SetHealth(max(0, playerX->GetHealth() - playerYDamage)); pOut->PrintMessage("Player " + to_string(playerYNumber) + " hit Player " + to_string(playerXNumber) + "! Damage dealt: " + to_string(playerYDamage)); } pIn->GetPointClicked(x, y); // Wait for user to click pOut->ClearStatusBar(); // Clear the status bar after click //clear Drawing } // If neither can shoot if (!playerXCanShoot && !playerYCanShoot) { pOut->PrintMessage("No players in line of fire. Click to continue."); pIn->GetPointClicked(x, y); // Wait for user to click pOut->ClearStatusBar(); // Clear the status bar after click } // Check if the game should end if (playerX->GetHealth() == 0) { pOut->PrintMessage("Player " + to_string(playerYNumber) + " wins! Game over."); pIn->GetPointClicked(x, y); pOut->ClearStatusBar(); pOut->PrintMessage("Start a new Game."); pIn->GetPointClicked(x, y); pOut->ClearStatusBar(); pGrid->SetEndGame(true); return; } if (playerY->GetHealth() == 0) { pOut->PrintMessage("Player " + to_string(playerXNumber) + " wins! Game over."); pIn->GetPointClicked(x, y); pOut->ClearStatusBar(); pOut->PrintMessage("Start a new Game."); pIn->GetPointClicked(x, y); pOut->ClearStatusBar(); pGrid->SetEndGame(true); return; } pGrid->AdvanceCurrentPlayer(); pOut->ClearStatusBar(); pOut->ClearGridArea(); pGrid->UpdateInterface(); } }
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