class point:
def __init__(self,x,y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
class Rectangle:
""" A class to manufacture rectangle objects """
def __init__(self, posn, w, h):
""" Initialize rectangle at posn, with width w, height h """
self.corner = posn
self.width = w
self.height = h
def __str__(self):
return "({0}, {1}, {2})" .format(self.corner, self.width, self.height)
def grow(self, delta_width, delta_height):
""" Grow (or shrink) this object by the deltas """
self.width += delta_width
self.height += delta_height
def move(self, dx, dy):
""" Move this object by the deltas """
self.corner.x+= dx
self.corner.y+= dy
box = Rectangle(point(0, 0), 100, 200)
bomb = Rectangle(point(100, 80), 5, 10) # In my video game
print("box: ", box)
print("bomb: ", bomb)