a month ago
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//@version=5 indicator("FluidTrades - SMC Enhanced", overlay = true, max_labels_count = 500, max_boxes_count = 500, max_lines_count = 500, max_bars_back = 1000) // // SETTINGS // // Temel Ayarlar swing_length = input.int(10, title = 'Swing High/Low Length', group = 'Settings', minval = 1, maxval = 50) history_of_demand_to_keep = input.int(20, title = 'History To Keep', minval = 5, maxval = 50) box_width = input.float(2.5, title = 'Supply/Demand Box Width', group = 'Settings', minval = 1, maxval = 10, step = 0.5) // Hacim Ayarları volume_lookback = input.int(26, "Volume Lookback Periods", minval = 1, maxval = 100, group="Volume Settings") min_volume_change = input.int(10, "Min Volume Change %", minval = 1, maxval = 100, group="Volume Settings") // Görsel Ayarlar show_zigzag = input.bool(false, title = 'Show Zig Zag', group = 'Visual Settings', inline = '1') show_price_action_labels = input.bool(false, title = 'Show Price Action Labels', group = 'Visual Settings', inline = '2') supply_color = input.color(color.new(#EDEDED,70), title = 'Supply', group = 'Visual Settings', inline = '3') supply_outline_color = input.color(color.new(color.white,75), title = 'Outline', group = 'Visual Settings', inline = '3') demand_color = input.color(color.new(#00FFFF,70), title = 'Demand', group = 'Visual Settings', inline = '4') demand_outline_color = input.color(color.new(color.white,75), title = 'Outline', group = 'Visual Settings', inline = '4') bos_label_color = input.color(color.white, title = 'BOS Label', group = 'Visual Settings', inline = '5') poi_label_color = input.color(color.white, title = 'POI Label', group = 'Visual Settings', inline = '7') swing_type_color = input.color(color.black, title = 'Price Action Label', group = 'Visual Settings', inline = '8') zigzag_color = input.color(color.new(#000000,0), title = 'Zig Zag', group = 'Visual Settings', inline = '9') // Yapı Tipleri type Zone box box_obj int touches float volume_change int last_touch_bar float poi_level bool is_valid bool is_broken // // FUNCTIONS // // Array Yönetimi f_array_add_pop(array, new_value_to_add) => array.unshift(array, new_value_to_add) array.pop(array) // Hacim Analizi get_volume_change(lookback) => float vol_sum = 0.0 for i = 1 to lookback vol_sum += volume[i] avg_vol = vol_sum / lookback curr_vol = volume ((curr_vol - avg_vol) / avg_vol) * 100 // Swing High/Low Etiketleri f_sh_sl_labels(array, swing_type) => var string label_text = na if swing_type == 1 if array.get(array, 0) >= array.get(array, 1) label_text := 'HH' else label_text := 'LH' label.new(bar_index - swing_length, array.get(array,0), text = label_text, style=label.style_label_down, textcolor = swing_type_color, color = color.new(swing_type_color, 100), size = size.tiny) else if swing_type == -1 if array.get(array, 0) >= array.get(array, 1) label_text := 'HL' else label_text := 'LL' label.new(bar_index - swing_length, array.get(array,0), text = label_text, style=label.style_label_up, textcolor = swing_type_color, color = color.new(swing_type_color, 100), size = size.tiny) // Bölge Çakışma Kontrolü f_check_overlapping(new_poi, zone_array, atr) => atr_threshold = atr * 2 okay_to_draw = true for zone in zone_array if not na(zone) poi = zone.poi_level upper_boundary = poi + atr_threshold lower_boundary = poi - atr_threshold if new_poi >= lower_boundary and new_poi <= upper_boundary okay_to_draw := false break okay_to_draw // Bölgeye Temas Kontrolü is_touching_zone(zone) => var bool touching = false if not na(zone) box_top = box.get_top(zone.box_obj) box_bottom = box.get_bottom(zone.box_obj) if high >= box_bottom and low <= box_top touching := true if bar_index - zone.last_touch_bar > 5 zone.touches += 1 zone.last_touch_bar := bar_index touching // Supply/Demand Bölgesi Oluşturma f_supply_demand(value_array, bn_array, zone_array, box_type, atr) => atr_buffer = atr * (box_width / 10) box_left = array.get(bn_array, 0) box_right = bar_index float box_top = 0.0 float box_bottom = 0.0 float poi = 0.0 if box_type == 1 // Supply box_top := array.get(value_array, 0) box_bottom := box_top - atr_buffer poi := (box_top + box_bottom) / 2 else if box_type == -1 // Demand box_bottom := array.get(value_array, 0) box_top := box_bottom + atr_buffer poi := (box_top + box_bottom) / 2 vol_chg = get_volume_change(volume_lookback) if math.abs(vol_chg) >= min_volume_change and f_check_overlapping(poi, zone_array, atr) new_box = box.new( left=box_left, top=box_top, right=box_right, bottom=box_bottom, border_color=box_type == 1 ? supply_outline_color : demand_outline_color, bgcolor=box_type == 1 ? supply_color : demand_color, extend=extend.right, text=box_type == 1 ? "SUPPLY" : "DEMAND" ) new_zone = Zone.new( box_obj=new_box, touches=0, volume_change=vol_chg, last_touch_bar=bar_index, poi_level=poi, is_valid=true, is_broken=false ) array.unshift(zone_array, new_zone) if array.size(zone_array) > history_of_demand_to_keep old_zone = array.pop(zone_array) if not na(old_zone) and not na(old_zone.box_obj) box.delete(old_zone.box_obj) // BOS (Break of Structure) İşleme f_sd_to_bos(zone_array, bos_array, zone_type) => for zone in zone_array if not na(zone) and not zone.is_broken level_to_break = zone_type == 1 ? box.get_top(zone.box_obj) : box.get_bottom(zone.box_obj) if (zone_type == 1 and close >= level_to_break) or (zone_type == -1 and close <= level_to_break) copied_box = box.copy(zone.box_obj) f_array_add_pop(bos_array, copied_box) mid = (box.get_top(zone.box_obj) + box.get_bottom(zone.box_obj)) / 2 box.set_top(array.get(bos_array,0), mid) box.set_bottom(array.get(bos_array,0), mid) box.set_extend(array.get(bos_array,0), extend.none) box.set_right(array.get(bos_array,0), bar_index) box.set_text(array.get(bos_array,0), 'BOS') box.set_text_color(array.get(bos_array,0), bos_label_color) box.set_text_size(array.get(bos_array,0), size.small) box.set_text_halign(array.get(bos_array,0), text.align_center) box.set_text_valign(array.get(bos_array,0), text.align_center) zone.is_broken := true zone.is_valid := false // Bölge Etiketlerini Güncelleme f_update_zone_labels(zone_array) => for zone in zone_array if not na(zone) and not na(zone.box_obj) and zone.is_valid base_text = box.get_text(zone.box_obj) updated_text = base_text + "\nTouches: " + str.tostring(zone.touches) + "\nVol Δ: " + str.tostring(math.round(zone.volume_change)) + "%" box.set_text(zone.box_obj, updated_text) // Box Bitiş Noktasını Güncelleme f_extend_box_endpoint(zone_array) => for zone in zone_array if not na(zone) and not na(zone.box_obj) and zone.is_valid box.set_right(zone.box_obj, bar_index + 100) // // CALCULATIONS & VARIABLES // // ATR Hesaplama atr = ta.atr(50) // Swing High/Low Hesaplama swing_high = ta.pivothigh(high, swing_length, swing_length) swing_low = ta.pivotlow(low, swing_length, swing_length) // Array Tanımlamaları var swing_high_values = array.new_float(5,0.00) var swing_low_values = array.new_float(5,0.00) var swing_high_bns = array.new_int(5,0) var swing_low_bns = array.new_int(5,0) var supply_zones = array.new<Zone>() var demand_zones = array.new<Zone>() var supply_bos = array.new_box(5, na) var demand_bos = array.new_box(5, na) // // MAIN LOGIC // // Yeni Swing High İşleme if not na(swing_high) f_array_add_pop(swing_high_values, swing_high) f_array_add_pop(swing_high_bns, bar_index[swing_length]) if show_price_action_labels f_sh_sl_labels(swing_high_values, 1) f_supply_demand(swing_high_values, swing_high_bns, supply_zones, 1, atr) // Yeni Swing Low İşleme else if not na(swing_low) f_array_add_pop(swing_low_values, swing_low) f_array_add_pop(swing_low_bns, bar_index[swing_length]) if show_price_action_labels f_sh_sl_labels(swing_low_values, -1) f_supply_demand(swing_low_values, swing_low_bns, demand_zones, -1, atr) // Bölge Temaslarını Kontrol Et for zone in supply_zones if not na(zone) is_touching_zone(zone) for zone in demand_zones if not na(zone) is_touching_zone(zone) // BOS Kontrolü f_sd_to_bos(supply_zones, supply_bos, 1) f_sd_to_bos(demand_zones, demand_bos, -1) // Box ve Etiketleri Güncelle f_extend_box_endpoint(supply_zones) f_extend_box_endpoint(demand_zones) f_update_zone_labels(supply_zones) f_update_zone_labels(demand_zones) // Zigzag Hesaplama ve Çizim if show_zigzag h = ta.highest(high, swing_length * 2 + 1) l = ta.lowest(low, swing_length * 2 + 1) f_isMin(len) => l == low[len] f_isMax(len) => h == high[len] var dirUp = false var lastLow = high * 100 var lastHigh = 0.0 var timeLow = bar_index var timeHigh = bar_index var line li = na f_drawLine() => line.new(timeHigh - swing_length, lastHigh, timeLow - swing_length, lastLow, xloc.bar_index, color=zigzag_color, width=2) if dirUp if f_isMin(swing_length) and low[swing_length] < lastLow lastLow := low[swing_length] timeLow := bar_index line.delete(li) li := f_drawLine() if f_isMax(swing_length) and high[swing_length] > lastLow lastHigh := high[swing_length] timeHigh := bar_index dirUp := false li := f_drawLine() if not dirUp if f_isMax(swing_length) and high[swing_length] > lastHigh lastHigh := high[swing_length] timeHigh := bar_index line.delete(li) li := f_drawLine() if f_isMin(swing_length) and low[swing_length] < lastHigh lastLow := low[swing_length] timeLow := bar_index dirUp := true li := f_drawLine() if f_isMax(swing_length) and high[swing_length] > lastLow lastHigh := high[swing_length] timeHigh := bar_index dirUp := false li := f_drawLine()
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