JioFiber Firmware Upgrade LUA Function
3 years ago
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function firmware.upgrade (filename, reboot, rebootTime, background, flags,upgradeFlag) if (filename == nil) then local systemConfig = db.getTable("firmUpdateSystemConfig", false) filename = systemConfig[1].downloadPath end -- Outputs mentioned as comments but only for JCO4032. Your router may have different outputs. Check /tmp/system.db local upgrade = db.getAttribute("environment", "name", "UPGRADE_PROGRAM", "value") -- /pfrm2.0/bin/firmd local device = db.getAttribute("environment", "name", "DEVICE_NAME", "value") -- Reliance local partitionImage1 = db.getAttribute("environment", "name", "FLASH_FIRM_PARTITION", "value") -- /dev/mtd2 local partitionImage2 = db.getAttribute("environment", "name", "FLASH_FIRM_PARTITION_IMAGE2", "value") -- /dev/mtd4 local partition2Image1 = db.getAttribute("environment", "name", "FLASH_FIRM_FS_PARTITION", "value") -- /dev/mtd3 local partition2Image2 = db.getAttribute("environment", "name", "FLASH_FIRM_FS_PARTITION_IMAGE2", "value") -- /dev/mtd7 local firmName = "" if (util.fileExists ("/pfrm2.0/FIRMWARE_SIGNING_ENABLED1") == true or util.fileExists ("/pfrm2.0/FIRMWARE_SIGNING_ENABLED2") == true) then -- Check the status returned from firmware integrityCheck scrcipt upgradeCmd = "/pfrm2.0/bin/ " .. filename .. " " .. upgradeFlag .. " >/dev/null" os.execute (upgradeCmd) local firmSignCheck = "" f = ("/tmp/firmCheckRes.txt", "r") if(f ~= nil) then firmSignCheck = f:read("*line") f:close() else firmware.debugPrint("Firmware integrity check failed. Aborting upgrade ") return "1" end if (firmSignCheck ~= nil) then if ((string.find (string.lower(firmSignCheck), "error") ~= nil) or (string.find (string.lower(firmSignCheck), "sign or verify one file") ~= nil) or (string.find (string.lower(firmSignCheck), "no signature") ~= nil) or (string.find (string.lower(firmSignCheck), "mac and signing key cannot both") ~= nil) or (string.find (string.lower(firmSignCheck), "unsupported") ~= nil) or (string.find (string.lower(firmSignCheck), "failure") ~= nil)) then firmware.debugPrint("Firmware integrity check failed. Aborting upgrade ") return "1" else firmware.debugPrint("Firmware integrity check passed") end else firmware.debugPrint("Firmware integrity check passed") end f = ("/tmp/firmName", "r") if(f ~= nil) then firmName = f:read("*line") f:close() else firmware.debugPrint("Firmware integrity check failed. Aborting upgrade ") return "1" end end if (util.fileExists ("/pfrm2.0/BRCMJCO300") or util.fileExists ("/pfrm2.0/ECONET")) then local file = "" if (util.fileExists ("/pfrm2.0/HW_FOXCONN_JCO500")) then file = "HW_FOXCONN_JCO500" elseif (util.fileExists ("/pfrm2.0/HW_JCO110")) then file = "HW_JCO110" elseif( util.fileExists("/pfrm2.0/HW_HG260ES")) then file = "HW_HG260ES" elseif( util.fileExists("/pfrm2.0/HW_HG261GU2")) then file = "HW_HG261GU2" elseif (util.fileExists("/pfrm2.0/HW_HG260X")) then file = "HW_HG260X" elseif(util.fileExists("/pfrm2.0/HW_FIBERHOME_JCO300"))then file = "HW_FIBERHOME_JCO300" elseif(util.fileExists("/pfrm2.0/HW_JCOW206"))then file = "HW_JCOW206" elseif(util.fileExists("/pfrm2.0/HW_JCOW401"))then file = "HW_JCOW401" elseif(util.fileExists("/pfrm2.0/HW_JCOW403"))then file = "HW_JCOW403" elseif(util.fileExists("/pfrm2.0/HW_JCOW404"))then file = "HW_JCOW404" elseif(util.fileExists("/pfrm2.0/HW_JCOW411"))then file = "HW_JCOW411" elseif(util.fileExists("/pfrm2.0/HW_JCO2031"))then file = "JCO2031" elseif(util.fileExists("/pfrm2.0/HW_JCO4031"))then file = "JCO4031" elseif(util.fileExists("/pfrm2.0/HW_JCOW414"))then file = "JCOW414" elseif(util.fileExists("/pfrm2.0/HW_JCO4032"))then file = "JCO4032" elseif(util.fileExists("/pfrm2.0/HW_JCOW407"))then file = "JCOW407" elseif(util.fileExists("/pfrm2.0/HW_JMA24"))then file = "JMA24" elseif(util.fileExists("/pfrm2.0/HW_JCOW402"))then file = "JCOW402" end local firm_check_cmd = "" if (file ~= nil) then if (util.fileExists ("/pfrm2.0/FIRMWARE_SIGNING_ENABLED1") == true or util.fileExists ("/pfrm2.0/FIRMWARE_SIGNING_ENABLED2") == true) then firm_check_cmd = "strings " .. firmName.. " | grep " ..file.. " > /tmp/firm_check.txt" else firm_check_cmd = "strings "..filename.." | grep " ..file.. " > /tmp/firm_check.txt" end end os.execute(firm_check_cmd) local firmCheck = "" fp= ("/tmp/firm_check.txt", "r") if(fp ~= nil) then firmCheck = fp:read("*line") end if (firmCheck ~= nil) then if (string.match(firmCheck,file) == nil) then return "2" end else return "2" end end if (util.fileExists("/pfrm2.0/HW_HG260X")) then local filename = "/tmp/upgrade/download.dwn" local s1 = "strings "..filename.." | grep HG260X_D2.96 > /tmp/dmz6.txt " local s2 = "strings "..filename.." | grep HG260X_R2.96 >> /tmp/dmz6.txt " local s3 = "strings "..filename.." | grep HG260X_D2.97 >> /tmp/dmz6.txt " local s4 = "strings "..filename.." | grep HG260X_R2.97 >> /tmp/dmz6.txt " os.execute(s1) os.execute(s2) os.execute(s3) os.execute(s4) local contents = "" f = ("/tmp/dmz6.txt", "r") if(f ~= nil) then contents = f:read("*all") f:close() else f:close() return "ERROR" end if(string.match(contents,"HG260X_D2.96") or string.match(contents,"HG260X_R2.96") or string.match(contents,"HG260X_R2.97") or string.match(contents,"HG260X_D2.97")) then local query = "DROP TABLE dmz6" local valid = db.execute(query) if(valid)then db.save2() else db.rollback() end end end local runningFirmware = "" f ="/tmp/runningFirmware","r") if(f ~= nil) then runningFirmware = f:read("*line") f:close() else runningFirmware = "1" end if (runningFirmware == "1") then partition = partitionImage2 partition2 = partition2Image2 else partition = partitionImage1 partition2 = partition2Image1 end -- TODO: local upgradeprep = db.getAttribute("environment", "name", "UPGRADEPREP_PROGRAM", "value") if (util.fileExists ("/pfrm2.0/FIRMWARE_SIGNING_ENABLED1") == true or util.fileExists ("/pfrm2.0/FIRMWARE_SIGNING_ENABLED2") == true) then cmd = upgrade .. " -f " .. firmName .. " -d " .. device .. " -p " .. partition else cmd = upgrade .. " -f " .. filename .. " -d " .. device .. " -p " .. partition end if (partition2) then cmd = cmd .. " -s " .. partition2 .. " -R " .. partition2 end -- creating files in flash for using them in sending 0BOOTSTRAP event in tr69 os.execute("touch " ..firmware.flashKeepAliveEvents) --os.execute("touch " ..firmware.flashUpdradesManaged) if (util.fileExists(firmware.serialNUMFile)) then local serial = util.fileToString(firmware.serialNUMFile) if(serial ~= nil) then os.execute("/bin/echo " ..serial.. " > " ..firmware.flashserialNUMFile.. " ") end end if (util.fileExists(firmware.prodclassFile)) then local productclass = util.fileToString(firmware.prodclassFile) if(productclass ~= nil) then os.execute("/bin/echo " ..productclass.. " > " ..firmware.flashprodclassFile.. " " ) end end local filep =, "r") local swVersion = "" if (filep ~= nil) then swVersion = filep:read("*l") filep:close() end local fp =,"w") if (fp ~= nil) then fp:write(swVersion) io.close(fp) end if (tonumber(reboot) ~= 0) then cmd = cmd .. " -r " .. rebootTime if(util.fileExists("flash2/pfrm2.0/bin/ont_dc")) then os.execute ("/flash2/pfrm2.0/bin/ont_dc -e REBOOT NA 1 NA NA NA") else os.execute ("/pfrm2.0/bin/ont_dc -e REBOOT NA 1 NA NA NA") end end if (flags) then cmd = cmd .. " " .. flags .. " " end if (tonumber(background) == 0) then cmd = cmd .. " -F " end cmd = cmd .. "2> /dev/null" firmware.debugPrint("Exec = " .. cmd) status = os.execute (cmd) if(util.fileExists("/pfrm2.0/DEVICE_REPEATER"))then os.execute("/bin/ledctl1 ALL off;/bin/ledctl1 GREEN slowBlink;") end firmware.debugPrint("STATUS : " .. status) if (status ~= 0) then --create a file on Firmware upgrade Failure for DC os.execute ("touch /flash/DC_Firm_Upgrade_Failure") os.execute("rm -rf /flash/DC_Firm_Upgrade_Success") else --create a file on Firmware upgrade success for DC os.execute ("touch /flash/DC_Firm_Upgrade_Success") os.execute("rm -rf /flash/DC_Firm_Upgrade_Failure") os.execute("touch /flash/MESH_CONFIG_UPGRADE") os.execute ("rm -rf /flash/smartcable/") os.execute ("rm -rf /flash/smartcable/") os.execute ("rm -rf /flash/smartcable/firmware_file_version.txt") os.execute ("/bin/rm -rf /flash/ont_dc.conf") if( util.fileExists("/pfrm2.0/HW_HG260ES") or util.fileExists("/pfrm2.0/HW_HG260X")) then os.execute("/bin/ledctl WLAN off") os.execute("/bin/ledctl WPS off") end firmware.voipCleanUp() end return status; end
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