
mail@pastecode.io avatar
a year ago
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import csv

# Function to read the CSV file into a list of dictionaries
def read_csv(filename):
    musicians = []
    with open(filename, mode='r', newline='') as file:
        reader = csv.DictReader(file)
        for row in reader:
    return musicians

# Function to display a list of musicians
def show_musicians(musicians):
    for index, musician in enumerate(musicians, start=1):
        print(f"{index}. {musician['Artiestennaam']} - Genre: {musician['Genre']}, Instrument: {musician['Instrument']}, Uurprijs: {musician['uurprijs']}")

# Function to show musicians of a specific genre
def show_musicians_by_genre(musicians, genre):
    filtered_musicians = [musician for musician in musicians if musician['Genre'].lower() == genre.lower()]
    if filtered_musicians:
        print(f"No musicians found in the {genre} genre.")

# Function to show musicians with a specific instrument
def show_musicians_by_instrument(musicians, instrument):
    filtered_musicians = [musician for musician in musicians if musician['Instrument'].lower() == instrument.lower()]
    if filtered_musicians:
        print(f"No musicians found with {instrument} as their instrument.")

# Function to sort musicians by cost in descending order
def sort_musicians_by_cost(musicians):
    sorted_musicians = sorted(musicians, key=lambda x: float(x['uurprijs']), reverse=True)

# Function to calculate cost based on number of hours and hourly rate for a musician by name
def calculate_cost_by_name(musicians, musician_name, hours):
    found = False
    for musician in musicians:
        if musician['Artiestennaam'].lower() == musician_name.lower():
                hourly_rate = float(musician['uurprijs'])
                cost = hours * hourly_rate
                print(f"Cost for {musician['Artiestennaam']} for {hours} hours: {cost}")
                found = True
            except ValueError:
                print("Invalid hourly rate.")
    if not found:
        print(f"Musician with name '{musician_name}' not found.")

# Function to add musician(s)
def add_musician(musicians):
    num_musicians_to_add = int(input("Enter the number of musicians to add: "))
    for _ in range(num_musicians_to_add):
        artist_name = input("Enter artist name: ")
        genre = input("Enter genre: ")
        instrument = input("Enter instrument: ")
        uurprijs = input("Enter hourly rate: ")
        musicians.append({'Artiestennaam': artist_name, 'Genre': genre, 'Instrument': instrument, 'uurprijs': uurprijs})

# Function to delete a musician by name
def delete_musician_by_name(musicians, musician_name):
    found = False
    for musician in musicians:
        if musician['Artiestennaam'].lower() == musician_name.lower():
            found = True
    if not found:
        print(f"Musician with name '{musician_name}' not found.")

# Function to change instrument of a musician by name
def change_instrument_by_name(musicians, musician_name, new_instrument):
    found = False
    for musician in musicians:
        if musician['Artiestennaam'].lower() == musician_name.lower():
            musician['Instrument'] = new_instrument
            found = True
    if not found:
        print(f"Musician with name '{musician_name}' not found.")

# Function to change hourly rate of a musician by name
def change_hourly_rate_by_name(musicians, musician_name, new_hourly_rate):
    found = False
    for musician in musicians:
        if musician['Artiestennaam'].lower() == musician_name.lower():
            musician['uurprijs'] = new_hourly_rate
            found = True
    if not found:
        print(f"Musician with name '{musician_name}' not found.")

# Function to update data to the CSV file
def update_data(filename, musicians):
    with open(filename, mode='w', newline='') as file:
        fieldnames = ['Artiestennaam', 'Genre', 'Instrument', 'uurprijs']
        writer = csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=fieldnames)
    print("Data updated to the CSV file.")

# Main program
filename = 'Muziekdata.csv'
musicians = read_csv(filename)
print("\nChoose an option:")
print("1. User")
print("2. Admin")
print("3. Quit")

choice = input("Enter your choice: ")
while choice != "3":

    if choice == '1':
        print("\nUser functionalities:")
        print("0. Quit")
        print("1. Show all musicians")
        print("2. Show musicians of a specific genre")
        print("3. Show musicians with a specific instrument")
        print("4. Sort musicians by cost (descending order)")
        print("5. Calculate cost for a musician")

        user_choice = input("Enter your choice (1-5): ")

        if user_choice == '0':
        elif user_choice == '1':
        elif user_choice == '2':
            genre = input("Enter the genre: ")
            show_musicians_by_genre(musicians, genre)
        elif user_choice == '3':
            instrument = input("Enter the instrument: ")
            show_musicians_by_instrument(musicians, instrument)
        elif user_choice == '4':
        elif user_choice == '5':
            musician_name = input("Enter the name of the musician: ")
            hours = float(input("Enter the number of hours: "))
            calculate_cost_by_name(musicians, musician_name, hours)

    elif choice == '2':
        print("\nAdmin functionalities:")
        print("0. Quit")
        print("1. Add musician(s)")
        print("2. Delete musician")
        print("3. Change instrument")
        print("4. Change hourly rate")
        print("5. Update data to CSV")

        admin_choice = input("Enter your choice (1-5): ")

        if admin_choice == '0':
        elif admin_choice == '1':
        elif admin_choice == '2':
            musician_name = input("Enter the name of the musician to delete: ")
            delete_musician_by_name(musicians, musician_name)
        elif admin_choice == '3':
            musician_name = input("Enter the name of the musician to change instrument: ")
            new_instrument = input("Enter the new instrument: ")
            change_instrument_by_name(musicians, musician_name, new_instrument)
        elif admin_choice == '4':
            musician_name = input("Enter the name of the musician to change hourly rate: ")
            new_hourly_rate = input("Enter the new hourly rate: ")
            change_hourly_rate_by_name(musicians, musician_name, new_hourly_rate)
        elif admin_choice == '5':
            update_data(filename, musicians)

    elif choice == '3':

# Save changes before exiting
update_data(filename, musicians)


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