def on_press(self, event): # First check if settings menu is open root = self.winfo_toplevel() for widget in root.winfo_children(): if isinstance(widget, ctk.CTkFrame): # Main frame for child in widget.winfo_children(): if isinstance(child, SettingsMenu) and child.is_open: return # Don't process press if settings menu is open # Check if this instance is in reset mode if hasattr(self, 'is_reset_mode') and self.is_reset_mode: return current_time = time.time() if current_time - self.last_press_time >= self.cooldown_period: self.is_pressed = True self.press_animation_active = True self.last_press_time = current_time self.can_press = False print(f"{self.bin_id} button pressed") # Find turntable controller turntable = None for widget in root.winfo_children(): if isinstance(widget, ctk.CTkFrame): # Main frame for child in widget.winfo_children(): if isinstance(child, ClassificationPrompt): turntable = child.turntable break if turntable and turntable.is_initialized: self.start_manual_fill(turntable) else: MessageDialog( root, TRANSLATIONS[root.LANGUAGE].get('please_wait', 'Please wait'), root.DARK_MODE ) else: self.is_pressed = False self.press_animation_active = False def start_manual_fill(self, turntable): """Handle manual filling of bins""" if hasattr(self, '_fill_active'): # If fill is active, close the lid self.close_lid(turntable) return # Create loading screen loading_screen = LoadingScreen( self.winfo_toplevel(), message=TRANSLATIONS[self.winfo_toplevel().LANGUAGE]['manual_fill_started'], dark_mode=self.dark_mode, language=self.winfo_toplevel().LANGUAGE ) def perform_fill(): try: # Move turntable to position print(f"Moving turntable to {self.bin_id}") target_position = turntable.positions[self.bin_id] steps, direction = turntable._calculate_steps(target_position) turntable._move_motor(steps, direction) turntable.current_position = target_position # Short delay after movement time.sleep(1) # Open servo print("Opening servo") turntable.hardware.servo_motor.angle = 90 # Update loading screen message self.after(0, lambda: loading_screen.update_message( TRANSLATIONS[self.winfo_toplevel().LANGUAGE]['manual_fill_active'] )) self.after(0, lambda: loading_screen.update_status( TRANSLATIONS[self.winfo_toplevel().LANGUAGE]['tap_to_close'] )) # Set fill active flag self._fill_active = True # Start auto-close timer self._auto_close_timer = self.after(10000, lambda: self.close_lid(turntable)) except Exception as e: print(f"Error during manual fill: {e}") self.after(0, loading_screen.close) # Start fill process in separate thread thread = threading.Thread(target=perform_fill) thread.daemon = True thread.start() def close_lid(self, turntable): """Close the servo lid and measure fill level""" if hasattr(self, '_auto_close_timer'): self.after_cancel(self._auto_close_timer) del self._auto_close_timer if not hasattr(self, '_fill_active'): return loading_screen = LoadingScreen( self.winfo_toplevel(), message=TRANSLATIONS[self.winfo_toplevel().LANGUAGE]['manual_fill_closing'], dark_mode=self.dark_mode, language=self.winfo_toplevel().LANGUAGE ) def close_and_measure(): try: # Close servo turntable.hardware.servo_motor.angle = 0 time.sleep(0.5) # Wait for contents to settle # Measure fill level if hasattr(turntable, 'hardware'): readings = turntable.hardware.get_measurements() closest_reading, percentage = turntable.hardware.process_readings(readings) if percentage is not None: turntable.hardware.update_fill_level(self.bin_id, percentage) def update_and_close(): if not self._destroyed: self.set_fill_level(percentage) CircularProgress.update_all_instances() loading_screen.close() self.after(0, update_and_close) # Clear fill active flag del self._fill_active except Exception as e: print(f"Error closing lid: {e}") self.after(0, loading_screen.close) thread = threading.Thread(target=close_and_measure) thread.daemon = True thread.start()
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