
a month ago
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The problem we have to address and to get on the same page/reality is to acknowledge the IDF and the Israeli Government is objectively committing a genocide on all accounts as called out by the ICC and all the other relevant international observers. The ICC is essentially the international body that overlooks matters like international warcrimes, and anyone who has seen all the evidence and data online in heaps that makes it obvious.

Regardless of logic of the concept of saying it's their choice to be involved or not, the inheritance of responsibility began with the forceful removal of the indigenous people of the land there and collective punishment that has persisted in the aftermath.

All the evidence and data is there Isreal is carrying on a genocide  and there is a reason that there is arrest warrants out from the ICC for the leadership of the War/Genocide.

To understand this situation at its roots it has to be addressed that Israel in its very recent inception in history as far as nation state go, being founded in the last century post world war two as a settler colonial ethno state that came as consequence of a war that saw western forces funneling resources into a marginal set of political organizations and a religious movement that declared independence as a minority religious group/movement in the British held Territory of Palestine in the past century and forcibly displaced the overwhelming majority of native inhabitants from most of the land there. 

The Zionist movement was backed by western interests, primarily via Britian who had been in control of the territory of Palestine since the end of WWI, having been tasked to over it after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire after the war. 

It was a two birds one stone sort of deal to a degree for the world powers and westerns interest who decided they wanted to split off a new nation state inside the region of the middle east friendly to western interests and because there were a lot of refugees available from the end of both world wars to help come colonize the land and provide resources/bodies to the effort of colonizing the new ethnostate , which was seen as a relief valve to certain major powers of the western nations whom unfortunately were not friendly to certain refugees based on religion/ethnicity. So this created an opportunity for a small minority religious movement who wanted to create a "Jewish" ethnic nation state in what was stil the territory called Palestine.

More specifically after world war two the British Govement and western powers backed a plan to divide the region of Palestine that had previously already had seen a long term permanent Arab/Nom-Arab Jewish Palestinian minority population living in relative peace prior to British rule with the majority Muslim/ Christian Arab Palestinians into two separate states based on ethnicity/religion/background. There was not a mutually agreed upon consensus of all of the inhabitants of the majority Arabic region (70%) as to how the lands should be fairly split up but the leaders of the majority Arab population rejected what they saw as unfair terms/distribution proposed by the UN and one Zionist organization decided to hell with coming to a mutual agreement with the Majority of people who live here on how to divide the land up, let's declare independence anyway, which was instantly recognized first by the US and with the weapons and approval of the british/western forces who were pulling out of the region due to the the end of the British Mandate for Palestine which permitted Britains oversight over the region , leaving an incoming power vacuum. 

The western backed zionist movement had already been commiting acts of terror and forcibly removing/attacking the Arab Muslim/Christians Palestinians from certain regions of Palestine during the mandate with their plans to form a Jewish ethnic state well before the Zionist JPC declaring "Israels Independence", these attacks and genocidal actuons were later called the Nakba with many notable atrocities committed by the Zionist movement.

The movement had received clandestine training, a significant amount of advanced modern weaponry far superior to what was available to the less developed Arab powers of the region compared to the UN backed western military industrial complex of the time who had been already dumpjnf their resources into the movements militias even prior to the the JPC declaring independence despite not resolving the talks peacefully with the Arab population of the region. 

The movement was effectively a proxy for western interests in all but name as far as military resources went.

It's fair to say based on the backing of western forces that the Zionist militias had a vastly asymmetrical advantage over the native Palestinians and any supporting Arab neighbor state who each independently invaded over the following 10 months starting the day after the declaration. This was no surprise to the new nation state because it had been made clear that support would be coming if what was effectively a violent colonial effort to expel their allies in the region and influence the stakes of their powers/borders in the region. 

The original invasion of the overnight creation of Isreal as a nation state was defensive in support of the Palestinians who had essentially the global west backed zionist paramilitary making an effort to take over the territory and expel Palestinian Arabs from the territory and beyond what was outlined in the UN recommended guidelines through violent means.

There was never a chance for the foes of the Zionist of the time but that's because it wasn't really the Zionist movement resources making it happen, it was the resources and vast scale of asymmetric advantage given to the movement by the Global West who had their own interests in the region.

Subsequent wars have been a continuation consequences of the ongoing displacement and subjugation of Arab/Christian Palestinians in the newly formed ethnostate. 

Hamas is a reactionary element in a line of responses to what stems from that and to all of the consequences of its continued actions in the region that started in its inception and has never wrapped up.

Hamas plays a pivotal role in the dynamics of the region in being an potential reactionary agent provocateur in the presen that has even in part been fueled directly by Benjamin Netanyahu in the aims of having a more extremist reactionary force in power in Gaza than a more moderate organization/approach to dealing with the ongoing apartheid state and oppression of the Palestinians in the far rights more ongoing punishment and attempted efforts to displace them from their homeland.

It has become very clear with all the illegal settlements, announced and leaked plans of the current far right political party who currently controls the leadership and likely their equivalent arm of the rich benefactors of the military industrial complex that they want to take over more of Gaza i.e. illegally take land as part of a bigger long term goal of being in complete control of Gaza and eventually the West Bank.

Israel is supposed to be one of the most sophisticated and advanced militaries in the world, yet in their execution they are failing to respond in a legal and normally acceptable tactical matter that doesn't kill all of those innocent civilians and said hostages.

Instead the goal of those leading the war is to level the place as much as possible so they can move in, Hamas is just an excuse to bulldoze and take over.

They want people to leave, nor just Hamas, they want the populace gone, *by any means necessary*.

The government of Israel had an understandable reason to respond to that situation but a major issue is how they are going about that response;because it fits all the parameters of what would be normally considered a disproportionate and illegal genocidal response to the situation.

There are laws about killing journalist, doctors, civilians and who are lawful combatants.

There is a lawful expectation for the IDF to not mow down troves of innocents  to accomplish goals or for Israel to commit acts of terror like indiscriminate phone bombings of the leaders and members of organizations who are allies with Gaza in other sovereign countries they are not at legal war with. If Russia started doing that tomorrow to the Ukraine, the machine of the Western World wouldn't hesitate to immediately call that terrorism.

Destroying key infrastructure to civilian life like schools, hospitals, water towers and other critical non military related infrastructure are warcrimes.

Starving a population isn't allowed in the rules they are supposed to be following.

The Palestinians are not allowed to build military infrastructure in a conventional sense and Israel would have put a stop to that before as per the apartheid rule they have enforced on the populace/region So the militia is in a context where there is few places they can go in the space they occupy without being too far from civilian life because of the circumstances forced on them. It's an unfortunate reality that Hamas is situated that way but thats where we are at. The agency of the population is limited in being able to limit or hinder the reality of how Hamas operates in the conflict. Just like regular civilians would be to armed militias or governance anywhere else in the world.

Regardless of that it's become clear the Israeli military has been been commiting war crimes not limited to intentionally targeting places that are overwhelmingly supposed to be safe spaces like refugee camps where there is overwhelmjng context of their being primarily civilians and no apparent military ops there.

In most recent ***modern post WW2 conflicts*** other countries have dealt with similar circumstances without resolving to such atrocities and issues at this scale.

Save your whataboutism for any other country because I would never condone any country engaging in what Isreals military is documented so far of doing in regards to warcrimes.

I would expect any country to be held accountable, the US included but I don't control that so you want find me defending any nation states/populations military or militias engaging in such behavior.

It's the sort of thing that normally would get a country sorted out by the UN or similar but because of Israels relationships with the western global military industrial complex and the US as it's metaphorical unsinkable permanently parked battleship giving it and the global west a strategic military outpost and leverage in the region over critical resources locations that benefit the ruling interests of these nation states and the corporations that really run them. So the western ally states dump loads of money, resources, intelligence etc and agree to back the nation up in the UN but it's getting to be a parish state where only a marginal amount of countries allied with US imperial interests, all who have a history of engaging in warcrimes and imperialism too without facing the consequences which is wrong too IMO.

Benjamin Netanyahu and his interests are taking advantage of this opportunity created by Hamas and its reactionary based attack  and wrong doing to inflict maximum damage in their interest on every aspect of the populace well beyond military action. Including starving the population.

He is in trouble politically and legally before the war, so he has been putting all his resources to close out as much possible damage in the worst way possible before time and reality catches up to him.

"Two wrongs don't make a right" is supposed to be a value of the type of society Israel claims to be as a global leader in resources and influence, a sophisticated and clean fighting Nation State fighting the modern way that complies with the Geneva convention of which it's a signatory.

The efforts to go through the legal international channels of holding the government  of Israel and any responsible officials accountable for the current war is being delayed  by ongoing war and obstructions of justice in regards to access to information inside of the country.
What Hamas did to kick off this current war is wrong in any way that didn't engage with military targets, would be great if they found other means especially without warcrimes being committed by a part of their insurgency but the actions of Hamas do not give Israel a free pass to respond so disproportionately in its slaying of innocent unarmed people including tons of women, children/families with their elders because of the actions of the rebellion pushed by the Palestinians equivalent of a guerilla counter organization. An militia that is mostly rag tag and made up of people under 25 fighting in such a locked down and controlled region that is entirely dwarfed in comparison to Israel with its ever persistent Western Backing. 

It's like the comparison of a star wars equivalent of the Empire vs the Ewoks in the ratio of the scale of the armed forces of Hamas vs  the IDF/Govement of Israel. At least in regards to who should be the considered legal armed combatants of the war and legal reasonable targets as generally understood by the international rules based law & order that Israel is expected to subscribe to in conjunction with the laws and regulations that come with that.  

It has a responsibility to respond in a way that plays by the rules of war that are expected in response to a disproportionately smaller reactionary force that is a direct and ever persistent ongoing consequence of its oww actions as Nation state from its inception. 

There is also an expectation that they abide by agreements they had made in the aftermath of previous wars and in the long haul.

The prime minister is playing the long game to delay, delay, delay until his best logical off ramp presents itself. 

Him and those who should be held responsible for the war crimes will then be limited to where they won't be arrested and brought to the Hague or whatever other location in a similar capacity.

Anyone who cares about the lives of innocent people and not colonizing other peoples/lands should be concerned with the broader context of the ongoing genocide and cruel apartheid state that has opposed the Palestinians up until the present. Anyone who subscribes to those values would condemn these types of actions and not be out here defending those actions or trying to minimize or obfuscate the reality of what is being done to the Palestinians in the present and throughout recent history.

People who defend or deny the genocide have this bad tendency to just bundle in the whole population of Palestinians with the marginal part of the population who are a part of the armed/militia aspects of the Hamas and fail to humanize them within the broader context of their lived experience as a colonized people with limited marginal resources besides what they barely receive from the outside world under the strict control of Israel. Hamas and other organizations that make up what amounts to their governance there receive some support from other regional powers who want to liberate them from their invaders/oppression as a tightly controlled population that has been systematically punished for the past few decades and/or use them as a strategic military pawn in the bigger regional power struggle at the same time but it's not much compared to the resources of Israel on top of its other advantages in regards to how much control it has surrounding the population there. 

The palestinians as a whole are the original hostages and attacked group in all of this and what's going on there isnt right.
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