a year ago
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---------------------------- ESCONDER ALIADOS local ui = setupUI([[ Panel height: 37 BotSwitch id: title anchors.top: parent.top anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right text-align: center !text: tr('Hide Allies Members') BotSwitch id: hideguild anchors.top: title.bottom anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right height: 17 margin-top: 4 text-align: center $on: text: Hide Guild Editor $!on: text: Show Guild Editor ]]) local hideguild = setupUI([[ Panel height: 50 Label id: guildsName anchors.top: parent.top anchors.left: parent.left margin-top: 8 margin-left: 40 height: 17 text: Enter allies guild color: white BotTextEdit id: guildTextOne anchors.top: guildsName.bottom anchors.right: parent.right anchors.left: parent.left margin-top: 5 font: verdana-11px-rounded ]]) hideguild:hide() if not storage.hideguild then storage.hideguild = { enabled = false, } end local config = storage.hideguild ui.hideguild.onClick = function(widget) if not CaveBot.Config then return end if ui.hideguild:isOn() then hideguild:hide() ui.hideguild:setOn(false) else hideguild:show() ui.hideguild:setOn(true) end end ui.title:setOn(config.enabled) ui.title.onClick = function(widget) config.enabled = not config.enabled widget:setOn(config.enabled) end hideguild.guildTextOne:setText(config.guildasaliadas) hideguild.guildTextOne.onTextChange = function(widget, newText) config.guildasaliadas = newText end local filterPanel = modules.game_battle.filterPanel modules.game_battle.battleWindow:show() modules.game_battle.doCreatureFitFilters = function(creature) if creature:isLocalPlayer() then return false end if creature:getHealthPercent() <= 0 then return false end local pos = creature:getPosition() if not pos then return false end local isBotServer = vBot.BotServerMembers[creature:getName()] local localPlayer = g_game.getLocalPlayer() if pos.z ~= localPlayer:getPosition().z or not creature:canBeSeen() then return false end local hidePlayers = filterPanel.buttons.hidePlayers:isChecked() local hideNPCs = filterPanel.buttons.hideNPCs:isChecked() local hideMonsters = filterPanel.buttons.hideMonsters:isChecked() local hideSkulls = filterPanel.buttons.hideSkulls:isChecked() local hideParty = filterPanel.buttons.hideParty:isChecked() if hidePlayers and creature:isPlayer() then return false elseif hideNPCs and creature:isNpc() then return false elseif hideMonsters and creature:isMonster() then return false elseif hideSkulls and creature:isPlayer() and creature:getSkull() == SkullNone then return false elseif hideParty and creature:getShield() > ShieldWhiteBlue then return false elseif config.enabled and ((isFriend(creature) or creature:getEmblem() == 1 or creature:getEmblem() == 4 or isBotServer)) then return false end if storage.extras.checkPlayer and config.enabled then local guildText = config.guildasaliadas:lower() local creatureText = creature:getText():lower() if guildText:len() > 0 then local dividirs = string.split(guildText, ",") for i=1,#dividirs do local dividir = dividirs[i] dividir = dividir:trim() dividir = dividir:lower() if dividir:len() > 10 then dividir = dividir:sub(1,10) dividir = dividir.."..." if creatureText:find(dividir) then return false end end end end end return true end ui.title:setTooltip("Ao adicionar uma nova guilda aliada, ligue e desligue \n o hide guild para esconder a guilda aliada adicionada.") ui.hideguild:setTooltip("Edite a lista de aliados usando virgula.") UI.Separator()