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Assignment 1 Part B for COMS 4223 Neworks, Crowds, and the Web

import networkx as nx 
from typing import List
import numpy as np

### Exercise 2

def exercise2_1() -> int:
    return 42
    return 42
    # raise ValueError("Not implemented!") # remove this

def exercise2_2() -> List[int]:
    Return a list of all odd numbers between 50 and 150.
    result = []
    for i in range(51, 150, 2):
    return result
    # raise ValueError("Not implemented!") # remove this

### Exercise 3

def exercise3_1(p: str) -> nx.Graph:
    construct graph from file
    load p, the path to the txt file (for this assignment, "ca-GrQc.txt")
    as an undirected networkx graph. 

    return the graph
    # init a graph
    G = nx.Graph()
    all_nodes = set()
    # process the file
    with open(p, 'r') as file:
        for line in file:
            if line.startswith('#'):
            # source, sink
            nodes = line.strip().split()
            if len(nodes) >= 2:
                G.add_edge(nodes[0], nodes[1])
                print("single node")
    print("number of edges: ", G.number_of_edges())
    print("number of nodes: ", G.number_of_nodes())
    print("number of nodes by set: ", len(all_nodes))
    return G
    # raise ValueError("Not implemented!") # remove this

def exercise3_2(g: nx.Graph) -> tuple[int, int]:
    given a graph g, return a tuple of integers in the following order:
    1. the maximum degree in the network
    2. the minimum degree in the network

    networkx has G.degree() to get degrees for each node. (node_id, degree)
    degrees = dict(g.degree())
    maxd, mind = max(degrees.values()), min(degrees.values())
    return (maxd, mind)
    # raise ValueError("Not implemented!") # remove this

def exercise3_3(g: nx.Graph) -> tuple[
    given a graph g, return a tuple of the following in order:
    - Percentage of authors with only 1 coauthor. (degree == 1)
    - Percentage of authors with 10 or fewer coauthors.
    - Percentage of authors with 20 or fewer coauthors.
    - Percentage of authors with 40 or fewer coauthors.
    - Percentage of authors with 80 or fewer coauthors.
    represent each percentage as a decimal
    # ans 1: without np
    # bounds = [10, 20, 40, 80]
    # degrees = dict(g.degree())
    # total = len(degrees)    # total amount of ppl
    # result = []
    # # calculate each group
    # # group 1
    # count = sum(1 for d in degrees.values() if d == 1)
    # result.append(count / total)
    # # remaining groups
    # for b in bounds:
    #     count = sum(1 for d in degrees.values() if d <= b)
    #     result.append(count / total)
    # return tuple(result)
    # sol 2: using np
    bounds = [10, 20, 40, 80]
    degrees = np.array(list(dict(g.degree()).values()))
    total = len(degrees)
    result = []
    result.append( float(np.sum(degrees == 1) / total) )
    for b in bounds:
        result.append( float(np.sum(degrees <= b) / total ) )
    # result is ready
    return tuple(result)
    # raise ValueError("Not implemented!") # remove this

### Exercise 4

def exercise4_1(g: nx.Graph, n1: int, n2: int) -> bool:
    given a graph g and two nodes n1 and n2 in g,
    return True if n1 and n2 have a strong tie else False
    strong tie definition: edges (n1, n2), (n1, n3), (n2, n3) all exist in G. otherwise its a weak tie.

    in graph:
    if n1_neighbor intersects with n2_neighbor
    n1, n2 = str(n1), str(n2)
    if not g.has_edge(n1, n2):
        return False
    n1_neighbor = set(g.neighbors(n1))
    n2_neighbor = set(g.neighbors(n2))
    comm = n1_neighbor.intersection(n2_neighbor)
    return len(comm) > 0

    # if not g.has_edge(n1, n2):
    #     return False
    # return next(nx.common_neighbors(g, n1, n2), None) is not None
    # raise ValueError("Not implemented!") # remove this

def exercise4_2(g: nx.Graph) -> tuple[int, int, int]:
    Given a graph g, return a tuple of the following 3 values:
    - Number of edges 
    - Number of strong ties: if 2 nodes have a common neighbor
    - Number of weak ties: total edge - num(strong tie)
    total = g.number_of_edges()
    strong_ties = 0
    weak_ties = 0
    # check each pair of nodes
    for e in g.edges():
        n1, n2 = e
        n1_neighbor = set(g.neighbors(n1))
        n2_neighbor = set(g.neighbors(n2))
        comm = n1_neighbor.intersection(n2_neighbor)
        if len(comm) > 0:
            strong_ties += 1
    weak_ties = total - strong_ties
    return (total, strong_ties, weak_ties)

    # --
    # raise ValueError("Not implemented!") # remove this

def exercise4_3(g: nx.Graph) -> tuple[int, int, int, int]:
    Takes the graph g as an input and returns a tuple of the following 4 values:
    [work on original graph]
    - The number of connected components in the graph. use nx.connected_component(g)
    - The number of nodes in the largest connected component in the graph
    [work on modified graph]
    - The number of connected components in the graph, if you removed all weak ties.
    - The number of nodes in the largest connected component in the graph, if you removed all weak ties.
    # work on original graph
    components = list(nx.connected_components(g))
    num_cc = len(components)
    max_cc = len(max(components, key=len))

    # work on new graph
    g_strong = nx.Graph()
    # add only strong tie to new graph
    for e in g.edges():
        n1, n2 = e
        n1_neighbor = set(g.neighbors(n1))
        n2_neighbor = set(g.neighbors(n2))
        comm = n1_neighbor.intersection(n2_neighbor)
        if len(comm) > 0:
            # is a strong tie
            g_strong.add_edge(n1, n2)
    g_strong.add_nodes_from(g.nodes())  # add all nodes
    # count number for new graph
    components_strong = list(nx.connected_components(g_strong))
    num_cc_strong = len(components_strong)
    max_cc_strong = len( max(components_strong, key=len) ) if g_strong else 0

    return (num_cc, max_cc, num_cc_strong, max_cc_strong)

    # raise ValueError("Not implemented!") # remove this

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(exercise2_1()) # expected output: 42
    print(exercise2_2()) # expected output: 51 53 55 ... 149
    g = exercise3_1('ca-GrQc.txt')
    output_3_2 = exercise3_2(g)
    if len(output_3_2) != 2:
        raise ValueError("Output of exercise3_2 should be a tuple of 2 integers")
    output_3_3 = exercise3_3(g)
    if len(output_3_3) != 5:
        raise ValueError("Output of exercise3_3 should be a list of 5 floats")
    print(exercise4_1(g, 3466, 937)) # expected output: True
    print(exercise4_1(g, 3466, 14924)) # expected output: False
    output_4_2 = exercise4_2(g)
    print("output_4_2 = ", output_4_2)
    if len(output_4_2) != 3:
        raise ValueError("Output of exercise4_2 should be a tuple of 3 integers")
    output_4_3 = exercise4_3(g)
    print("output_4_3 = ", output_4_3)
    if len(output_4_3) != 4:
        raise ValueError("Output of exercise4_3 should be a tuple of 4 integers")
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