7 months ago
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<?php namespace App\Repositories\TransactionByQuota; use App\Models\TransactionByQuota; use App\Repositories\Repository; use Auth; use DB; use Carbon\Carbon; use File; use Illuminate\Support\Carbon as SupportCarbon; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage; class TransactionByQuotaRepository extends Repository { /** * @const RELATIONS * * Relaciones del repositorio * */ const RELATIONS = [ // 'tarjeta.afiliado' ]; /** * TransactionByQuotaRepository constructor. * */ public function __construct(TransactionByQuota $model) { parent::__construct($model, self::RELATIONS); } /** * This PHP fa provided in an object. * * @param object data is an object that contains the data needed to create a new record in * the database. The object should have the following properties: cedula, nombre1, nombre2, * apellido1, apellido2, correo, and telefono. These properties represent the personal information * of a person. * * @return the result of creating a new record in the database using the `create` method of the * model. The data for the new record is being passed as an associative array with keys `cedula`, * `nombre1`, `nombre2`, `apellido1`, `apellido2`, `correo`, and `telefono`. */ public function createNew(object $data, $cuenta_afiliado) { $image1 = $this->base64_to_jpeg($data->file_factura,'tmp.jpg'); $image2 = $this->base64_to_jpeg($data->file_ci_afiliado,'tmp.jpg'); $path_factura = $this->saveFileCuotaTransaccion($image1 ); $path_ci_afiliado = $this->saveFileCuotaTransaccion($$image2); return $this->model::with('statusAfiliado', 'cuentaAfiliados')->create([ 'serie' => $data->serie, 'factura' => $data->factura, 'observacion' => $data->observacion, 'pago_contado' => doubleEncryption($data->pago_contado), 'emision' => $data->emision ?? Carbon::now()->format('Y-m-d'), 'monto_factura' => doubleEncryption($data->monto_factura), 'monto_credito' => doubleEncryption($data->monto_credito), 'sucursal_id' => $data->sucursal_id, 'user_id' => $data->user_id ?? Auth::id(), 'cuenta_id' => $cuenta_afiliado->id, 'url_factura' => Storage::disk('transaccion')->url($path_factura), 'path_factura' => $path_factura, 'url_photo_afiliado' => Storage::disk('transaccion')->url($path_ci_afiliado), 'path_photo_afiliado' => $path_ci_afiliado, ]); } private function saveFileCuotaTransaccion($file) { $path = $file->store('transacciones', 'transaccion'); return $path; } private function base64_to_jpeg($base64_string, $output_file) { $prueba = file_put_contents($output_file, file_get_contents($base64_string)); $filename_path = md5(time().uniqid()).".jpg"; // $decoded=base64_decode($base64_string); // dd($decoded); $path = Storage::disk('transaccion')->put($filename_path, $prueba); return $path; } /** * It returns a query builder object with a nested relationship, and then it queries the database * again to get the first result of the query builder object, and then it gets the nested * relationship of the first result, and then it gets the nested relationship of the nested * relationship, and then it compares the nested relationship of the nested relationship of the * first result of the query builder object with the document and type parameters * * @param invoice The invoice number * @param document The document number of the user * @param type is the type of document, in this case it's a cedula (national id) * * @return A query builder object. */ public function searchInvoice($invoice, string $serie = null) { $user = Auth::user(); return $this->model::where([ ['factura', $invoice], ["serie", $serie], ['sucursal_id', is_null($user->sucursal_id) ? 1 : $user->sucursal_id] ])->first(); // if(!isset($query)) // { // return true; // }else{ // $afiliado = $query->tarjeta->afiliado; // dd(doubleDecryption($afiliado->aficedula) == $document && $afiliado->afitipoid = $type) ? true : false; // return (doubleDecryption($afiliado->aficedula) == $document && $afiliado->afitipoid = $type) ? true : false; // } } public function findById($id) { return $this->model::with(self::RELATIONS)->where('id', $id)->with(self::RELATIONS)->first(); } public function findByAccountId($id) { return $this->model::with(self::RELATIONS)->where('cuenta_id', $id)->get(); } public function index() { return $this->model::with(self::RELATIONS) ->whereDate('created_at', Carbon::now()->format('Y-m-d')) ->where('sucursal_id', Auth::user()->sucursal_id) ->get()->map->format(); } }
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