3 years ago
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-- test için oluşturulan tablolar create table firm_codes ( firm_id int primary key identity(1, 1), food_registry_start_date datetime not null, food_registry_end_date datetime null, deleted bit not null ) go create table supply_contracts ( supply_id int primary key identity(1, 1), firm_id int references firm_codes(firm_id), deleted bit not null ) go ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- declare @BaslangicTarihi datetime = '2022-01-23' declare @BitisTarihi datetime = '2023-05-10' -- case deyimi için oluşturulmuş değişkenler declare @is_valid bit = 1 declare @is_valid_true bit = 1 declare @is_valid_false bit = 0 -- fake datalardan oluşan 1000 elemanın hepsini dönmek için oluşturulmuş döngü değişkenleri declare @i int = 1 declare @n int = 1000 while @i <= @n begin -- Kullanılan sorgu select fc.firm_id, fc.food_registry_start_date as Baslangic, fc.food_registry_end_date as Bitis, fc.deleted as fc_deleted, sc.deleted as sc_deleted from dbo.firm_codes as fc with(nolock) inner join dbo.supply_contracts sc with(nolock) on fc.firm_id = sc.firm_id where @is_valid = ( case when fc.food_registry_end_date is null and DATEDIFF(day, @BaslangicTarihi, fc.food_registry_start_date) < 0 then @is_valid_true when fc.food_registry_end_date is not null and DATEDIFF(day, @BaslangicTarihi, fc.food_registry_start_date) < 0 and DATEDIFF(day, @BitisTarihi, fc.food_registry_end_date) >= 0 then @is_valid_true else @is_valid_false end ) and ( fc.deleted = 0 and sc.deleted = 0 and fc.firm_id = @i ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- döngü değeri 1 arttırıldı set @i = @i + 1 end -- end while
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