a year ago
1.9 kB
const { session, Markup, Scenes, Telegraf } = require('telegraf'); require('dotenv').config(); const clientsQueue = []; const bot = new Telegraf(process.env.BOT_TOKEN); const welcomeScene = new Scenes.BaseScene("welcome-scene"); welcomeScene.enter(async ctx => { await ctx.replyWithMarkdownV2("Welcome", Markup.inlineKeyboard( [ Markup.button.url("🌐 Website", "<some_url>"), Markup.button.url("📞 Support", "<some_url>") ]) ); }); welcomeScene.on("message", async ctx => await ctx.reply("Click on buttons to continue")); const secondScene = new Scenes.BaseScene("second-scene"); secondScene.enter(async ctx => { await ctx.deleteMessage(); //Need to add to clients queue clientsQueue.push(ctx) await ctx.replyWithMarkdownV2("People in second scene: " + clientsQueue.length, Markup.inlineKeyboard([ Markup.button.callback("❌ Close", "close"), ]) ); }); secondScene.action("close", async ctx => { await ctx.deleteMessage(); //need to remove from clients queue clientsQueue.splice(clientsQueue.map(x => x.chatId).indexOf(ctx.chat.id), 1); ctx.scene.enter('welcome-scene'); }); secondScene.on("message", async ctx => await ctx.reply("Click on buttons to continue")); const stage = new Scenes.Stage([welcomeScene, secondScene]); bot.use(session()); bot.use(stage.middleware()); bot.command('start', (ctx) => ctx.scene.enter('welcome-scene')); bot.action('start', (ctx) => ctx.scene.enter('welcome-scene')); bot.command('second', (ctx) => ctx.scene.enter('second-scene')); bot.action('second', (ctx) => ctx.scene.enter('second-scene')); bot.on("message", (ctx) => ctx.scene.enter('welcome-scene')); bot.launch(); // Enable graceful stop process.once('SIGINT', () => bot.stop('SIGINT')); process.once('SIGTERM', () => bot.stop('SIGTERM'));
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