cs final pre release
3 years ago
9.9 kB
Number_of_Members= int(input("How many memebers do you want to add: ")) First_Name=[""]*Number_of_Members Last_Name=[""]*Number_of_Members Volunteer=[""]*Number_of_Members Area=[""]*Number_of_Members date_of_joining=[""]*Number_of_Members Paid=[""]*Number_of_Members members_who_volunteer=[""]*Number_of_Members pierentrance=[""]*Number_of_Members giftshop=[""]*Number_of_Members painting_and_decorating=[""]*Number_of_Members expired_membership=[""]*Number_of_Members not_paid=[""]*Number_of_Members sponsorship_text= [""]*Number_of_Members sponsorship= [""]*Number_of_Members data_to_print= [""]*Number_of_Members charge=[""]*Number_of_Members #Task 1 for i in range (Number_of_Members): First_Name[i]= input("Enter your first name: ") while First_Name[i]=="" : print("Please ensure you enter your first name") First_Name[i]= input("Enter your first name: ") Last_Name[i]= input("Enter your last name: ") while Last_Name[i]=="": print("Please ensure you enter your last name") Last_Name[i]= input("Enter your last name: ") options= input("Do you want to become a volunteer (Yes/No): ").lower() while options !=("yes") and options !=("no"): print("Please ensure you say Yes or No") options= input("Do you want to become a volunteer (Yes/No): ").lower() if options=="yes": Volunteer[i]= "wants to become a volunteer at" if options=="no": Volunteer[i]= "Does not want to become a volunteer" if options=="no": Area[i]="" if options=="yes": print("1 = the pier entrance gate") print("2 = the gift shop") print("3 = painting and decorating") location=input("Please enter the number corresponding to the area you want to work at: ") while location !=("1") and location !=("2") and location !=("3"): print("Please ensure you choose the correct number that represents where you want to work at") location=input("Please enter the number corresponding to the area you want to work at: ") if location=="1": Area[i]= "The pier entrance gate" if location=="2": Area[i]= "The gift shop" if location=="3": Area[i]= "Painting and decorating" day= int(input("Enter the day of joining (1 to 31): ")) while day<1 or day>31 : print("Please ensure you enter the day you joined (1 to 31): ") day= int(input("Enter the day of joining (1 to 31): ")) month= int(input("Enter the month of joining (1 to 12): ")) while month<1 or month>12: print("Please ensure you enter the month of joining (1 to 12): ") month= int(input("Enter the month of joining (1 to 12): ")) year= int(input("Enter the year of joining (2000 till 2022): ")) while year>2022 or year<2000: print("Please enter the year of joining (2000 till 2022): ") year= int(input("Enter the year of joining (2000 till 2022): ")) date_of_joining[i]=f"{day}/{month}/{year}" fee= input("Have you paid the $75 Fee? Yes/No: ").lower() while fee !=("yes") and fee !=("no"): print("Please say Yes or No") fee= input("Have you paid the $75 Fee? Yes/No: ").lower() if fee=="yes": Paid[i]="and has paid the $75 fee" else: Paid[i]="and has not paid the $75 fee" #Task 2 if options=="yes": members_who_volunteer[i]= f"{First_Name[i]} {Last_Name[i]} wants to become a volunteer" if location=="1": pierentrance[i]= f"{First_Name[i]} {Last_Name[i]} wants to become a volunteer at {Area[i]}" if location=="2": giftshop[i]= f"{First_Name[i]} {Last_Name[i]} wants to become a volunteer at {Area[i]}" if location=="3": painting_and_decorating[i]= f"{First_Name[i]} {Last_Name[i]} wants to become a volunteer at {Area[i]}" if year<2022: expired_membership[i]= f"{First_Name[i]} {Last_Name[i]} has an expired membership" if fee=="no": not_paid[i]= f"{First_Name[i]} {Last_Name[i]} has not paid the $75 fee" print("1 = Members who have chosen to volunteer \n" \ "2=Volunteers who would like to work at the pier entrance gate \n" \ "3=Volunteers who would like to work at the gift shop \n" \ "4=Volunteers who would like to help with the painting and decorating tasks\n" \ "5=Members whose membership has expired\n" \ "6=Members who have not paid their $75 fee ") data_to_print[i]= input(" Choose the number above corresponding to what you want to print or say 'None' if you dont want to print anything: ") while data_to_print[i] !=("1") and data_to_print[i] !=("2") and data_to_print[i] !=("3") and data_to_print[i] !=("4") and data_to_print[i] !=("5") and data_to_print[i] !=("6")and data_to_print[i] !=("None"): data_to_print[i]= input(" Choose the number above corresponding to what you want to print or say 'None' if you dont want to print anything: ") if data_to_print[i]== "1": data_to_print[i]= members_who_volunteer[i] if data_to_print[i]== "2": data_to_print[i]= pierentrance[i] if data_to_print[i]== "3": data_to_print[i]= giftshop[i] if data_to_print[i]== "4": data_to_print[i]= painting_and_decorating[i] if data_to_print[i]== "5": data_to_print[i]= expired_membership[i] if data_to_print[i]== "6": data_to_print[i]= not_paid[i] if data_to_print[i]== "None": data_to_print[i]= "" print(data_to_print[i]) #Task3 for i in range (Number_of_Members): sponsor = input("Do you want to sponsor a wooden plank (Yes/No): ").lower() while sponsor !=("yes") and sponsor !=("no"): print("Please say Yes or No") sponsor = input("Do you want to sponsor a wooden plank (Yes/No): ").lower() if sponsor=="yes": sponsorship_text[i]= input("Enter the message you want on the brass plaque (not larger than 20 words): ") if len(sponsorship_text[i].split())>20: print("Please enter a message that is no longer than 20 words") sponsorship_text[i]= input("Enter the message you want on the brass plaque (not larger than 20 words): ") sponsorship[i]= f"{First_Name[i]} {Last_Name[i]} wants to sponsor a wooden plank with text '{sponsorship_text[i]}'" print("Sponsor status is:",sponsor ) print("Sponsorship text is:",sponsorship_text[i]) print("You will be charged $200 for the sponsorship") errors= input(" Are there any errors you would like to correct (Yes/No): ").lower() while errors !=("yes") and errors !=("no"): errors= input(" Are there any errors you would like to correct (Yes/No): ").lower() while errors == "yes": if sponsor=="yes": sponsorship_text[i]= input("Enter the message you want on the brass plaque (not larger than 20 words): ") if len(sponsorship_text[i].split())>20: print("Please enter a message that is no longer than 20 words") sponsorship_text[i]= input("Enter the message you want on the brass plaque (not larger than 20 words): ") sponsorship[i]= f"{First_Name[i]} {Last_Name[i]} wants to sponsor a wooden plank with text '{sponsorship_text[i]}'" print("Sponsor status is:",sponsor ) print("Sponsorship text is:",sponsorship_text[i]) print("You will be charged $200 for the sponsorship") errors= input(" Are there any errors you would like to correct (Yes/No): ").lower() while errors !=("yes") and errors !=("no"): errors= input(" Are there any errors you would like to correct (Yes/No): ").lower() if fee=="no" and sponsor=="yes": charge[i]= f"$275" if fee=="yes" and sponsor=="no": charge[i]= f"$0" if fee=="yes" and sponsor=="yes": charge[i]= f"$200" if fee=="no" and sponsor=="no": charge[i]= f"$75" print("1 = Members who have chosen to volunteer \n" \ "2=Volunteers who would like to work at the pier entrance gate \n" \ "3=Volunteers who would like to work at the gift shop \n" \ "4=Volunteers who would like to help with the painting and decorating tasks\n" \ "5=Members whose membership has expired\n" \ "6=Members who have not paid their $75 fee ") #data_to_print[i]= input(" Choose the number above corresponding to what you want to print or say 'None' if you dont want to print anything: ") #while data_to_print[i] !=("1") and data_to_print[i] !=("2") and data_to_print[i] !=("3") and data_to_print[i] !=("4") and data_to_print[i] !=("5") and data_to_print[i] !=("6")and data_to_print[i] !=("None"): # data_to_print[i]= input(" Choose the number above corresponding to what you want to print or say 'None' if you dont want to print anything: ") #if data_to_print[i]== "1": # data_to_print[i]= members_who_volunteer[i] #if data_to_print[i]== "2": # data_to_print[i]= pierentrance[i] #if data_to_print[i]== "3": # data_to_print[i]= giftshop[i] #if data_to_print[i]== "4": # data_to_print[i]= painting_and_decorating[i] #if data_to_print[i]== "5": # data_to_print[i]= expired_membership[i] #if data_to_print[i]== "6": # data_to_print[i]= not_paid[i] #if data_to_print[i]== "None": # data_to_print[i]= "" for i in range (Number_of_Members): print(f"{First_Name[i]} {Last_Name[i]} {Volunteer[i]} {Area[i]} and the start of the membership is {date_of_joining[i]} and the charge is {charge[i]}") print(data_to_print[i])