2 years ago
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/* Text color */ cursor: pointer; /* Add a mouse pointer on hover */ padding: 15px; /* Some padding */ border-radius: 50px; /* Rounded corners */ font-size: 18px; /* Increase font size */ } #myBtn:hover { background-color: #555; /* Add a dark-grey background on hover */ } @media (max-width: 1555px) { .workImgLeft { transition: 1s; left: 5%; } .workImgRight { transition: 1s; left: 84%; } } @media (max-width: 810px) { .workImgLeft, .workImgRight { display: none; } } @media (max-width: 768px) { .top-contact { height: 800px; } .inputStyleOne, .inputStyleTwo, .inputStyleThree, .inputStyleFour, .messageStyle { width: auto !important; } .formStyle { display: flex; flex-direction: column; width: 100%; } .top-contact h3 { margin: 0; padding-left: 10px; float: left; } .first-section, .second-section, .third-section, .fourth-section { flex-direction: column; gap: 0; padding-right: 1rem; } .submitStyle, .submitStyle:hover { width: 100%; } }