--- Multishot Monster Spell ---
--- by ShivaShadowsong -----
--- For TFS 0.3.6 ------------
local function canTargetVictim(caster, victim)
-- Don't target the caster.
if caster == victim then
return false
local master = getCreatureMaster(caster)
if master ~= cid then
-- Don't target the creature if their master is the same as mine.
if master == getCreatureMaster(victim) then
return false
if isPlayer(victim) then
-- Don't target privileged players.
if getPlayerGroupId(victim) >= 3 then
return false
-- TODO: Don't target any players at all if my master is a player and doesn't have PVP turned on?
-- ...
-- Don't target Npcs.
if isNpc(victim) then
return false
return true
function onCastSpell(cid, var)
local configs = {
["Innate Familiar"] = {
mindmg = -500, -- Minimum damage (don't forget that this number has to be negative)
maxdmg = -1000, -- Maximum damage (don't forget that this number has to be negative)
dmgtype = COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE, -- Damage type (for available types, check your Constants library)
shooteff = 3, -- Number of distance effect that will be shot (can also be a constant)
splasheff = 187, -- Number of magic effect that will be displayed when the target is shot (can also be a constant)
delay = 200, -- Delay at which multiple shots will be fired. In miliseconds.
shots = 2, -- How many shots will the monster fire per attack?
shootrange = 6 -- Range at which the monster scans for targets and shoots the shots.
---- Don't touch anything below unless you know what you're doing ----
local self = configs[getCreatureName(cid)]
if ((not self) or (getCreatureTarget(cid) == 0)) then
return true
local victims = getSpectators(getThingPos(cid.uid), self.shootrange, self.shootrange) -- List of potential victims to scan through.
local victimtable = {} -- Will hold an array of all creatures on which we've decided to fire.
-- First shot will always be fired at the primary target, which is a mandatory target to have in order for this ability to have been used.
local shotsLeft = self.shots - 1
table.insert(victimtable, getCreatureTarget(cid))
-- Form a table of all other creatures who will be shot according to how many shots there are left to fire.
if shotsLeft > 0 then
for _, victim in pairs(victims) do
if shotsLeft > 0 then
local canTarget = canTargetVictim(cid, victim)
if (not (isInArray(victimtable, victim)) and canTarget) then
table.insert(victimtable, victim)
shotsLeft = shotsLeft - 1
-- Fire the shots.
for _, victim in pairs(victimtable) do
local shotsFired = 0
if isCreature(cid) and isCreature(victim) then
if getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(cid.uid), getThingPos(victim)) <= self.shootrange and isSightClear(getThingPos(cid.uid), getThingPos(victim), false) then
doSendDistanceShoot(getThingPos(cid.uid), getThingPos(victim), self.shooteff)
doTargetCombatHealth(cid, victim, self.dmgtype, self.mindmg, self.maxdmg, self.splasheff)
-- TODO: Play some poof effect or display some message if the target got out of range/out of sight before the shot was fired?
end, shotsFired * self.delay)
return true